How to care for lilies in the open field:landing in the fall, feeding. What to do with lilies after flowering:winter preparation

Ср, 09 ноя 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

In almost every flower garden you can find lilies. To
the plant pleased with its colors, it is important to follow the rules of the autumn
planting and care for lilies in the open field. It is quite


How to plant lilies in the fall?

Lilies differ from other onion varieties in variety and
elegant, festive look. Before growing a plant,
it is necessary to determine the time of planting, location and soil.

When planting lilies in open ground

Most often, gardeners start planting bulbs with
the onset of autumn. Lilies are no exception. Autumn is the most
favorable time to plant new varieties of lilies. Plus this
planting is that the timing can be somewhat stretched, and the bulbs in
state of rest is easier to carry all procedures. In addition, in the fall
gardener more time, you can do change of lilies, which
already faded.

The timing of all events depends on weather conditions and
lily growing region. Optimal planting plants from the end
August In places with a warm climate, you can wait a little with landing to
September or early October.

Uniquely answer the question of when to plant lilies
complicated. Too early planted bulbs can start growing
that hurts the plant. Late landing will lead to freezing
unrooted onions.

Tip! If the air temperature
established at around 10 degrees, you can safely proceed to
planting bulbs.

What lilies can not be planted in the fall

When preparing for planting, it is important to remember that not all varieties
lilies can be planted in the fall. Therefore, before buying bulbs need
ask what kind they refer to.

Dutch lily bulbs will not tolerate a harsh winter, so
planting these plants is better to postpone until spring.

How to care for lilies in the fall in the open field

Lilies are unpretentious plants that need
minimal care. But in the fall of the work is added, it is necessary
prepare lilies for winter: water, feed, cut dry stalks,
cover in case of severe frosts, if necessary dig up

Some gardeners are limited to loosening the soil after
flowering lilies, but this is not true. Not all varieties are able to transfer
harsh winter without shelter in the open field. In which
sequences to care for lilies in the fall?

Obligatory top dressing of lilies in the fall

The first thing they need for a good wintering of the bulbs
to ripen. Only the healthy and well fed will endure a severe winter.

Immediately after the end of flowering, feed the planting with superphosphate.
Then apply only organic top dressing in the form of a mulch.
A thick layer of the mulch layer protects the bed from frost.

Feeding should be carried out no later than the beginning of September. Too
late mineral fertilization will provoke the growth of shoots

When to cut the lilies in the fall?

In the autumn, be sure to prune shoots in lilies. Her
make before winter mulching plants. Hurry with pruning
stalk is not worth it, as if this did not want. The fact is that the early
pruning slows the ripening process of the bulbs, so it needs
carry out only after full natural drying of the stem.

The correct pruning is to cut each
plant stem almost to the ground. You can map out a place
landing stick.

The procedure is carried out very carefully, with a sharp instrument.
Awkward movements can pull the bulb out of the ground. But
do not panic. Her нужно сразу посадить в глубокую лунку,
so that she caught on as quickly as possible.

All care for lilies in the open field in the fall does not take much
time, but next summer the work will pay off. Lilies will delight again
bright colors.

Autumn is the time to prepare lilies for winter

In some regions, lilies dig for the winter. But тут важно
understand – why do it. First of all, the bulbs are dug,
if they need a transplant or they need to be divided. also in
Lilies of the Asian varieties and LA hybrids need regular digging.
These species grow rapidly and require division. Young
onion babes take away nutrients from the parent
plants that weakens it. Eastern lilies and OT hybrids can
dig less often, once every 4 years.

Store the bulbs in an unheated room, where
the temperature does not fall below +5 degrees. Can be wrapped
prepared bulbs in wet moss.

When it’s time to cover the lilies for the winter

One of the important stages in the care of lilies in the open field –
осеннее мульчирование. Without a safe lily cover
can winter only in the southern regions. Especially carefully need
harbor eastern lilies and tubular hybrids.

It is best to hide the beds in late autumn or early winter,
when the soil is already frozen. If winter is coming with little snow, then for
cover lilies apply straw, fallen leaves or sawdust. Above
planting warmed lapnikom.

Late varieties of lilies, which still bloom in September, need
harbor on agrofiber night.

Important! In early spring, the shelter is removed from lilies before
seemed germs.

Further growth and development of lilies depends on timely and
proper care for them in the fall. Therefore, in the open field lilies
need to be well prepared for the upcoming winter.

Experienced Gardeners Tips

1. What to do if before planting lily bulbs sprouted?
It is impossible to plant such plants in the open ground in the autumn. Will be
plant sprouted bulbs correctly in a pot and until spring
grow them at home, then transplanted into a flower bed.

2. It is important to cut the lilies not only before winter, but also
after flowering. How to do it right? In order to cut
faded lily need pruner. Cut only 5 cm from
top of the stem. This is done so that the testes do not form.
and all the nutrients went into the bulb.

3. Lilies are planted in high beds. This is done in order
чтобы грунтовые воды не повредили bulbs. Once in the water,
the bulbs begin to rot.

4. Why mulch lilies for the winter? Under a good layer of mulch
the soil does not freeze for a long time, which allows lily roots to develop
even with low procedures. If the winter is warm, the roots may not
stop their growth.

5. Lilies grow better if the aboveground part of the plant is found.
in the sun, and the root system does not overheat. Experienced
gardeners advise planting lilies between rose bushes. Such a fit
obscure the lower part of the stem.

When autumn comes, it’s time to take care of the lilies.
Special attention should be paid to those plants that need

Then feed all the other flowers. Despite,
that lilies are unpretentious plants, and care for them
consists of simple procedures, they can not be neglected.

Здоровье и цветение растения зависит от состояния bulbs.
The main task of a gardener in the fall is to prepare lily bulbs for
winter, provide them with comfortable conditions.

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