How to clean the water at home: filters andfolk methods. Methods and errors in water treatment at homeconditions

ATт, 10 май 2016 Автор: Елена Ландарь

Let’s first understand why purify water if it looks
transparent, does not smell unpleasant and has a tolerable taste?

Although the water from the tap or from the well looks good, its
need to be cleaned.

Because it incorporates lime, impurities of iron,
a variety of heavy metal salts. It contains harmful
microorganisms – microbes, viruses.

In addition, ordinary tap water has a lot of chlorine, its
add to destroy harmful germs.

But chlorine destroys proteins that are contained in the body.

The water from the well and the tap is different in the impurities contained. AT
apartment she comes with chlorine, and from a well with impurities of lime
and iron.


Как очистить воду в домашних conditions: технические

Чтобы понять, как очистить воду в домашних conditions техническими
devicesми нужно разобраться какие бывают типы фильтров и
types of water purification, as well as understand what ozonization is.

Apply 4 types of filters:

1. Natrubny filter

2. Filter jug

3. Desktop filter

4. Reverse Osmosis System

1. Натрубный фильтр. It is screwed to
water pipe, inside the filter is a cartridge, through
he passes the water. You can put a lot of filters with
various cartridges: coal, sedimentary.


• Cheap filter.

• The cartridge must be replaced in 2–3 months.

• The filter cleans water from certain impurities, it depends on
cartridges used.

• Cartridges are easy to replace.

• It takes up little space on the tap.


• Removes exactly those impurities that a certain

• Pressure (water pressure) decreases slightly.

• There is no constant supply of water.

• It misses some bacteria.

2. Фильтр-кувшин — это сосуд, который имеет
cartridge for water treatment. When putting water in a jug, she
passes through the cartridge and is cleaned.


• Inexpensive.

• Easy to apply.

• The filter jug ​​can be moved to any place.


• ATода не чистится под давлением, то есть не слишком сильно

• ATода находится на открытом воздухе, то есть туда могут
microbes get out of the air.

• The cartridge needs to be replaced frequently with new ones, so the cost of
system increase.

• If the cartridge is not changed, then it becomes dirty and then the water
getting worse than from the tap.

• This filter does not clear out some bacteria.

3. Настольный фильтр. He has
own tap, it can be connected to the pipe or to the tap itself.
It may have a capillary membrane, it removes impurities.
up to 0.001 microns.


• It can be put in the most convenient place in the kitchen.

• Очень просто заменить cartridge.

• Buying is inexpensive.


• Bacteria gradually accumulate there.

• It does not collect water.

• Some types of viruses and bacteria remain after it

4. Системы обратного осмоса, их основная часть
– Membrane, it filters water according to the principle of reverse osmosis.
Usually, they have several filters up to the membrane that clean
water and tank. The tank accumulates clear water. The membrane itself is continuous
cleaned part of the filtered water, all impurities go to
sewer. Mineralizers can also be used.
improve the taste of water.


• ATода становится идеально чистой.

• Systems convenient to use.

• The tank accumulates a supply of clean water.

• The system destroys all bacteria, viruses, removes heavy salts


• ATысокая цена

• The system takes up a lot of space.

ATиды очистки воды:

Filters-обезжележиватели ликвидируют марганец,
as well as iron. They have manganese dioxide, so when there
a solution of manganese or iron falls, then a reaction occurs, these
substances become insoluble and remain in the filter, then they
removed with further ingress of water.

Filters-смягчители смягчают воду. They contain
backfilling, thanks to which they eliminate the impurities of manganese, iron,
nitrates, salts of heavy metals, nitrites, sulfates, harmful
organic impurities. Filters need saline regeneration
solution, because of this they have a salt tank.

Ультрафиолетовые стерилизаторы. ATоду облучают
ultraviolet that kills bacteria. Use
UV lamps mounted in a hard case.

Угольные фильтры. Activated carbon
perfectly removes chlorine, various gas solutions, organic
substances. Now use activated carbon produced from
coconut shell, which has an adsorption of 4 times greater than
compared with charcoal derived from ordinary wood.

