How not to overeat on holidayparties?

kak-ne-pereedatHoliday parties or meeting with friends
carry with them visiting bars and restaurants, drinking lots
servings of alcoholic beverages, confectionery and bakery products …
Yeah, what to say!

But going to a party should not ruin your plans at all.
regarding weight loss and leading to imbalance,
compiled by you, the mode of separate power for weight loss.

To ensure that after each of the holidays you are sadly not
looked at the scales, use these tips to help pass
such meetings “without loss”.

Tips for not overeating and keeping yourself in hand

Plan ahead your diet

Think on the eve of the party what you are going to eat and
have a drink in the evening / night of your friendly festivities. As a rule, the menu
such holidays are often of the same type, and you will always be
have some general idea of ​​what will be offered and
be accordingly able to plan it.

This will help you not to overeat and accurately understand your future.
calories that are often eaten in the heat of the crowd.
For example, if you want a cocktail, then you need to say no.
dessert, or vice versa. It will also help you avoid a lot
the temptations of the “buffet” at corporate parties that
may well lead to overeating.

Be especially diligent on the eve

If your party on the calendar falls on the weekend, become
additionally pedantic to eat right and
monitor your portions of food throughout the previous week.

It will help you to compensate for any favors in
food that will arise during the celebration. Just do not miss
meals to “save” part of the calories before the party is
always turns into extra portions. Grab a snack before going out

In order not to overeat, never go to a party hungry.
Even the willpower you can muster will not help you.
to cope with the rumbling of the abdomen dangerously close to the “Swedish

Ideally, eat a small portion of protein and
carbohydrates, such as an apple and some low-fat cottage cheese –
about an hour before the party to keep feeling
hunger under control.

�”Special” clothes

I have a girlfriend who always dresses to parties tightly
tight-fitting skirts or tightening your belt in one or two divisions
tighter, especially when the “Swedish
table”. She says a pinching effect makes her
overeating is very uncomfortable, or even say – practically

Avoid the temptations

soblaznStay away from traditional snacks such as
slices of cheese or sausage. Fresh vegetables and fruits, light salads,
meat delicacies, seafood – everything is healthy

In order not to overeat and not to resist his will – not
Stand and do not sit near the table with snacks. Try to find such
the part of the hall that provides the smallest eye contact with

It’s natural that people tend to eat more when
food is in plain sight at the party many of the dishes are in sight and under
by hand. Tasty-smelling savory excesses can break even
the strongest willpower.

Remember, in the end, a party is a place where there are many
different friends and the best way is to occupy your brain (and your mouth!),
talking to as many people as possible. Such a distraction
can be your best ally, how not to pass on like

Hem sitting

If possible, sit down to eat. Old joke about
that calories consumed when you are standing does not count, unfortunately
not true, and it will slip you a “pig” in
the sense that your brain does not register what and how much you eat,
when you are standing.

Taking a sitting position and paying more attention to what
running through your lips, helps you control the situation.
Be picky

From the holiday table can “run away eyes” when you
see a wide variety of products available. Before as
put any of them on a plate, think about the dishes that you
really eagerly awaited and wanted to try. You
there are not many calories to waste them filling the plate
plenty of foods you could eat at any
time. Choose a few of your favorite delicacies and enjoy.
by them!

Well, and finally – do not abuse alcohol! Remember this
calorie drink! Follow the general condition of the body, because
excess alcoholic beverages bring into your life
unexpected twists of fate!

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