How to deal with smog in your own home?

Пт, 06 июл 2018 Автор: Юлия Саликова

You can see smog almost everywhere, it is because it appears in
all cities. He is called the silent killer and difficult
protect even in the apartment. In the end, the air we breathe in
the house comes from outside. And how to deal with smog at home? We want
this or not, but smog gets into apartments, we just can’t
avoid but can overcome its consequences and protect yourself from
health complications. But what could and where is he from?


What is it and where does smog come from?

Smog is an unnatural atmospheric phenomenon created by
human activities and adverse factors of nature,
consisting in joint air pollution, which is manifested in
significant turbidity of air in windless weather. The absence of
The wind in the city makes it able to stand still. Chemical
components of smog, dust and moisture are often important factors in
allergies and can cause asthma attacks, leading to
exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, respiratory distress syndrome,
and, as a rule, to a higher incidence of cancer. Some
ways to protect yourself from smog at home.

Plants will become allies

One of the easiest and at the same time natural ways
is investing in home plants in pots. Some of
they are simply made to filter the air and are well tolerated
housing conditions.

Air humidifiers

The apartment will effectively clean and humidify the air.
special equipment that emits healthy water vapor.
Their maintenance is simple – just pour water into the container and select
appropriate mode. Water vapor causes dust and dirt to settle.
on the floor or furniture, so do not inhale them. Air humidifiers также
more often recommended for asthmatics and those with allergies.

Mechanical and automatic filters

Increasingly, on the streets of cities you can meet people with white
Masks with filters, as in photos from faraway Japan. These
masks protect people from air pollution and can be used
houses. In the market we can find more and more masks with modern
by design.

Another, more perfect, convenient and effective solution.
is the acquisition of household air purifier. What cleaner
air worth choosing? Let’s be guided by proven
brands, because the price here is health. Such devices remove gases.
and all allergens and pollutants from the air. Many
branded devices also have the function of an ionizer and can kill
microbes using UV rays while cooling or heating
the room. We can use them for many purposes, moreover, always on
the front line is health.

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