How to clean silver at home:decorations, kitchen utensils. Answers to all questions about silver cleaningat home

Чт, 31 мар 2016 Автор: Мария Иванова

Silver products can be found in any home.

These can be cutlery, souvenirs or jewelry.

Over time, these precious things become covered with a dark bloom

Patina covers silverware by oxidizing copper.
which is often found in the alloy.


How to clean silver at home: необходимые средства
and fixtures

To effectively clean silver at home, you need
acquire some funds. Ideally, better to use
special cosmetic jewelry care products

The main advantage of special tools for precious metals
is that after application they continue some
time to repel dirt and protect against oxidation.

They can be bought in the department with household goods or in
jewelry stores.

If you do not want to spend money, then the usual toilet will be useful.
or laundry soap and soft cloth.

How to clean silver at home: столовые приборы и

Cutlery can be most effectively cleaned with
special detergents for silver and gold products. And
large items (trays, kettles, candlesticks) should
spray, and forks, spoons and knives – pasty
substances. Blackened areas and enamel must be protected from contact with
them cleaner.

If in a short time you want to remove the dark bloom and dirt from
a large number of utensils, it is quite useful folk

This method should be used if silver is not blackened. AT
pan boil the potatoes, after the potatoes are cooked, water
do not pour out. Tubers need to pull out, and at the bottom of the container lay
foil. Then put the dirty products in the broth and bring to
boil. After the broth boils, reduce the fire and leave
on the stove for another 15 minutes. It is necessary to cool the fluid and only then
pour out. Cold water rinse boiled appliances, wipe with a soft
dry cloth.

You can also use a wonderful tool – ordinary
baking soda. We take capacity in which all needy will be located
в очистке домашнее серебро, на дно раскладываем алюминиевую foil.
How many liters of water do you plan to use, so many tablespoons
соды нужно насыпать на foil. Then pour boiling water, and in hot
after the complete dissolution of soda, we lower the silverware.
When the water has cooled, remove the silver from the solution and wash the instruments.
with soap, rinse in running cold water and wipe

How to clean silver at home: ювелирные

The most convenient and quickest way to remove patina and dirt from
jewelry is wiping the finished napkin with a solution. They
are universal, and sometimes differ in purpose. Some
made for gold and others for silver cleaning. Special
liquids and wipes can be used to clean any silver with
stones of various kinds.

AT экстренных случаях с грязными и не особо изысканными
decorationsми можно обойтись зубной пастой и щеткой. Such a way
convenient because everyone has a toothpaste, like an old brush for
brushing teeth.

Smooth ring or any other simple product from
silver, you can try to clean the usual office eraser.
I have not tried this method before, and in vain. The other day, sat looking
series and parallel rubbing a small ring with an erasing rubber.
What is surprising, it turns out this method works! But easy
guess that decoration with patterns or large massive ones
product drawings will not be completely clean, no matter how three.

If the decoration is encrusted with stones, then it is effective
the use of 10% interest ammonia, which can
buy at any pharmacy. AT нhim опускают подвергаемое чистке изделие
for a quarter of an hour. We take out the decoration and determine the degree of purity
если оно ATас не удовлетворило, можно повторно оставить на
soaking for another 15 minutes. After you got the silver, not
forget to rinse in clean water and wipe dry. Other cleaning
silver with ammonia does not require immersion in it
decorations. You can just take a piece of cloth and wet it.
ammonia. This cloth is required to wipe silver
products to shine.

Представлю ATам рецепт более агрессивного чистящhim раствора с
content of ammonia. It takes about 200 ml of water, tea
spoon of ammonia, also half a teaspoon of liquid
toilet soap and hydrogen peroxide. ATсе эти ингредиенты тщательно
перемешиваем и опускаем в полученный раствор грязные decorations.
ATремя от времени нужно вынимать серебряные изделия и оценивать
degree of purity. Если полученный результат ATас удовлетворяет, то
rinse clean things and dry.