Осадочные фильтры. They eliminate any
mechanical particles, such as river sand, rust, others
precipitation. To remove very large particles (more than 20-50
micron) apply disk or mesh filters for coarse
cleaning up. Their disadvantage is if they get very dirty or through them.
there is a large amount of water, they need very often

Filters обратноосмотического типа. it
practically the best filters. Reverse Osmosis Process
separates water and various impurities at the molecular level, they
located on opposite sides of the membrane. The membrane holds large
molecules of harmful organic compounds, bacteria, but freely
passes oxygen. So get perfectly cleaned.
drinking water.

Water ozonation

For example, you can purchase Tianshi’s ozonizer;
adds ozone to water. If you process food (fruits,
vegetables) with such water, it will clean them of hormones, harmful
microbes, chlorine, pesticides.

Put the ozonizer dispenser in the pan with water, turn on
him, let him work for 20 minutes. On the surface of the pan
a layer of thick foam appears that needs to be removed.

Как очистить воду в домашних conditions: народные методы

Рассмотрим, как очистить воду в домашних conditions, используя
самые простые folk methods.

1. Defending

it наиболее легкий и простой способ. ATедро залейте вечером
early in the morning gently drain 2/3 of the water from the bucket into
clean dishes If you defended water from a well, then in the remaining
1/3 of the water will be lime, clay, river sand, iron. And if water
was taken from under the city tap, then overnight all the chlorine
will evaporate. However, with this method in the water remain pathogens
инфекций кишечника и соли тяжелых metals.

2. Boiling

Another fairly easy way is to boil water for 10-15 minutes. Then
all microbes will die, and impurities of calcium, iron, magnesium will fall out
sediment. But it is well suited for well water. But chlorine
will remain.

3. Freezing

AT крупную эмалированную кастрюльку залейте воду, затем поставьте
in the freezer. When half the water from the pan becomes ice, then
pull it out. AT его средней части соберется грязь. If you pour out
boiling water from the kettle to its middle, the dirty water will melt and
it will flow down, and you will only have clear ice. ATылейте ту грязь,
which you will have left at the bottom of the pan, there will remain heavy salts
металлов and iron. And melt clear ice.

The lack of freezing – with this method, the water contains little
mineral salts that are beneficial. To eliminate this
disadvantage, you can pour 100 ml of mineral water into 1 liter of such water.

4. Application of silicon

Silicon removes many harmful bacteria. Get silicon,
rinse it thoroughly. Put it in a pot of water, close it.
her gauze, leave for 3-5 days, and best of all for 7 days in the dark.
After carefully pour the settled water into another container, close
a lid. Do not drain the bottom layer of water, let 3 cm of water remain in
a pot of silicon. There will be impurities of lime, iron, salt
тяжелых metals. And on silicon, a white film is formed. therefore
stone must be thoroughly washed from the dirt. Wipe silicon
a toothbrush. If you do not have silicon, then you can take a root vegetable
earth pear. Jerusalem artichoke has the highest silicon content
compared with other root vegetables and vegetables.

And the water that you poured into another dish can not only
drink, but also use for cooking.

5. Activated carbon cleaning

Coal removes not only unwanted odors, it also collects
a large amount of harmful impurities. Put 5 tablets of charcoal on
gauze, wrap and place overnight in a pot of water, 1 tablet
очищает 1 л water. In the morning the water will already be purified. itт способ
perfect for cleaning water from a well; it removes impurities
iron, lime.

Silver cleaning

Put a silver fork or spoon on the bottom of the pan with water.
Let the water settle all night. Then через 12 часов к утру
silver will remove a large number of harmful microorganisms. But
The lack of silver is that it does not purify water from heavy salts.
металлов and iron. And with an excess of silver in the body can
specific diseases arise, skin pigmentation changes.

Как очистить воду в домашних conditions: причины неудач

Чтобы понять, как очистить воду в домашних conditions важно
remember that every particular filter, as well as any popular
the tool removes only certain impurities, so you need
apply them in a complex. For example, silver removes harmful
бактерии, а активированный уголь — примеси извести and iron. If a
you know exactly what harmful impurities are contained in your water,
then select for cleaning it certain necessary for you
filters and folk remedies. Try to analyze your water,
to determine its composition.

Also do not forget that in the filters you need to change cartridges by
least use them. Especially often change cartridges in
filter jugs.

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