How to do a clematis transplant in the fall. Tipsgardeners for clematis care: watering, feeding and pruningclematis

Пн, 14 ноя 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Clematis is a flowering vine that is widely used.
in landscape garden design. She hides the unsightly look of buildings.
and decorates fences. Very elegant clematis looks along the arbors
and on the arches. If the plant is properly maintained and timely
пересаживать, то привлекательность clematis не угаснет.


Сроки пересадки clematis осенью

Experienced gardeners know that clematis does not like frost. If a
delay the transplant vines, then it can die even in
relatively warm winter.

In the northern regions, where the climate is particularly harsh
зимами, пересадку clematis проводят весной. Replant in the fall
Clematis is possible only in a warm climate, where winter is more

It is necessary to carry out the procedure in warm weather, when not yet
night frosts. The best time is the end of August –
early October.

Планируя пересадку clematis, нужно помнить, что весной растение
wakes up early, so it is preferable to spend all the work
in the fall.

Common Rules for Clematis Transplantation

1. For creepers pick a sunny and warm place. Clematis
does not tolerate strong gusts of cold wind. Shoots
so fragile they can break.

2. Кроме того, излишняя влага губительна для clematis. Him
the root system does not tolerate stagnant moisture, so the place for
planting plants need to choose dry with deep occurrence

3. You should also take into account the size of an adult plant and divert
for creepers a large area. The fact is that with age, clematis
grows heavily, wrapping everything around.

4. The soil for transplanting plants need fertile and loose.
Preferably alkaline.

Подробная инструкция по пересадке clematis осенью + фото

First of all, they select a site and set up a support on it.
liana It must be strong to withstand long shoots.
flowers and buds.

Next, you need to build a landing pit. She is made pretty
deep, about 60 * 60 * 60 cm. At the bottom of the hole equip drainage.
To do this, use the materials at hand: broken bricks, shards,
remnants of rubble. After which, the drainage is covered with a layer of fertile soil,
mixed with mineral fertilizers. You can also make under
planting plants humus or rotted manure. Next hole
covered with earth and left until landing.

A plant that needs to be transplanted must be carefully
dig up. It is important not to disturb the roots of the vines and the integrity
earthy coma. Deepen the roots when planting vines need 15-20

Important! Only young people can be transplanted.
plants, they quickly take root in a new place.

During transplantation in the center of the hole form a mound, on which
put the plant. Roots gently straighten and sprinkle with earth.
It is well tamped.

После пересадки почву вокруг clematis можно замульчировать, что
will facilitate the process of plant care. With the onset of sustainable
frost transplanted plants additionally cover dry
foliage, fir spruce branches or agrofibre. Early spring liana
open and sow annual flowers under it. They prevent burns
и молодых побегов clematis.

How to transplant adult clematis in the fall?

The process of transplanting an adult plant is not very different from
посадки clematis, но некоторые особенности все же имеются.

1. The root neck of the plant must be buried 5 cm below,
than before.

2. The depth of the planting pit depends on the length of the regrown roots.

3. If a корни растения слишком длинные, необходимо их обрезать.
Кроме того, чтобы не нарушать баланс clematis следует укоротить
shoots. In this case, rooting will be faster and

4. After transplanting the vine must be regularly watered.

5. If a после пересадки растение поникло и усыхает, то
it is necessary to tamp the soil well under it, to water it plentifully

In the autumn transplant vines it is important to pay attention to the place
soil composition and pit preparation. Depends on these conditions
plant or not. In addition, root deepening will help
grow a lush bush. If a планируется посадка нескольких
plants, then between them it is necessary to leave a distance of about 1.5

Clematis care after transplant

After transplanting vine needs particularly careful care.

• Regular watering at least 1 time per week. If a погода стоит
hot, then the frequency of watering increase.

• Permanent soil loosening and weeding. If a почва
maligned, then care easier.

• Feeding organics twice with an interval of 14 days.

Clematis need not be fertilized immediately after transplanting. If a
the landing pit was prepared by all the rules, then until spring
the plant will have enough nutrients. Further dressings
carried out on schedule, as for all perennial

On heavy soils it is necessary to powder the lower part of the plant.
wood ash, which reduces the risk of wilting. On light structural
Soils such dusting is not are doing.

Подготовка к зиме: правильная обрезка и укрытие clematis

Обрезку clematis нужно проводить обязательно. This is done for
the duration of flowering, creating a neat appearance,
distribution of shoots, updates vines. In addition, autumn
обрезка проводится после пересадки clematis.

The degree of pruning depends on the variety of the vine and its
biological features.

In addition, Clematis need reliable shelter for the winter.
Shoots растения бояться не только морозов, но и обледенения,
which is detrimental to them. Поэтому для укрытия clematis применяют
dry method.

Important! In winter, shoots should remain under cover
dry, but also strongly wrap the plant is not worth it. Liana can
to melt during the thaw.

It is forbidden to use sawdust and
other materials that get wet and freeze. Spring is
the shelter thaws for a long time, so it’s impossible to remove it in time.
This leads to vyvryvaniya liana.

The underground part of the plant can tolerate lower temperatures.
to -40 degrees. But do not forget that flower buds
appear on the shoots of last year. How they survive the winter
зависит цветение clematis весной.

The lowest winter hardiness at the root neck of the plant, therefore
Winter shelter should be solid. Not covered due
way the plants are damaged by temperature changes. Not rare
frostbite occurs, the bark on the shoots cracks.

Take shelter from the vines very carefully when the threat is over
night frosts. The fact is that some more in the fall form
Under the ground, new buds, which with the first warmth go outside.

Как видно, некоторые хлопоты при пересадке clematis осенью и в
care for it exist. But with all the necessary
requirements the plant will surely please with a beautiful and long

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