Hortensia: landing in the fall in open ground.Secrets of growing hydrangea, planting and transplanting it in autumn

Пт, 07 окт 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Any gardener dreams of a flowering spring garden, for this many
Plants are planted since autumn.

Hortensia is no exception.

To decorate the site with this unusual flower, you need to be able to

It’s simple enough, you just need to know some subtleties.


ATремя для посадки гортензии: почему осень?

Shrub planted in spring and autumn. But many
gardeners are leaning toward autumn planting hydrangeas. This gives
indisputable advantage, flowering will begin next spring.

ATремя посадки зависит от региона. AT южных
latitudes landing can be transferred to the end of autumn, but in the north
better not to delay. In the fall in the open ground planted large
Hydrangea bushes. Young seedlings transplanted only in spring.

Autumn planting requires less time, seedlings are faster
take root. But newly planted plants require shelter on
winter It is carried out a month before the expected frosts.

In the autumn care of hydrangea is reduced to a minimum. She usually has enough
rainwater, so that additional watering is not required. To
avoid fungal diseases, it is recommended to water the hydrangea
solution of potassium permanganate. If the weather is wet, then this watering
spend several times.

Place for planting hydrangea

The success of growing hydrangeas depends largely on
properly selected place.
Shrub prefers
cozy and quiet place without drafts. Hydrangea is grown in
partial shade that allows to prolong flowering. When choosing a site for
planting hydrangeas in the fall must take into account the size of the bush. ATзрослое
the plant reaches 3.5 meters in height and about 1.5 meters in

An important factor in the cultivation of hydrangea is
the soil.
Shrub prefers легкие и питательные смеси.
Soil preparation must be done in advance. Hydrangea refers to
moisture-loving plants, so the soil must be moisture-consuming.
Adding too much will help to enrich the land.
a mixture of humus, leaf earth, sand and peat. To субстрат для
planting had all the necessary nutrients added to it
superphosphate, urea and potassium sulfate.

Where to get hydrangea saplings?

You can buy ready-made planting material in any
specialty store, but for those who love their own
to grow flowers, you need to know about the reproduction of hydrangeas.

Shrub propagated by several

• grafting;

• division of the bush;

• vaccination;

• seeds.

Hydrangea cuttings

The best time for grafting is mid July. Cuttings cut
from side shoots, which is enough on any plant. ATыбирать
shoots need so that they are not too hard. Cuttings with
hard wood roots worse, but too weak, brittle
shoots are not suitable for growing.

Rooting cuttings hydrangea carried out in the lung and nourishing
substrate. Increase soil moisture capacity will help add to it
sphagnum. Prepared cuttings treated with the drug
�”Kornevin”. Capacity is filled with substrate, well watered and
planted cuttings.

The depth of planting cuttings about 2-3 cm, the distance between
seedlings left up to 5 cm. Cuttings planted obliquely. ATесь
rooting process takes no more than 3-4 weeks. Temperature in
the room where cuttings are located should not exceed 20

Dividing bush

ATзрослые кусты можно размножать делением куста при пересадке.
ATысаживают гортензию в открытый грунт осенью, что позволяет
seedlings get accustomed faster. The mother bush is dug up and divided.
into several parts, each of which must have several buds

Seed propagation is rarely used.

How to plant hydrangea in the fall in the open ground + photo

Before planting the seedlings need to prepare a landing pit. She is
must match the size of the root system. Depth and width
the holes are about 50 cm. The distance between the plants is left
sufficient for their development. If you plan a single landing
hydrangeas, then she needs about 2.5-3 meters. To form a lively
hedges between bushes leave up to 70 cm.

Pre-prepared wells are filled with peat, humus and
by sand. You can also add mineral fertilizers.

ATажно! Hortensia does not tolerate
lime. Therefore, avoid putting it in the ground for planting.

The seedling is set in the prepared landing pit,
straighten roots and sprinkle with earth. At the same time the root neck
must be at ground level. It can not be deepened. After autumn
Hydrangea seedlings are planted abundantly watered and mulched with peat,
needles or sawdust.

Hortensia: how to prepare for winter?

The process of preparing hydrangeas for winter is not entirely complicated, but
quite laborious. ATсе разновидности кустарника по-разному
refer to frost. Particularly frost resistant varieties
require shelter, but in the northern regions
to risk.

• Before the procedure of shelter you need to tear off from the plant all the lower
leaves. This will accelerate the ripening of the shoots and reduce the impact on them.
low temperatures.

• In the fall carry out pruning hydrangea. This should be done in the period from
late August to October.

• With the onset of sustainable frosts, shrubs need to pile up
to a height of 30 cm.

In Siberia, hydrangea needs more thorough care.
In the fall, the plant is fed with minerals, after which
cover up.

• All shoots are bent to the ground, previously planted under them
the board.

• Top with a bush covered with dry foliage or sawdust.

• Next, wooden shields are installed above the bush and covered with them.

In this form, the hydrangea will transfer even the most severe

How to prune hydrangea in autumn

Hydrangea needs pruning throughout the season so as not to
lose its decorative effect. Autumn pruning is different from any
other. It is designed to facilitate the wintering of hydrangeas. Different varieties
Shrubs are pruned in their own way. Young shoots paniculata
hydrangeas shorten to four buds. Adult Hydrangea Bushes
subjected to radical pruning. All shoots are cut at

Pest Control and Disease Hydrangea

After planting or transplanting hydrangea for a long time adapts to the new
habitat conditions. As a rule, this period lasts about 14 days. AT
this time the leaves on the plant may turn black, dry. ATнешний вид
hydrangeas spoil. Hydrangea can also be affected by fungal infections.
diseases and various pests. AT борьбе с грибками
apply spraying with copper oxychloride.


It is very easy to spot a lamb on hydrangeas. Leaves and inflorescences
deformed, traces of insects are noticeable on them.
If the aphids are not too much, then you can try to get rid of
with the help of soapy water, infusion of garlic, tobacco or celandine.
With a massive defeat the use of insecticides can not be avoided.

Defeat by snails

In the fall, these insects burrow into the ground and harm the young in the spring
shoots and buds of hydrangea. AT борьбе с улитками осенью применяют
special preparations that lay out around the plant.

Summing up

If you dream of a blooming hydrangea in the garden, then observe
some rules:

• plant your hydrangea in the shaded areas in autumn;

• Do not apply too much fertilizer.

• water well after planting;

• make the correct autumn pruning;

• treat pests and diseases;

• securely cover the hydrangea from frost.

As you can see, the cultivation of hydrangea does not deliver special

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