Homemade soap recipes for beginners,technology. Secrets of the masterpieces of soap production: the original homesoap

Ср, 16 мар 2016 Автор: Татьяна Разина

Homemade Soap May Be Real
masterpiece of needlework.

Cooking it yourself is not at all difficult, but the process itself.
delays its fascination.

К тому же, в такое soap можно добавить любые индивидуально
useful ingredients, favorite fragrances and desired colors.

Home-made soap recipes for beginners are simple and
fascinating. And possession of certain rules will help to avoid
most common mistakes.


Soap at home: what is different from the purchase

Домашнее soap имеет большое преимущество перед тем, что
located on the shelves of supermarkets. The composition of purchased soap is often
monotonous, and the list on the package is always subject to large
doubts. Как правило, soap, приобретенное в магазине, сушит кожу,
tightens it, leaves a raid.

И только собственноручно приготовленное в домашних условиях soap
will possess all the qualities that are required by a certain
skin type. Soap recipes for beginners at home
require any unusual components. Everything you need for
увлекательного soapварения можно приобрести в специализированных

Готовя soap дома, в него можно добавить эфирные масла и
отвары трав
, которые наполнят его массой полезных

Так, например, soap с маслом чайного дерева или отваром
идеально подойдет для умывания жирной кожи,
prone to rashes. It will have a disinfectant effect.

Пихта в составе мыльного брусочка избавит от
pustular rash.

Мыло с апельсином поможет в борьбе с целлюлитом
and energize.

If a же добавить в soap эфирные масла лаванды,
it is ideal for evening hygiene, calm
and tune in to pleasant dreams.

Готовя soap в домашних условиях, в него можно добавить любое
essential oil. This will give it both useful properties and a loved one.
aroma. Essential oils do not have fats that could
clog pores. The main thing is not to exceed the permissible number of drops,
because it can provoke allergic reactions.

Покупая в магазине soap-скраб, часто приходится
doubt that it contains natural particles,
which will remove dead skin cells. But if
the manufacturer replaced them with a synthetic analog, the skin will suffer
from such chemical exposure. Домашнее soap со скрабирующим
effect not only perfectly cope with its task, but also
at the same time will heal the skin. В такое soap обычно
add useful oatmeal, in the role of gentle, but at the same time
effective scrub. Ground coffee in the soap will help to arrange a real one.
body peeling, but does not injure him. В soap-скраб также
You can add any cosmetic clay and decoctions of herbs.

Омолодить кожу и увлажнить ее сможет soap, в которое будут
добавлены водоросли в процессе приготовления.
Initially, the soap base can be diluted with milk or herbal
decoction, which also has a beneficial effect on the skin.

The recipe of invigorating refreshing soap at home for
beginners включает в себя ментол. The secret of this
soap is to make menthol crystals completely
dissolved. Alcohol is used at the initial stage for this.
instead of water. Only alcohol will completely dissolve menthol, evenly
distributing it all over the soap base.

Reflecting on the fact that give relatives and friends at the next
праздник, soap, приготовленное в домашних условиях, будет одним из
best options. After all, it can be done not only extremely
useful, but also beautiful. To give beautiful shades, you can
использовать, как природные красители — кофе, соки фруктов,
овощей, ягод
. So are dyes sold in
специализированных stores. Also in the pieces of soap is beautiful
Looks like dry flower buds, chocolate pieces and other useful ones.
and beautiful ingredients that only fantasy is capable of.

Making soap at home (for beginners): what
for this you need

Before embarking on an exciting cooking process
home soap, you need to get all the ingredients,
Auxiliary items and dishes:

• Soap base – it is sold in specialized stores,
it is white and transparent. But новичкам soapварения лучше
использовать простое детское soap;

• Water, decoctions of herbs, milk – to dilute the soap
the basics;

• Base oil – olive, grape, almond,
apricot. Any of these and other oils can be purchased at

• Essential oils – they will give the finished product
desired flavor and beneficial properties;

• Glycerol;

• Additives – they are chosen, given the purpose of the future soap:
moisturizing, scrubbing, healing, soothing,
tonic and td;

• Красители — soap может быть, конечно, и прозрачным, в котором
grass, flowers, citrus peel will be clearly visible. What if
no, then dyes purchased from the store are used or
cooked with his own hands from natural materials;

• Crockery – containers for the steam bath, as well as
various soap molds that can be either
specialized, and any plastic, glass
ceramic forms;

• Alcohol – it is needed for degreasing molds for soap and
for getting rid of bubbles.

