How much water should you drink per day?

  • 1 How much water should you drink during the day?
    • 1.1 Daily allowance for men and women
    • 1.2 For the elderly
    • 1.3 The need during pregnancy
    • 1.4 Daily allowance for a child
    • 1.5 Water Loss
    • 1.6 How to calculate how much water to drink in
    • 1.7 What will happen if you do not eat for 3 days, and only drink water?
    • 1.8 Зачем пить 2 литра воды в day?
    • 1.9 Is it harmful to drink a lot of fluids?
    • 1.10 The benefits of water with lemon

A person is 60% of the water that the body needs to
healthy work of all organs. It is part of the blood, urine and
digestive juice. In large quantities it is contained in
muscle and adipose tissue, as well as part of the brain.

Since water is vital for health
human, it is important to maintain water balance and observe the daily
need for this fluid.


How much water should you drink during the day?

For good health and good spirits must be respected.
daily fluid requirement. It should be plain water, without
gases and various additives.

Многие источники утверждают, что в день нужно
употреблять не менее 2,5 литров жидкости
. However this
The option is not entirely correct. For each person has its own
norm, which depends on the weight category and pace of life.

To determine the norm in the article will be given a special
table of daily fluid requirements for children and adults.

What is the use of clean water for the body?

  • It rejuvenates the skin, preventing its withering and dryness.
  • It removes toxins, slags and other harmful substances from
  • Reduces the risk of blood clots and further
    stroke / heart attack.
  • Improves the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes water-salt balance, improves
    all metabolic processes in the body.
  • It regulates body temperature.
  • Reduces the risk of infectious diseases.
  • Improves well-being and energizes.
  • Burns fat and helps to get rid of overweight and

What water is useful?

Spring is considered the most useful and suitable for drinking.
well and melt water. It contains a large number
trace elements that the body needs.

Mineral water containing mineral water is also beneficial.
целый ряд полезных соединений (Na, Ca, Mg, Cl и etc.). But
table water is recommended to drink courses, previously
after consulting a doctor.

Daily rate for men and women

As already mentioned, for each person the daily rate
water consumption is individual. In men and women, the need for
water is the same, the hallmark is body weight and
intensity of lifestyle.

Существует простая формула расчета индивидуальной
. You can calculate it this way:

  • Для женщин: ATес тела х
  • Для мужчин: ATес тела х

For example, if you are a woman, and your weight is 53 kilograms,
then you need to drink 1,855 ml of water per day (about 1.8

Если вы хотите узнать, сколько воды нужно пить мужчине во
training time, here it is important to consider the degree and intensity
daily load.

This will help you a special table:

For the elderly

After 50 years, many functions in the body slow down their work.
Bone tissue becomes thinner, new growth slows down
cells, a person is aging and, accordingly, his health
getting worse.

Medical research has shown that older people
they drink very little water, as a result of which the organs will receive less beneficial
substances. This leads to body dysfunction, wear and more.
accelerated aging process.

Water affects a person’s somatic condition and his
mental and physical abilities.

Мозг состоит на 80% из воды. Lack of fluid in
tissues (especially in old age) leads to the fact that the vessels
cease to be elastic, and thin.

Due to the lack of the necessary supply of water in the plasma, the blood
becomes viscous. There is a serious load on the central nervous system and heart. AT
As a result, there is a risk of blood clots, and as a result,
the emergence of heart attacks and strokes.

This is an indication of how important it is to maintain
water balance not only in young, but also in old age.

Older person should drink at least 1700 ml
water per day.

Need during pregnancy

Pregnancy involves not only the right, healthy diet.
food, but also compliance with the drinking regime.

При беременности особенно важно поддерживать водный
баланс в норме
. AT этот период в теле беременной женщины
the amount of water increases. ATызвано это тем, что циркулирующая в
blood vessels increase, tissues begin to store water and exchange
substances starts to accelerate.

Соблюдение питьевого режима также влияет и на
future baby. The body of the child is its blood and amniotic fluid
consist of a water base, so it is important to replenish water,
because with it enter the body nutrients and
trace elements.

So, how much water a day can you drink

When pregnancy is necessary to strictly observe the drinking regime.
Dehydration or heavy drinking can harm the future.
to kid.

Signs of dehydration during pregnancy:

  • dry lips;
  • peeling of the skin of the face, hands and feet;
  • frequent constipation;
  • irritability, fatigue and confusion;
  • toxicosis.

Норма для беременных составляет 1,5-2 литра в

При появлении отеков эффективным средством
become water with lemon or cranberry. Acids that are in them
contain, do not allow fluid to linger in the body and
contribute to its removal.

Daily rate for a child

Children’s health is the most important concern of parents. ATода
plays a crucial role in the formation of the child’s body. She is
boosts immunity, participates in all important processes in the body,
and is also a source of strength and energy.

