How much time should the baby sucknot to stay hungry – instructions for young mothers

Tue, Jun 23, 2015

The World Health Organization and pediatricians believe
that breast milk is the best and healthy diet that
we can offer baby.

Milk is a complete meal. It is perfectly adapted for
infant’s body contains over 400 nutrients
The perfect balance of fats, proteins and minerals that
improve immunity, help with digestion, promote
proper growth.

Infants receiving breast milk during the first 6 months
have fewer ear infections, less likely to suffer from colds,
Do not have diarrhea attacks, less often complain to doctors.

Physical proximity of mother and child, breastfeeding,
maternal breathing, skin warmth help the baby to feel at
eating safe. Babies Grown with Breast Milk
have a healthy weight, grow well, are calm,
balanced character. Breastfeeding impedes
the development of sudden infant death syndrome, diabetes, obesity,
some types of cancer.

In this article, you will learn how long and how often to feed.
breastfeed and how much time the baby should suck
to be fully fed during feeding. And also
several very important aspects.


What is the alphabet of breastfeeding?

• A = Absolutely comfortable conditions for the mother. This is extremely important.
moment. Mother’s hands, head and neck should have an extra
support Feet – placed on the stand. Body to be in
relaxed position.

• B = Great patience. The baby must be fed to the full
saturation. You can not rush and interrupt food intake. How much
time the baby should suck the breasts for one feeding it will go

• B = Attention to the needs of the child. Feed the baby need
when he feels hungry. This mode is called
requirement. In the first days of life, the baby requires from 8 to 12
feedings during the day. The hungry baby wakes up
starts moving handles, makes various noises with his mouth, sticks out
tongue, purses his lips, so if he sucked his mother’s breast. In that
case you shouldn’t wait for the baby to start whimpering or crying, so
how is a signal of strong hunger.

How long should breastfeed

Children’s pediatricians recommend feeding in the first 6 months
newborns exclusively breast milk. They also
It is recommended to add to the diet of breast milk after, as
the baby began to be transferred to solid food until the end of the year of life and
subsequent periods, if mom can afford it.

How often should breastfeed

A newborn baby should be fed 8-12 times a day.
during the first 30 days of life. If mommy feels her pussy
not fed, milk formula can be included in the diet.
Breast milk is absorbed more easily than artificial milk formula,
as ideally matched to the child’s digestive system,
digests quickly and more often makes the child feel like

Frequent feeding stimulates milk production, especially during the first
7-14 days. In the next 2 months, breastfeeding schedule
will be gradually reduced and may be 7-9 attachments to
chest per day. Feed the baby better on demand when he
hungry, every 1.5-3 hours. Meal interval should not be
more than 4 hours even at night.

How often and how long should feed the child – curled from
mother’s body, baby’s appetite, and many others

• volume and quality of breast milk;

• the rate of milk intake in the infant’s body;

• the correct position of the mother during the meal;

• moods of mother and child;

• general environment.

How long does a baby have to suckle for one

The duration of feeding depends also on the age of the infant.
Newborns to get food from 20-40 minutes each
chest But as the child grows, he acquires skills
eating and eventually getting food for 5-10 minutes on
одной chest

How often do you need to alternate breast feeding?

To keep milk production in both breasts and prevent
painful swelling of the mammary glands, it is important to alternate breasts when
feeding Feeding time is adjusted to the child’s appetite and
features of milk production in women. Some babies may
be fed for 5 minutes on one breast, others may
потребоваться по 10-15 минут на каждой chest

Some experts recommend changing the chest in the middle.
each feeding, and start a regular meal with a rest
chest Some women find this method extremely useful and
Keep a notebook with you to keep track of your feed schedule. Other
reject this way and feed the baby one breast at a time

In most cases, babies prefer to be fed from
two breasts. Но есть отдельные малыши, которым нравится feeding
только из одной chest Which way choose mommy and baby –
depends on personal preference, however the way when in nutrition
two breasts involved is more comfortable.

How to understand that a child is full?

Young mummies, especially those who became mothers for the first time, often
worried about whether the baby is fed after feeding or not.
A nursing mother can be calm if the baby:

• remains satisfied after each meal and sweet
falls asleep;

• produces about 4-6 wet diapers per day and has
regular bowel movements;

• sleeps well;

• attentive and calm while awake;

• gains weight well.

If the baby does not receive breast milk.

• awake after feeding, continues to look for maternal

• does not produce the required number of wet diapers,
has rare and poor bowel movements;

• fussy, cries a lot;

• does not gain weight.

If you are worried that your crumb will not receive
the required amount of breast milk, call your doctor.
Breastfeeding can be supplemented with milk formulas.

Burp after feeding – is this the norm or deviation?

For babies practicing breastfeeding regurgitation
A small amount of food is normal. However vomiting in
large quantity, should alarm. Vomiting after feeding –
deviation that needs medical attention.

Diapers as an indicator of proper nutrition?

Diapers are an excellent indicator of proper nutrition.
The first milk is colostrum, which gets a newborn. It
allows the child to produce from 1 to 2 wet diapers in the first 24
hours of life

In the next 3-4 days after birth, the milk gets more
liquid consistency and allows you to produce 4-5 wet diapers and
greenish-yellow bowel movements once a day.

After 6-7 days of life, the infant should produce more than 6 wet
diapers per day with clear or very pale urine. Lesser
the number of diapers reports that the baby gets
insufficient amount of drinking. If on the surface of diapers
yellow crystals appear – an urgent need to consult a doctor.
Four or more yellow bowel movements during this period indicate the correct
nutrition of the newborn baby.

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