Home-made soap recipe for beginners: ingredients and

The recipe for soap at home for beginners is quite simple and
doing it is a pleasure. When everything you need is under
by hand, it’s time to start cooking:

1. Arrange on the stove a water bath of medium intensity;

2. Натираем детское soap на крупной терке или нарезаем кусочками
soap base and put in a water bath so that the base

3. In the process of melting the base, you need to add oil to it, which
plays a basic role. Take 3 tablespoons per 100 grams of soap
the basics;

4. At the same time, add water, milk to the resulting mixture.
or decoctions of herbs. This should be done gradually to get
creamy consistency;

5. Remove the completely melted mixture from the water bath and
add essential oils to it (no more than 5 drops per 100 g
product), dyes and ingredients as desired, and a teaspoon

6. Дозировано разливаем будущее soap в формочки, которые
pre wiped with alcohol;

7. To get rid of bubbles on the surface of the soap, it is necessary
sprinkle with alcohol from a small spray;

8. Leave the molds with the mixture in a cool place for a few

After 2-3 days, the mixture in the molds will harden and completely
will dry out. That’s the whole recipe for soap at home for
beginners. Already at the first attempt you get amazing useful
soap, которое порадует не только своего изготовителя, но и тех, с
who he will share his masterpiece.

Making soap at home: the main problems

To err is common to all, and especially in such creative
процессе, как soapварении. But not so often to translate
ingredients, it is helpful to know some rules that will help
avoid blunders.

Рецепт мыла в домашних условиях для beginners должен быть
well studied, and all the components are prepared in advance at hand. But
in addition, you need to accurately calculate the dosage of each of

• You can only prepare the soap mixture in a water bath. If a
do it directly in the container on the fire, then everything just starts

• Additional components are added to slightly cooled.

• Do not use a mixer for mixing, this will lead to
a large number of bubbles;

• Per 100 grams of soap base is taken no more than 3 tablespoons
base oil. В противном случае готовое soap не будет

• Base oil is not added if the output is expected
прозрачное soap;

• Essential oils should be added dropwise, not exceeding the total
the amount of 5 drops. Otherwise, it is easy to provoke allergic
the reaction caused by overdose of esters;

• When preparing soap for children, add essential oils and
not at all worth it;

• Poorly milled grass or its excessive addition will
unpleasant to scratch the skin. The same applies to coffee and oatmeal.
cereal and everything else that is commonly used to
scrubbing soap;

• Flowers and herbs are added only in dry form;

• Additives for scrub soap is best added when the soap
the mixture is already poured into molds. This will allow to stay evenly.
particles all over the soap bar;

• If a добавить в процессе soapварения соль, то смесь распадется
on the components and cooking will be interrupted, and the product

• It is possible to make figures only from still very warm soap
mixes. If a она остынет, то начнет распадаться при попытке скрутить
from her something;

• Of natural dyes only beet juice is able
paint the product red;

• Цвета и запахи не стоит смешивать уже в процессе soapварения,
since the result can be unpredictable and not the most

• In the process of making multi-layered soap, the surface
each previous layer needs to be slightly cut and sprinkled

• The alcohol must be clean, it must not be replaced with vodka or
other alcohol-containing liquids;

• В холодильнике формочки с soapм могут находиться не более 10

• Формочки с soapм нельзя выставлять сохнуть на открытом
the sun.

These basic rules will help avoid the most common
ошибок soapварения, руководствуясь рецептами мыла в домашних
условиях для beginners. In addition, we must take the rule to write
every successful recipe and never rely only on memory.

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