How to comply with the standardhypocholesterolemic diet?

  • 1 Hypocholesterolemic diet
    • 1.1 What is it?
    • 1.2 Sample menu for the week
    • 1.3 Recipes

The hypocholesterolemic diet is designed to help in
лечении избытка в крови холестерина. It contains strict
list of allowed and prohibited products. Literal name
данной диеты — «исключающая холестерин». Therefore food
должно быть четко расписанным, согласно правилам, с учетом
necessary daily content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.


Hypocholesterolemic diet

A standard cholesterol-lowering diet is prescribed to people
suffering from excess cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol in your
queue can provoke the occurrence of such serious
diseases like atherosclerosis and hypertension. The rate of this content
substances in human blood is 3.2-3.3%. Menu
hypocholesterolemic diet is not sophisticated, but
is a balanced use mainly
carbohydrates and proteins, partial or complete elimination of animal fats

What it is?

Hypocholesterolemic diet — что это такое? Often asked
question among patients whom the doctor prescribes this type of treatment.
Данная диета помогает решить проблемы со здоровьем и сбросить
overweight because food restricts all the harmful dishes that are
Prohibits every standard diet for weight loss.

While losing weight on a cholesterol-lowering diet to a person
придется исключить из меню жирное мясо, жареное, соленое,
сладкое, копченое, фастфуд, газированные напитки
. Receptions
food per day should be three + 2 light snacks.

It is necessary to drink plenty of water, from 2.5 liters per day. On the menu
гипохолестеринемической диеты включены разгрузочные
, в которые рекомендуется практиковать сыроедение и
eat only vegetables and fruits. At the time of treatment will have
забыть об алкоголе и табакокурении.

Many experts agree that
cholesterol is influenced by the psychological state of a person.
So, during stress, which in essence is any diet,
the level of cholesterol in the blood may not decrease, although there will be
there are all the prerequisites for this. Therefore, nutritionists
recommend the early days of cholesterol
лечения начинать с привычных для организма блюд, немного
corrected by the content of the products under the menu and the list
allowed products. Caffeine is not banned, however
also able to cause stressful conditions. If you allow yourself
once a few days a cup of coffee.

Sample menu for the week

Hypocholesterolemic diet — меню на

Первый день гипохолестеринемической диеты.

  • Завтрак: овсяная каша на воде, чашка
    фруктового чая.
  • Перекус: яблоко.
  • Обед: овощной суп на курином бульоне с
    broccoli, rye bread, black tea with lemon.
  • Перекус: обезжиренный творог с фруктом.
  • Ужин: отварной картофель, 150 гр филе семги на
    steam, mineral water without gas.

The second day of the cholesterol-lowering diet.

  • vegetable salad from cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots with sour cream, loaf
    with bran, apple compote.
  • salad from cabbage, apples, beets.
  • тушеный рис с овощами и шпинатом, слабый кофе.
  • a glass of kefir.
  •  200 boiled chicken breast, fresh cucumber or tomato, 1
    apple, chamomile tea.

The third day of a cholesterol-lowering diet.

  • 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 orange or grapefruit,
    яблочный сок.
  • salad of tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • 100 g spaghetti with tomato sauce with mushrooms, black tea with
    linden tree.
  • cottage cheese casserole with chamomile tea.
  • 150 g boiled beans, low-fat yogurt.

Четвертый день гипохолестеринемической диеты.

  • banana, pomelo and mango fruit salad with orange
    juice, a glass of kefir, two tablespoons of honey.
  • diet bread, 2-3 plums, mors.
  • картофельный суп с петрушкой и сухариками, слабый кофе с
  • parsley, spinach, cucumber, apple and stem smoothies
  • several baked potatoes, fresh cucumber, cheese,
    still mineral water.

The fifth day of the cholesterol-lowering diet.

  • 100 g boiled mushrooms with dill and green beans, green
    jasmine tea.
  • diet cookies with a glass of kefir.
  • a serving of tomato soup, a slice of rye bread, 1 grapefruit,
    Cherry juice.
  • unsweetened fruit or berries.
  • steamed chicken chop with eggplants and carrots, black tea with

The sixth day of the cholesterol-lowering diet.

  • Vegetable salad from Chinese cabbage, radish, cucumber and tomato with
    lemon juice dressing, a glass of applesauce.
  • cottage cheese casserole.
  • 1 апельсин, 1 яблоко, порция свежих ягод,  морс.
  • a glass of kefir.
  • 2 fresh tomatoes, mango, a few pieces of pineapple,
     mineral water.

The seventh day of the cholesterol-lowering diet.

  • a portion of boiled rice in water, 100 grams of fish fillet,
    приготовленного на пару с петрушкой и шпинатом, кофе.
  • fruit salad.
  • chicken with green beans and lettuce, a slice of bread with
    bran, black tea with biscuits.
  • cottage cheese casserole.
  • buckwheat porridge to water, 100 grams of baked turkey without
    специй, хлебец, ромашковый отвар.


Below are a few dishes that are perfect in
quality component of the menu for weight loss and treatment with
hypocholesterolemic diet.

Recipes диеты гипохолестеринемической:

Veggie Tomato Soup

Veggie Tomato Soup

Для приготовления вам потребуется: 150 гр
pearl barley, 450 ml of water, a pinch of salt, 150 grams of broccoli, 150 grams
potatoes, half an onion, 1 carrot, 2 tomatoes, half
Bulgarian pepper, 100 grams of green beans, 300 grams of tomato juice,

We wash the pearl barley, fill it with water, put it on the stove and
bring to a boil, then cook over low heat until softened.
Fry chopped onion and carrot in a pan, add
sweet pepper, green beans and simmer. Meanwhile in
add broccoli and shredded potatoes to softened barley,
cook после того, как овощи на сковороде немного потушились,
add tomato juice and simmer another 7-10 minutes, then pour out
vegetable mass in broth with groats and cook until potatoes are ready,
then let the soup stand for 20 minutes, add chopped greens
and the finished dish can be served.

Rice with vegetables

Rice with vegetables

Для приготовления вам потребуется: 500 мл
vegetable broth, 150 grams of asparagus, 250 grams of long grain rice, 2
medium bell peppers, 1 tomato, 1 onion, 1 carrot, greens,
2 cloves of garlic, a pair of green onion feathers, 150 g green

In a pan, fry until finely chopped finely chopped onion, garlic,
carrots and bell peppers. After that add to vegetable
the mixture is pre-washed rice and fry still for 3-4 minutes and
pour out the tomato, cut into cubes. Fry the mixture for another 2 minutes
then pour vegetable broth and simmer for 10-15 minutes without stirring
until all the liquid is absorbed into fig. After that in the mix
add green peas and asparagus, simmer another 5 minutes to full
ready and sprinkle with finely chopped greens and green
onions. A dish decorated with a slice of lemon can be served at the table.
Enjoy your meal.

Vegetable soup with carrots and ginger

Vegetable soup with carrots and ginger

Ингредиенты: овощной бульон, 1 морковь, 1
ginger, champignons, 2 onions, celery stem,
чеснок, маслины, свежая зелень, 2 столовые ложки масла

Для начала варим бульон, после добавляем половину моркови,
celery, 1 onion and champignons. Lightly add some salt and cook
until half ready. На сковороде с подсолнечным маслом
обжариваем до золотистой корочки перетертую морковь и
chopped onions. Add to the pan with broth toasted and garlic with
имбирем (перетертые на мелкой терке). Bring to a boil and
cook for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand for 10 minutes. Before
подачей кладем маслины и greenery.

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