How to care for saxifrage? We growsaxifrage: the secrets of proper planting and mountain careby plant

Ср, 15 ноя 2017 Автор: Юрий Федоренков

Have you been dreaming about rock gardens in your area for a long time?
A place of honor in the dacha rocks will be occupied by saberjack. Plant with bright
flowers and completely unpretentious in planting and


Description and general concepts of care

Камнеломка (Saxifraga) — род почвопокровных
herbs of the stone-hem family. Characterized by species
abundance, in nature there are about 440, but not all
were cultivated. The name from Latin can be translated as
gap-grass Obviously, the plant grows mainly in
hard to reach places in the mountainous terrain on stony slopes
or, sometimes, in forest glades. It is found throughout the world, in
the middle lane, in the northern half of Eurasia and North America, in
Siberia, in the mountains of Central and Southern Europe.

These are perennial, rarely single, biennial plants. Possess
common to all kinds of signs. The leaves are collected in the socket, in
the basis of which there is often a nodule. Leaf plates can
have a different shape: from round to reverse lanceolate. Stems
its covered with glandular hairs, can be with sprigs and
leaves. In the height of saxifrage are from 10-15 to 40-50
centimeters. It blooms in late spring – early summer, forming among the rocks
bright carpet of flowers and leaves. Flowers vary in color, from
white, cream to pink and rich crimson, red.
The diameter is usually 1.5-2 centimeters. Flowering will continue 3-4
of the week.

The saxifrage will prefer a light, medium-fertile, grainy
the soil. In the soil, you can add crushed limestone, gravel,
coarse sand, a little peat and humus. Soil should be
somewhat poor. The saxifrage is a very unpretentious plant and
too much care can be disastrous for her.

In nature, it grows in rather wet places, appears with
out of the snow. Accordingly, it needs sufficient
moisture, but not excessive. It tolerates stagnant moisture,
water should flow and go. Provide good drainage. Bay
can lead to decay of the root system and the death of the plant.
Root itself is of interest. At the same time can
to hold rockfishes on the rock and provide all the necessary
nutrients. In some ways, the plant can be compared to

For positive dynamics, it is recommended to recreate for
plants are the same extreme conditions to which it is accustomed.
The saxifrage will feel good in a fairly sunny but
not hot, rather, cool, shade. For example, on
northern part of the rock garden. In the shade of a coniferous dwarf or under
low scrub.

Plant it in some crevice, a stone cavern, or on
uphill or downhill. For milder conditions, the plant is not
accustomed and will feel bad in them. Respectively,
ухаживать за by plant почти не нужно. Sometimes water so that it
not dried up Kamnelomka perfectly tolerates winter and soil freezing,
for her, these are “normal” conditions. But, nevertheless, it will not be superfluous
shelter plants, if you worry about him.

Reproduction and planting of saxifrage

Kamnelomka well propagated by rosettes or dividing the bush.
If with the latter everything is clear, proceeding from the name, then reproduction
rosettes somewhat more complicated. This process should be started.
after flowering plants.

Outlets neatly, sometimes with a knife, are separated from
maternal plants and planted in a shady place. Provide
such conditions for “kids”, so that they do not fall direct solar

For one growing season, before the onset of frost, young
the plant becomes adult and strong enough to
winter. In the spring of “kids” can be transplanted to their permanent
growth place.

The best way to propagate saberjack will be sowing seeds.
It is worth noting that they are very small, in 1 gram can be about
16 thousand pieces, so be careful.

In general, this is not a difficult matter, but it has several features.
For example, stratification. As saxifrage comes from those parts
light, where the cold and warm time of the year is clearly different, then
run natural processes embedded in the seeds, they need

The bottom line is that the tank is taken (a box or a bowl, you can take
plastic sucker) with a thin layer of loose, light, slightly
wet but not wet ground. As a substrate quite
suitable for seedlings with the addition of peat and perlite.

Seeds stacked on the surface, lightly pressed,
prune (no need to completely bury) ground. Capacity
covered with a lid or plastic film and placed in
refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

Covering is necessary in order to in the dry conditions of the refrigerator
moisture from the ground does not evaporate. �The stonework seeds will “overwinter” 3
of the week. You can start in late January-February. Periodically
check if mold has formed inside. Maybe even
quite a rarity, fungicide treatment will be required.

After the expiration of the 3-week period, the capacity is taken out of
refrigerators, ventilate, cover with new polyethylene,
transparent film and put on the windowsill in a bright place. The best
In total, if at this moment the heating and the temperature in the
the room will be about 13-18 ° C. Germination of fresh seeds amicable,
about 85%, observed after a week. Growth sluggish, somewhat
lazy. Seedlings can dive after 1-2 appear
these leaflets.

As for the care, then first of all ensure the sprouts
quite bright solar lighting. If this is not possible, they will do.
and fluorescent lamps. So a good foundation will be laid in more
young age plants.

The seedling will not be stretched, and the shoots will be strong, “knocked down”.
Use of growth regulators would not be out of place, but use very
нofкие дозировки. Полив лучше проofводить of пульверofатора, так вы
снofите риск залива растений и застой влаги, что может вызвать
various fungal diseases.

When the sprouts are strong enough, they are transplanted into peat.
pots, you can bunches of 2-3 pieces. In June, seedlings along with
pots planted in open ground at a distance of 5 to 20
centimeters apart. Thus, you can achieve “mass”
spreading culture, as many gardeners do.

Продолжительность жofни камнеломки до 10 лет, в среднем 5-7.
It is desirable to update the plant, otherwise it loses compactness,
оголяет the soil. In this case, the bare parts of the land are planted.
young plants or children.

Pests and difficulties of growing saxifrage

The saxifrage is strong enough, hardy and
неприхотливым by plant. Rarely affected by pests. AT
adverse conditions such as heat or sun rosettes
may acquire loose structure, stretch. ATозможно
the appearance of various insects. To combat them, use
инсектициды комплексного спектра действия.

AT целом, камнеломка — прекрасное решение украсить клумбу или
rock garden in the country. AT подходящих условиях она незамедлительно
will delight you with its lush flowering. And care, reproduction and landing
will not cause any special difficulties. Fine she will
to look near the stones, in the neighborhood with liatris, tiarella,
geyherella, phlox, thyme or juniper.

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