Home lily: planting and caring for a flowerKings (photo). How to care for a home lily, toshe bloomed

Вт, 24 май 2016 Автор: Инна TOвашина

Lilies are very showy, often fragrant flowers that
valued for their large and colorful flower.

The petals of the indoor flower are often funnel-shaped and sit on
the top of a tall, upright stalk.

The most common are the following types of room
plants: Arabian, eastern hybrids or royal, dwarf,
as well as gilded lilies.

Color can be the most diverse from snow white to

Often home lilies include hippeastrum and amaryllis, which
Not only are they externally similar, but they require the same care.


How to plant a home lily and care for her
(a photo)

Lily (lat. Lilium) – a genus of plants of the Liliaceae family,
perennial plant that grows from bulbs. Very good they
grow and at home. However, you first need to
make the correct landing.

The choice of bulbs for planting must be considered very
carefully and carefully. First you need to examine them. Bulbs
must be healthy, firm, without rot, moss, brown
spots and with live roots. Size should be average, but not less
3 cm

Planting bulbs is recommended in early spring, as in this
the case of bloom time will be just in June – August. But
it is also necessary to distinguish the types of lilies. If it blooms from December
until May, and the rest of the time is resting, then it is gippeastrum, and if
she has a rest period in the winter, this is Amaryllis.
Consider it! Since, as a general rule, landing and transfer
plants need to be done only in a dormant period.

For one bulb, choose the middle pot. Too big
no need to take, as the lily simply can not bloom. Also a pot
must be deep. This is due to the fact that this flower is very
developed root system.

Soil mixture is better to use special. At the bottom do not forget
put drainage. Onion gently insert into the middle and
cover with earth, but only half. Those. you will have a pot
filled with earth to the middle. And when the stalks grow over the edge
pot, you can fill the soil. It’s good to use river sand,
which by its properties will improve the condition of the soil.

In the first year of life lilies do not bloom. They gather all the strength to
in the next 2-4 years to reach peak flowering. At this time you can
to prepare the flower for reproduction.

Transplantation can be done every three years. Pre
it is necessary to cut the flowers. This must be done in order to
all the power remained in the bulb, and not spent on the flower.
Digging should be done very carefully so as not to damage

Совет: перед посадкой продезинфицируйте
bulbous heads in a solution of potassium permanganate. It will warn
the emergence of pests and plant infection diseases.

Уход за домашней лилией (a photo): освещение, полив, температурный

To make Lily feel comfortable at home
conditions, it must provide high humidity. That is, wet
soil and humid air. Water the plant regularly, but not
pour it. They like wet cleaning and leaves. Occasionally
wipe them with a damp cloth or spray them. Watering is necessary
reduce only during the rest period.

Before the first shoots appear, the lily must be kept in
cool dark place, and then take out to the balcony or window sill.
In the summer try to provide this flower with fresh air.

The main difficulty in the care of home lily – lack
light, resulting in a plant with too early growth can
stretch out (up to 2 m) and lose its decorative effect. Best of all her
put on a window sill or balcony. But избегайте воздействия прямых
sun rays.

In winter, the average temperature for a flower should be + 16ºС. Watering in
this time needs to be shortened, but not allowed to dry out.

Вывод: во время цветения лилия любит тепло
and light. In the period of rest – cool and partial shade.

When the first flowering arrow appears, take out the pot with
plant on the balcony and gradually increase watering. This you
bring your darling to abundant bloom. When the flowers appear
make sure the stem does not break. To do this, you can tie him to
wand. Periodically also loosen the ground.

Some types of lilies can bloom a whole year. To extend this
period, remove dried and withered flowers, as well as yellow leaves.
This will prevent energy consumption for seed production.

Уход за домашней лилией (a photo): подкормка и вредители

In the period of growth and development of the flower it must be fertilized. But
It is not always possible to do this. If your plant is young or you
recently transplanted, or it is sick, then do not apply top dressing
worth it. Also, all must comply with the measure. The first feeding
must be implemented before the start of growth, the second – in the period
the formation of buds, and another one is possible during the period when the plant
already faded.

It is recommended to feed amaryllis with mineral fertilizers.
These include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other elements. With that, for
ornamental flowering requires more phosphorus. Carry out the specified
procedure is necessary 2 times a month. For hippeastrum recommend
alternate mineral fertilizers and organic fertilizers. TO
the latter include peat, manure, various composts, etc.

Experienced growers periodically add wood ash to the soil,
which is characterized by a high content of trace elements.

Always an excellent way is to purchase an integrated
fertilizer for lilies.

Improper care of this indoor flower can cause
diseases and pest damage. Consider the main ones:

желтеют листья.

The reasons may be as follows:

1) dry air in the room. A humidifier will help save the situation.
air or the pallet filled with wet expanded clay.

2) Burn. If the plant is constantly under active influence
sunlight, then the leaves can get burned. Output from this
situation may become moving the pot to another place.

3) Nutrient deficiencies. Feed your flower
fertilizers that contain potassium and iron.

TOоричневые пятна на листьях, которые
subsequently turn yellow and die off. This suggests that
the plant is affected by bacterial rot. Causes in excessive
overmoistening the soil or damaging the bulb. Plant in this
The case must be treated with a fungicide.

Фузариоз — это опасное заболевание для
plants, which is expressed microscopic lesion of the bulb
fungus. It first turns brown and then breaks into
parts. The main feature is that the eye is not a disease
it is visible, only in some cases leaves will begin to turn yellow. TO сожалению,
the plant is likely to die. Avoiding the disease will help
only preventive procedures, namely the treatment of the bulbs
in a solution of foundationol.

Поражение насекомыми (мухи, тля, жуки) —
use special tools to combat them.

Storage conditions and care for home lily bulbs
(a photo)

If you bought bulbs in autumn, i.e. long before you will
put them in the ground, then the conditions for storage will be as follows. Keep
in a cool place (cellar, storeroom, loggia, lower shelf)
refrigerator). Initially, the head must be inspected for damaged
or rotten places and gently remove them. Then the bulbs are dipped in
a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes, after dried and
put in a container with sawdust or peat. It may also be
cellophane bag with holes. If the sprouts on the bulb continue
to grow, it is better to plant them in pots and keep them cool and
lighted place.

Bulb storage rules:

1) The place should not be too dry. From this onions can
wrinkle and dry out.

2) Also, it should not be very wet, since the bulbs
may be affected by mold, rot or vice versa begin to grow
ahead of time.

3) The temperature should be moderate. Since the low temperature
will lead to freezing heads, and high will lead to
premature growth.

4) It is advisable that the storage place is well ventilated.
This will prevent the bulbs from becoming moldy.
and do not get sick.

With proper and constant care home lily will delight
you bloom and fragrance for a long period of time.
A photo of flowers will be admired by your friends!

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