Table vinegar is also one of the favorite many hostesses
means for cleaning silver at home. ATообще him очень
often misused, and quite successfully. To delete
mud and patina with silver jewelry, a small amount of vinegar
need to be heated to 40-60C on the stove. Taking off the dishes from the tile with vinegar,
lower the darkened product into it for 15-20 minutes. If decoration
not cleaned, you can return it back to the vinegar. Not
forget to rinse clean things with clean water and dry
to rub.

Citric acid well helps to get rid of dark scurf on
silver. ATозьмите эмалированную миску или кастрюлю и налейте туда
water. Add there citric acid powder. Dishes with
раствором поставьте на плиту и ждите до boil. Bye water
boils, you need to string on the copper wire rings, earrings,
подвески, которые ATы собираетесь отмыть от загрязнений. Jewelery
together with the wire to be immersed in a boiling liquid and keep them
in it until the dirt is gone. Usually until complete purification
It takes 20-30 minutes.

At worst, you can ask for help to table salt. Not
может быть, чтобы у ATас ее не было. For every 200 ml of water we pour
on a teaspoon of plain salt and mix until it is full
dissolving. Put the dishes with saline on the stove. When
вода закипит, положите в емкость серебряные decorations минут на
15-30. After такой процедуры ATаше серебро должно заблестеть как

Cooking salt can be applied as one of
ingredients to get a solution that perfectly cleans
silver at home. Для этого ATам нужны будут алюминиевая
dishes (pan or large deep bowl) water, any liquid
detergent for dishes, baking soda and ordinary table salt.
About 1 liter of water take 1 tablespoon of liquid detergent
funds, add there to 1 tablespoon of salt and
baking soda. It is necessary to bring the solution to a boil, while
to form a rich foam, then you need to reduce the power of fire and
положить в кипящую жидкость загрязненные серебряные decorations. On
Low heat should be boiled for 15-30 minutes. Not накрывайте
Cap with lid and occasionally check boiling liquid.

Издавна известен способ очищения серебра at home с помощью
tooth powder or soda. AT первую очередь берем порошок (побольше)
and water (much less). The consistency of cooked cleaner
substances must be pasty. Rub with soda or
tooth powder can be bare hands or a rag. If some
plots are not cleaned, then take a brush.

On просторах интернета можно найти разные народные способы
purification of silver from the patina. Onпример, с помощью куриных яиц. After
boiling eggs just need to lower the remaining water silver
products and after some time take out. The idea is that the dirt should
to leave. On деле это оказалось не особенно эффективным способом,
but maybe I did something wrong.

How to clean silver at home and not to spoil

If a silver item gets into contact with a wet surface
или влажной кожей, тут же him надо тщательно вытереть сухой чистой
a rag.

When ATы занимаетесь работой по дому, саду и огороду, всегда
снимайте серебряные decorations. This simple rule will allow for a long time.
keep purity and shine of rings and bracelets.

Before carrying out cosmetology procedures or applying
средств для кожи не забудьте снять все decorations из драгоценных
metals. Creams with sulfur content contribute to the oxidation of silver and
потере him красивого вида.

Products that you use infrequently, store in a dry place.
Onдо, чтобы различные серебряные вещи не контактировали друг с
a friend. Therefore, take any foil or regular food film, and
по отдельности заверните в них decorations или столовые приборы.

Products with pearls are contraindicated to clean with ammonia

Practice shows that tooth powder and soda are not completely
dissolved form scratch the surface of silver. Formed
small scratches and cracks accumulate dirt inside themselves,
which will be very difficult to clean. Onшатырный спирт, зубная паста
and vinegar also does not benefit silver products. It is better
use these substances for their intended purpose, otherwise
добиться потери товарного вида ATаших любимых украшений и фамильной

Onродная мудрость — как известно, испытана нашими бабушками и
great-grandmothers, but nowadays we know that eggs contain sulfur,
therefore, it is effective to clean silver at home with
egg shell will not work.

Чтобы быть спокойными за любимые серебряные decorations, дорогие
it would be better to entrust the dishes and coins to the heart
professional tools.

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