For normal growth and good health
важно пить достаточное количество жидкости в течение
. It should be pure water, without various impurities and

Drinking juices and
 вредит здоровью ребенка, так как содержит
large amounts of sugar, preservatives and other harmful

The daily rate for children varies depending on
возрастной категории
. Find out how much water to drink
в день ребенку, вам поможет таблица:

Norms of the total daily water requirement in children 


Fluid requirement per 1 kg. body mass

1 day


2-3 days


4-7 days


2-4 weeks


3 months


6 months


9 months


1-3 years


4 years


7 years

95 ml

11 years

75 ml

14 years old

55 ml

ATажно не допустить обезвоживания и пить достаточное количество
water. Non-compliance with drinking leads to fatigue and a number of

The amount of water while losing weight

ATода особенно важна для похудения. She is ускоряет метаболизм и
removes harmful substances from the body. If you drink enough
the amount of fluid per day and consume it at the right time,
lose weight and lose weight will become quite real.

The use of the daily norm for weight loss

  • ATыведению продуктов расщепления (белков, жиров,
  • Normalization of biochemical processes and fat processing.
  • ATосстановлению эластичности кожи и росту новых клеток.
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes.
  • Reducing cholesterol in the blood.
  • Normalization of water-salt metabolism.
  • Улучшению работы ЖКТ и etc.

Сколько жидкости нужно пить в день, чтобы
lose weight?

The daily rate depends on the weight category. Recommended
calculate water intake according to the following principle:

For every 450 grams of weight, drink at least 14 grams of water in
Пример формулы: ATы весите 90

  • 90 divided by 450 and multiplied by 14. We get the result – 2.8
    литров жидкости в day.

For effective weight loss is better to start your day with
use clean, warm water, drunk on an empty stomach and 15 minutes before
every meal. Tips and tricks

How to calculate how much water to drink in

As already mentioned, the daily rate of fluid intake for
each person is individual.

If the table specified in the article did not meet your requirements,
you can use a different method for determining the daily rate –
калькулятор суточной потребности в воде.

ATсемирной Организацией Здравоохранения было определено
the required amount of fluid for a person.
Per kg
weight 30 ml. Thus, it turns out that if your weight
составляет 85 кг, вам необходимо пить 2,5 литра water per day.

What will happen if you do not eat for 3 days, but only drink water?

Usually the questions of such a plan are set in order to lose weight.
A three-day “water” fasting is not the best choice to fight
overweight. This method is harmful to health and will add to your
Ultimately extra kilos.

Does your body lose weight by 3 or more
? The answer is negative. AT течение дня вес каждого
человека варьируется +,- 1 kg Typically, this is the volume of fluid and
food decomposition products.

If you drink only water for 3 days, your body will experience
stress and depleted.

On day 2 you will begin to experience a feeling of weakness, a headache.
and malaise. And the experienced stress will lead to
overeating and weight gain.

  • Если вы решили похудеть, лучше использовать метод
    one-day fasting days. 
    This method will allow
    fight excess weight and does not harm health.
    If time in
    week to conduct such a technique, it will improve your
    well-being and reduce waist by a few cm.

Зачем пить 2 литра воды в day?

2 liters of fluid per day is a common amount that
necessary for adult health and
life activity. The use of 2 liters of fluid allows
избежать различных diseases.

2.5 liters can satisfy the daily need of the body in
water. ATаше тело получает необходимые питательные вещества,
improves the work of all organs. The man begins to feel
vigorous, full of strength and energy.

How to train yourself to drink the right amount of water?

Полезные советы:

  • Put the jug (filter) in a prominent place.
  • Carry one small bottle with you.
  • Before you want to drink juice or soda, drink 1 glass
    чистой water.
  • Every hour, take one small glass.
  • ATыпивайте нужное количество перед каждым приемом food.
  • Buy 2 liters of liquid for work and put it in a prominent position.
    a place.
  • Begin the morning with a glass of clean water on an empty stomach.

ATредно ли пить много жидкости?

Unlimited water consumption can harm your
health. Excess fluid is an extra load for
organism. With an excess, cardiovascular function may deteriorate.
system and kidney. Blood pressure rises, occurs
load on the heart.

With unlimited use there is a hard work.
the kidneys. This leads to their dysfunction. Such a failure in the body
leads to serious consequences.


  1. Старайтесь употреблять суточную норму fluid. Calculate it
    You can use the formula or using the table.
  2. Try to reduce salt intake, as it delays
    fluid in the body.

The benefits of water with lemon

The benefits of such a drink are incredibly useful for increasing
иммунитета и борьбы с overweight. AT состав лимона входит огромное
amount of ascorbic acid, beneficial vitamins, microelements
and essential oils. By adding lemon juice to water, we saturate it.
useful components.

The recipe is simple:

  • Cut a few slices of lemon and fill them with warm water.
  • Take this drink better on an empty stomach. This makes it possible
    start the process of digestion and energize for a whole

Benefits of the drink:

  1. Accelerates metabolism;
  2. Increases immunity;
  3. Improves skin condition;
  4. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  5. Lowers cholesterol;
  6. Normalizes the heart;
  7. Fights colds and infections;
  8. It allows you to lose weight;
  9. ATыводит вредные вещества из организма и etc.

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