How to eat cheese?

Do you like cheese like I love it? Cheese plate, yes to a glass of wine
– my most favorite dish. Or is it more of a snack? To be honest, I
always treated cheese as a light snack and only recently
thought about the fact that this is a fairly high-calorie product. After all he
contains animal fat. And that means cholesterol. And also salt. Real
calorie bomb. On the other hand, what about the famous French

For answers to my “cheese” questions, I turned to a specialist
weight correction clinics Rimma Rita Olga Perevalova.

Интервью диетолога Ольги Переваловой

– Olga Chrysanthemovna, tell me how to eat

– I think we should learn from the French in this matter.
Still, this is a gourmet nation, and cheese is a favorite product there. I myself
I visit France several times a year, and each time I bring cheeses
half the box.

The average Russian a year eats only 8 kg of cheese, while
while the average Frenchman is twenty-five. At the same time, notice
the French are one of the healthiest and, most importantly, slender nations in
the world.

– Why?

– It’s all about the “dose” and serving. The French tend to eat
cheese during the day, but in small portions. If you remember
special boards, knives and cheese paddles will probably agree –
everything is designed to cut thin, almost transparent pieces.
K, too, the French eat cheese separately from other food – between the main
dish and dessert.

– Are there any rules about the cheese plate – like
pick different varieties, how to combine?

– The rule is very simple. Imagine that a plate is a dial.
hours From 12 to 3 – place the lightest cheeses, 10-20% fat,
from 3 to 6 fatter – from 20 to 30%, from 6 to 9 to 40%, and from 9 to
12 – the fattest, up to 90%. It is convenient for both guests and

Everyone can decide how much fat cheese he will be today
there is. You need to know that the meaning of the cheese plate is not to eat
to satiety, but to try different tastes. So that
calorie cheese should not scare you – all is good in moderation. To that
natural cheese is better than sugar and glutamate.

– By the way, about naturalness. How harmful are various cheap
Cheese – smoked, melted, dip and spreads based on them?

– Honestly, I was surprised by their presence on the shelves. Who their
is buying?

– Many people buy. Someone thinks that smoked and melted
cheese is an ideal beer snack, someone is nostalgic for the USSR or
poor student. Some moms are sure that the soup is melted
Cheesecake is very good for a child. Even on the packaging of cheese with mushrooms,
for example, write “For soup.”

– Well, I don’t even want to comment on cheese and beer. Cheese with a glass
wine – yes, this is a good meal, but again, in moderation.

And about the processed cheese … just need to be reminded – it came up
to do in Switzerland when the batch of cheese failed. And not to
throw it out, melted, put up and sold.

And why eat second-rate products and teach children to them? It is better
buy 100g of good cheese, there will be more benefits.

– You talk a lot about France, and is it true that there are children
are taught to gourmet cheeses from 4-5 years?

– In France, in principle, much attention is paid to the nutrition of children.
And 4-5 years old is exactly the age when in the child’s body
There are enzymes that allow you to digest such complex foods. Up to three
I would not recommend giving cheese.

Often our mothers make a mistake – they cut the cheese in thick bars,
pile in front of the baby on the plate, give it with porridge or soup and
still scare: “Until you eat everything – you won’t leave the table!” Why?
The child must understand that cheese is a delicacy.

– Is it possible to somehow see by how much cheese

– Hard cheese fatty almost all, but among the soft can be
nuances, so always read what is written on the label.

– If we are learning from the French, then it’s probably worth taking
arming their main method – every meal there is in their season, and how
what about cheese?

– I think that among the true gourmets and in every region,
for sure, have their own seasonal preferences. In general, there is a rule
simple: fatter cheese eaten during the colder season. It,
by the way, concerns and other food. In spring and summer food should be
easier and easier. – One of the fashion trends, though not from
French, and from the Swiss – fondue. What do you say about him as far as
Is it dangerous to get involved?

– As food for the whole company – this is normal. But stretch it
pleasure for a few hours is not worth it. Once mixed
melted cheese maced there bread or meat, vegetables or mushrooms, washed down
a glass of wine and that’s it. Otherwise it is too high in calories.

We thank Olga Perevalova and RimmaRit clinic for


Ktati, there is another kind of cheese we are unlikely to tell the French or
the Swiss, because his birthplace is Japan. This is tofu – soy cheese,
which we have most often found in miso soup in Asian cafes.
About him we decided to ask Marina Kharitonov, the owner of the site dedicated to raw food and vegan recipes:

�”Tofu has a lot less fat and salt than regular cheese,”
says Marina. – It is recommended to people who have
problems with weight and cholesterol. Of course, there are different kinds, but in
an average of 100 grams of soy cheese contains 8 grams of protein and 5 grams

For my taste, tofu is better to marinate first, and then you can
even fry, bake at least, even make kebabs. Simplest
marinade – soy sauce and good vegetable oil. Can add
spices and vinegar.

My favorite marinade: lemon juice and zest, soy sauce,
Sesame seeds and tahini are sesame paste. Need to pickle
около 8-12 hours You can, of course, eat fresh without everything, but
then it should be the highest quality tofu. And one more
advice: since soy contains plant hormones, in my opinion,
чаще одного раза в день ее лучше не there is.»

Read on:

  • Is mold cheese safe?
  • The most high-calorie foods

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