How to cook fat burning soup: recipes +reviews

kak-prigotovit-zhiroszhigayushchiy-supLow calorie diet
– This is a serious test, especially for those who are not used to
deny yourself food saturated with empty carbohydrates and fats.

That is why most of the dishes included in the menu during
weight loss, should be good to saturate, fill the stomach, but at the same time
deliver the minimum amount of calories.

And if such dishes also have good taste and provide
organism with nutrients, then most losing weight with
gladly include them in your daily diet.

One of these dishes is quite tasty, perfectly saturating and
slimming – you can call fat burning soup.
Cooked from low-calorie foods rich in vitamins and
fiber, the soup is great for diet and can
to be used in combination with other dishes.

There are several recipes for soups that help to reset
hateful extra pounds. Based on these dishes are developed
diets prescribing to eat for 7-10 days
only vegetable soup or replace one of them

But, like any other diet, the diet, based on
eating fat burning soup regularly has its advantages and


Pros and cons of the “soup” diet

The recipes for fat burning soups are all kinds of vegetables in
various combinations. At first glance, this dish is exclusively
useful and can safely be used by everyone. but
even a harmless decoction of vegetables has a list

These include:

  • individual intolerance of one or several
    ingredients included in the recipe (most often it is tomatoes, celery
    or cabbage);
  • gastrointestinal diseases – in the presence of peptic ulcer, pancreatitis,
    colitis, etc. It is not recommended to switch to soup mono-diet;
  • anemia, low blood pressure.

Diet on fat burning soup should try those who:

  • loves first courses;
  • normally tolerates the use of boiled vegetables;
  • has the ability to cook or reheat a dish for
    of the day

Important! If after monodiets, during which
eat only soup that burns fat, back to
high calorie diet, lost kilograms quickly
will return. To avoid this, the diet should be only the first
step towards the normalization of nutrition and the revision of the usual diet.


How to cook a tasty and healthy fat burning soup?

The basis of any recipe first dishes used for weight loss,
make up products that:

  • have a low calorie content;
  • able to speed up the metabolism;
  • rich in fiber and so-called “slow”

The list of such products is quite extensive. It includes all
types of cabbage, celery, leafy greens, tomatoes and other vegetables, and
also seaweed, seaweed, chicken fillet, seafood.
It is also recommended to add spices to the first dishes, which
improve taste and accelerate metabolism.

Prepare soups in vegetable broth. Authors of some recipes
advised to use ready-made vegetable bouillon cubes, but more
benefits will bring rejection of concentrates and the transition to natural
products. Moreover, the preparation of vegetable broth takes
quite a bit of time and does not require special culinary skills.

Main principles of cooking low calorie first

1. All components are cooked or stewed, nothing can be fried. 2
In the dish you can not add butter, sour cream, cream, as well as potatoes.
3. Use caution when using vegetables with high
glycemic index – beets, carrots, pumpkin.

Below are a few recipes that you can
use as a basis for diet. You can change recipes by
to your taste, adding or, conversely, excluding some

Vegetable soup


  • onions – 5-6 pcs .;
  • tomatoes – 2-4 pieces depending on the size and taste
  • cabbage – 1 swing;
  • Sweet pepper (best of all, green) – 2 pcs .;
  • celery stalks – 1 bunch.


Immediately chop all vegetables, pour into boiling water, bring to
boil and reduce heat. Cook the vegetables you need until they
will not become soft. You can add seasoning, which includes
only herbs and vegetables. The finished dish can, if desired, a blender
bring to a puree state. Salt better before
use – this technique allows you to reduce the amount of salt and
speed up the removal of excess fluid from the body. Chicken Soup


  • Chicken fillet or breast – 1 pc .;
  • carrots – 2 pcs .;
  • cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi or white cabbage) –
    300-400 g .;
  • onions – 1 pc .;
  • tomatoes – 3 pcs .;
  • parsley, dill, basil, garlic – to taste.


Pour chicken fillet with cold water, bring to a boil. Water
to drain. Boil a fresh batch of pure water, add the fillet and cook
until cooked chicken. Take out chicken meat, and in boiling broth
add chopped vegetables. Boil for about 20-25 minutes, then add
finely chopped herbs and garlic, boil and remove from heat.
Chop the chicken fillet and add to the soup.

Soup with shrimp


  • peeled shrimps – 150 gr .;
  • celery – 2 bunches;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs .;
  • broccoli – 200 gr .;
  • onions – 1 pc .;
  • garlic, lemon juice, spices, herbs to taste.


Chop vegetables, put them in boiling water and cook about 10-15
minutes Add a little salt, spices, peeled shrimp and lemon
juice, boil for 3-5 minutes and remove from heat. Give the finished dish
настояться в течение 30 minutes

Reviews on the diet fat burning soup

Thanks to the amazing ease of preparation and availability
ingredients, slimming soups have won a huge

On the Internet you can find a lot of positive (however, and
negative too) reviews about fat burning soup and diets with his
using. Here is what visitors write about this diet.
all kinds of sites and forums:

�“… In the summer I like to cook vegetable soups. I cook for weight loss, but all
the family eats delicious soups with pleasure! I love vegetable soups
– fragrant, non-caloric, just drooling! But long stand
monofoard is still difficult for me … “

�“… My friend lost weight on such a fat burning soup. She says,
that in a week literally flew above the ground. I think that such
soups are very effective in losing weight … “

�”… I tried to eat only soup, for two more days somehow
endured, and then even could not look at him. But my mother
friends lose weight only on him, leaving at least 5-6 kg per week! Oh,
Sorry I’m not such a strong woman … “

�“… The diet on the fat burning soup always works flawlessly!
Checked for yourself – kilograms fly away! But the dish is very fast
bored, I have to literally cram it into myself … “

«… Суп не надоест, ес�”и менять некоторые Ingredients. Diet
removes excess fluid, leaving kilograms and volumes. I advise you to cook
immediately a large pot of soup, I want to eat very often. But you can
lose up to 7 kg in a week! �”

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