How to dry strawberries: secrets and ruleslong-term storage. How to dry strawberries for tea: the benefits of berries andsheets

Чт, 14 июл 2016 Автор: Юлия Еркова

Strawberries are rich in nutrients and vitamins, their
used in cooking, home medicine.

To even please yourself and your loved ones with delicious berries in winter,
many dry them. To keep everything useful
properties and durability of strawberries, you need to be able to properly her
to dry


Preparatory work before drying the strawberries in
home conditions

The preparatory stage is the most important start of work. After all
the fate of the berries will depend on it. Before drying
strawberries, should carefully approach the collection of berries. When harvest
harvested, followed by careful selection of the best berries.
Unripe, green, overripe and rotted berries should be excluded.
so that they do not spoil the whole billet. Not suitable also
berries with traces of blows and other damages. Selected fruits
you need to rinse thoroughly under running water and remove the tails
or leaflets.

How to dry strawberries in the fresh air

It is known that dried berries retain more beneficial
components than those processed into jam or

There are several ways to dry strawberries:
with oven, fresh air and ancillary appliances. how
сушить землянику в home conditions решать вам, но прежде
Check out each of the ways.

Сушка земляники на свежем воздухе — это
time-consuming process that requires a significant investment of time. Generally
– not the easiest and most convenient, but the natural way.
Selected and peeled fruits must be laid out loosely.
on a clean surface, such as cloth or paper. Place, where
they will be located, you should choose a well-blown. There
the sun must fall, but in such a way that its rays are not
directed directly at the berries.

When the place is selected, you can safely leave the strawberries to dry
all day until dark. With the onset of twilight berries are recorded in
the room. In the morning of the next day, the berries will need to be brought back to
street and pick them comfortable place. So dried strawberries will be
about 2-3 weeks. To determine the degree of readiness of the berries can be on their
appearance Properly dried strawberries have burgundy
rich color, shiny grain, it is easily separated by a friend
from friend.

It is best to store dried berries in tissue.
Fabric should choose natural, so that the berries
breathed. The bags themselves are placed in a dark, dry place. Shelf life
dried strawberries – 2 years. They can be used later if they
properly stored, but the taste and beneficial properties of the fruit will begin
fade away. Therefore, it is better not to delay and apply strawberries in
The indicated useful life.

how сушить землянику в home conditions: выбор удобного
of the way

It is much easier and faster to dry strawberries, having
improvised means. how сушить
землянику в домашних

1. С помощью духовки — это один из самых
common methods of drying berries. For this you need to warm up
Pre-oven to 35 ° C. While the oven is warming berries
neatly laid out on a baking sheet in a uniform layer. Then
baking tray must be placed in the oven and left there
for about 1 hour During this time, the berries will begin to fade. When
time will come out without taking the berries out of the oven, the temperature will need
increase to 60 ° C and continue to dry for a few more hours
(2-2.5). With any method of drying the finished berries look the same.
how только цвет ваших стаnotт насыщенным и тёмным, а сами ягоды
stop sticking, then the drying can be considered complete.

2. С помощью аэрогриля — лёгкий способ
Shift responsibility on the device. Exposed for drying
special mode in which there is airflow, and the temperature
reaches 45-60 ° C. By placing the harvest of berries in such a device, you can not
worry about their fate and calmly go about their business.
Due to the active air circulation in the aerogrill, the time of drying berries
reduced several times compared with the oven. The only
a feature that should be considered when using aerogrill,
that the car does not take into account the outflow of moisture. Sure to any possible
the way you need to ensure it, leaving a slightly open lid.
Minutes of convection are small surface area. Large stock of berries
will have to dry in several passes. Total fit in the unit in
depending on its characteristics from 0.8 to 1.2 kg of strawberries, and
the output of dried berries will be 0.3-0.5 kg. Well, the pros can
include work speed and lack of heat from the drying process.

3. how сушить землянику в электросушилке. On
Today, you can pick up all kinds of dryers from a huge
assortment. They may differ in cost, characteristics,
work principle. Therefore, the time of drying of strawberries may vary
within 6-12 hours. But each model is individual, so
it is better to familiarize yourself with the instructions of a specific unit.
Berries need to be decomposed into clean pallets so that they not
touched each other. The temperature in the dryer should be set
on a mark of 50 – 55 ° C. For berries in electric dryers have to
keep an eye out, checking their readiness. По ягодам стаnotт заметно, что
They are ready. Then you can put them in bags or
glass containers and store in the right place. Glass Container
better protect against pests.

In the forest for the berries: how to dry strawberries for tea

To drink in the winter fragrant and healthy strawberry tea, which
saves from many troubles, you need to take care of the preparation

Going to collect them should be in the summer at the end
, можно весь июль в зависимости от климатических
conditions Varieties of berries, there are many, so find
can be growing in the field and in the forest. Collect the fruit should be dry
weather, it is desirable that it was warm. Go early in the morning
на поиски not следует, так как роса not успеет сойти.

When drying strawberries take care of a good blown
Check the berries periodically for mold.
how только они потемnotют и станут рассыпчатыми, можно их собирать в

When придёт время чаёвничать, добавляйте по 1—2 ложки сушёных
berries in black or green tea to give a refined taste,
aroma, and also increase immunity. You can diversify drinking
decoctions of strawberries and plant leaves.

Useful leaves: how to dry strawberries for tea

Not only fruits, but also strawberry leaves are rich in wholesome
properties. They make aromatic and healing tea, provided
proper preparation.

1. Collected strawberry leaves should be laid out in the shade and
to hang on

2. Each leaf rolls into a tube between the palms so
So that juice starts to stand out.

3. Finished tubes should be laid out on a baking sheet with a layer of 5 cm,
cover with a natural cloth slightly damp and leave in a room with
temperature of about 27 ° C for 6-8 hours. In this position should
start the fermentation.

4. When появится яркий ягодный аромат, значит, что химическая
the reaction is over. Leaves will need to be dried in the oven when
temperature of 90 ° C for an hour.

5. Finished leaves are dried in the same way as berries in a cool dry.

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