How to clean the kettle from the scale: reveal allsecrets. The most effective and safe methods of descaling withteapot

Вт, 22 мар 2016 Автор: Светлана Стяжкина

Scale is formed due to the content of metal salts in
tap water settling on the bottom and the inner walls of ordinary
kettle or heating element electric.

Drinking tea or coffee generously seasoned with mineral
deposits, threatens diseases of the kidneys, joints and bones.

A dense layer of scale leads to long-term heating of the water, and in
электроteapotх — к поломкам нагревательной спирали.

The rate of plaque formation depends on the hardness of the water, but even
filtering does not eliminate the need to periodically remove scale
с teapot.


How to clean the kettle from scale: the necessary funds

Для избавления teapot от накипи и продления срока его службы
can be used as special preparations from the household store
chemistry and home remedies:

  • soda;

  • vinegar;

  • citric acid or lemons;

  • sweet soda;

  • pickle pickle or tomato pickle;

  • peel of apples, pears or potatoes.

Soda softens limescale, and the remaining products contain
acid, which is afraid of scale. Soft will also be required for cleaning
brush, sponge or brush. Do not use to speed up the process
metal scourers that damage the dishes.

How to clean the kettle from scale: method 1 – traditional

Проще всего убрать накипь с teapot при помощи подручных
tools that are in every kitchen: lemon or vinegar
acids, soda, or combinations thereof.

Vinegar cleaning

Vinegar cleaned electric, enamelled and aluminum
manufacturers do not recommend teapots, the tool is suitable for dishes
from a stainless steel with old deposits.

With небольшом слое извести заполните 2/3 объема teapot водой, а
the remaining 1/3 – 9% vinegar. Bring over low heat
until boiling, remove the kettle from the heat and set it aside for 1-3 hours for
loosening scale. If the bottom and walls of dishes are covered with thick and
a dense crust of sediment, prepare a solution at the rate of 1/2
cups of vinegar in 1 liter of water, pour it into the kettle, put on
small fire, wait for boiling and boil for another 10-30 minutes
– depending on the volume of the vessel.

After cooling down, thoroughly rinse the kettle with a soft sponge, removing
the remnants of scale, boil it 1-2 times with clean water and
rinse the container to get rid of traces of vinegar.

Citric Acid Cleaning

Sparing means will help to get rid of a scum on any teapot.
To remove thick lime deposits, boil the kettle with
acid solution (10-15 g 1 l of water), immediately after boiling
turn it off and cool it for 30-60 minutes – during this time
scaling will dissolve or soften. Then drain the liquid, remove
residues of sediment sponge, boil a container of clean water and
rinse thoroughly. If you could not cope with the old
scale with the first attempt, repeat the procedure.

In order not to expose the kettle to boiling with acid, it is enough
clean it monthly without heating: dilute the acid with water,
pour into the container and drain the solution in a few hours – small
the patina will disappear without a trace.

Soda cleaning

Regular baking or soda ash will help return
первозданную чистоту любым teapotм, в том числе электрическим.

Вариант 1. Посуду наполните водой, всыпьте 1 ст.l
soda, boil and hold for half an hour on low heat. Cool down
drain the solution and wash the kettle, then refill it with water and
boil, removing residual soda. After that, rinse again.

Вариант 2. В кипящую в чайнике воду всыпьте 1-2 ст.l
soda and immediately turn off the fire. After 1-2 hours, remove from the dishes
softened mineral deposits, boil it with clean water and
rinse again.

Cleaning up old scale

Вариант 1. Смочите губку уксусом, обмакните ее в соду и
rub the obtained gruel into the scaled surfaces. With
the combination of vinegar and soda will have a reaction that destroys
deposits, it will only wash and rinse the kettle. If a
layering dense cleaning will need to be repeated.

Вариант 2. Подходит для самых запущенных чайников с
a thick layer of scale, but not applicable for electric because
excessive aggressiveness. Purification is done in three steps:

1. Pour water into a container, pour 1 tbsp. l soda, boil,
set aside for 10-20 minutes, drain the solution.

2. Повторно залить воду, добавить 1-2 ст.l citric acid
half an hour to boil the solution on low heat, drain.

3. Again pour water into the kettle, pour 1/2 cup of vinegar there,
boil for another half an hour, drain the liquid.

Most of the scale after such a powerful attack will come off on its own,
loose residues are easily removed with a simple sponge. Then sure
rinse the kettle, boil clean water in it 3-4 times and rinse
the dishes.

How to clean the kettle from scale: method 2 – “delicious”

Withверженцы безопасных натуральных средств оценят метод удаления
scaling using peel potatoes, pears or apples
organic acids. Cleaning should be washed, put in the kettle,
Add water and boil the liquid. After boiling set aside
чайник с кожурой на 1-2 часа, а потом хорошо промыть the dishes.
Means is suitable for removal of a weak scaling.

Perfectly eliminates the “deposits” of lime cucumber or
Tomato pickle – due to the content of citric acid or vinegar.
Pour the brine into the kettle, boil, cool, rinse and
Rinse the container thoroughly to remove the smell of preservation.
An additional bonus of the method is the removal of rust from the inside
vessel surface.

Well struggling with lemon scum. Sour fruit needs to be cut into
quarters, put them in the kettle, pour water, put the dishes on
low heat and boil the solution 10-15 minutes after boiling. If a
scale is not sufficiently softened, repeat the procedure, and then
rinse the kettle and rinse with plenty of water.

To effectively remove scale in the kettle, you can also use
sweet soda.

Open a bottle of drink to release the gases, then pour
0.5-1 l of liquid in a kettle, boil, let cool and thoroughly
промойте capacity. With небольшом слое отложений можно обойтись без
boiling – just pour the kettle with soda to dissolve the plaque,
and after a few hours to wash it. The cleaning effect is based on
content of citric and orthophosphoric acid in the drink. Choose
transparent soda, for example, 7UP, otherwise it will then have to be removed from
surfaces of dishes colored stains from “Coca-Cola” or “Fanta.”

How to clean the kettle from scale: method 3 – chemical

Destruction of scale by household chemicals is achieved
citric, adipic or sulfamic
acid. Special products are available in the form of liquids.
powders or tablets are applied according to the instructions. General scheme
use – the solution with the cleaning agent is boiled in a kettle
30-40 minutes, then drained. The softened scum is easily removed,
and in the kettle after cleaning you should boil a clean 2-3 more times
water to remove chemicals.

The effectiveness of the use of shop funds from scale is comparable to
действием уксуса и citric acid но последние гораздо
more economical.

How to clean the kettle from scum and not spoil it

Even if the kettle is covered with a thick layer of plaque, do not scrape it
with sharp objects, do not use hard brushes and
metal scourers – such a brutal way badly hurts

Wash thoroughly for gentle and effective descaling.
kettle inside, and then use home remedies or
chemical reagents for dissolving or loosening lime
�”fur coats”. After cleaning, be sure to wash the kettle with a sponge or soft
brush, boil water in it a couple of times and rinse again
dishes to avoid poisoning.

Частота удаления накипи из teapot зависит от жесткости
used water, but try not to start the process – with each
boiling the crust of the plaque is becoming more durable and thick.
Minimizing her education will help preventive care:

  • ополаскивание после каждого кипячения и ежедневное мытье teapot

  • use filtered water, fresh each time – repeated
    boiling increases the sedimentation of salts;

  • сливание воды из teapot на ночь или при длительном

Выбор способов очищения teapot от накипи достаточно велик, а
home-based efficiency is not inferior shop. the main thing
– do not forget to repeat the procedure regularly.

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