Hippeastrum – home care (photo).The main secrets of growing and caring for hippeastrum, disease andpests

Пн, 06 июн 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Hippeastrum is one of the popular perennial bulbous plants.
in indoor and greenhouse floriculture.

This flower is very decorative thanks to its large (up to 25 cm
in diameter) flowers collected 2-6 pieces on a powerful peduncle.

The color range of hybrid forms varies from shades of white to
rich red with a variety of color transitions, specks,

Varieties with two-color, yellow, green,
orange color of flowers.

Hippeastrum is quite simple to grow, so even
A beginner florist can handle his home care.


Hippeastrum – home care: the choice of boarding
material, planting, breeding

How to choose when buying bulbs

The planting material of hippeastrum should be selected by the following
rules: bulbs inspect for fungal diseases
(anthracnose, staganospoza). Damaged specimens are not worth it.
buy – at best they will have to be treated for a long time, at worst –
the plant will die.

In the forcing season in garden centers often sell bulb mixes
in bulk. Healthy smooth bulbs have a symmetrical shape,
live roots, golden brown scales. The neck and the bottom should
be dense, without any putrefactive spots, soft or dark dark
patches of red streaks or depressed points (signs of red
burn – fungal disease).

When buying a potted plant, pay attention to the condition
leaves. If they are dull, drooping, then the plant is sick.


It depends on how the hippeastrum bulb was planted
further development. Planting pot is selected depending on
bulb size – it must be stable so that during
flowering plant is not overturned. As this flower grows
long roots, the planting capacity should be high and narrow:
from the edge of the pot to the bulb a distance of no more than 3 cm. In addition,
in a cramped pot, hippeastrum will bloom faster. Planting substrate
should consist of the following components: turf and leaf earth,
humus and sand (2: 1: 1: 1). In the pot must be done
drainage. Onion deepened by 1/3. After that, the soil is compacted and

Landing луковицы гиппеаструма

Methods of reproduction hippeastrum

Hippeastrum is propagated both by seed and vegetatively.

When pollinating different varieties of the resulting seeds can be
unpredictable result. Plant ripe seeds directly
immediately after collection, as their germination during storage is fast
going down. Planting depth should be no more than 1 cm. Shoots
will appear at observance of temperature condition + 20-23ºС later 14-20
days after sowing. Pot with seedlings put in a bright place. Once a
a week, seedlings are fed with complex mineral fertilizers,
taken in half the dose indicated on the package. Rest period to them
not needed. Flowering plants grown from seed will start at 5-6 year

Easier to multiply gippeastruma kids, scales, division

Babies from 2 cm in size are separated during maternal transplantation
plants. The wound at the site of cutting or breaking off is powdered with powder
charcoal. Young plants will bloom in 2-3 years. With
this way of reproduction in young plants are signs
varieties of mother liquor.

Children can grow up this way:

• in a large healthy bulb, cut off the root neck, remove
cover scales;

• make 2 cruciate deep incisions;

• to dry the wound surface, insert into the incisions
wooden skewers;

• the bulb slightly (only the bottom) is buried in the substrate (sand
or perlite) and put in a bright place;

• water only from the pallet;

• As a result, each share of children grow up.

In the incisions on the bulb hippeastrum inserted

Some varieties of hippeastrum Dutch breeding increase
few daughter bulbs. In this regard, they are propagated by scales. For
This bulb is washed, cut off the foliage to the level of the root collar, and
the roots are shortened to 2 cm. The knife is cut with a disinfected knife.
onion so that on each part of it remains a piece of Donets. Slices
dried and treated with fungicide. Sliced ​​Lobules
pickled in fungicide and 1/3 of their height is planted in pots with
coarse sand or perlite with the addition of peat. They take root
at a temperature of + 20-24ºС. Child bulbs grow roughly
in a month.

Hippeastrum – home care: top dressing

График и состав подкормок зависят от стадии развития plants. AT
the beginning of the growing season (immediately after flowering) begins
intensive leaf growth, so fertilizers must contain
high nitrogen content. When the hippeastrum released the flower spike,
he needs fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium. Withмерно за месяц до
start dormant fertilize the plant is stopped. For подкормки
hippeastrum any complex mineral fertilizers are suitable for
flowering houseplants.

On a note! ATносить удобрения можно only
after watering. After transplanting the bulbs for the first time, fertilizers are applied
1.5-2 months later.

Hippeastrum – home care (photos)

Gippeastrum care is uncomplicated and associated with 2 periods of life.
This plant – the growing season and rest.

Hippeastrum is watered in accordance with its current stage.
development. AT период покоя земля в горшке должна остаться сухой на
touch, once a month water is poured into the pan to maintain
vital activity of the roots. After the release of the flower arrow and
building leaves watered plentifully, but not arranging “swamps” in
potted With этом надо стараться направлять струю по краю горшка,
so that water does not fall on the bulb (fraught with rotting of the upper
scales). By the beginning of the dormant period, the amount of watering is reduced, and
when all the leaves are dead, stop altogether.

AT период покоя горшок с луковицей содержат в сухом и темном
place at a temperature of + 10ºС. Dried and yellowed leaves
pruned. Withмерно через 2,5 месяца гиппеаструм переставляют на
window sill. ATскоре должен появиться цветонос. When he grows up to
10-15 cm, you need to provide the plant with good lighting up to
October (the beginning of peace). With недостатке света (например, растение
It costs all year round on the north window) the onion will weaken and, rather,
all, the next flowering she will not. Hippeastrum –
photophilous plant. It is better to grow it in the south, south-west.
and southeast windows.

After flowering, the arrow does not need to be completely removed – it
cut at a height of 10-12 cm from the root of the neck. Such a trick is not
allow the plant to expend energy on the maturation of seed pods, and
at the same time, the bulb will use nutrients
from the rest of the peduncle. When the stump is dry, it’s easy

ATзрослые гиппеаструмы пересаживают раз в 2-3 года. With этом
due to the fact that these flowers love to “eat well”, potted soil
quickly depleted. Therefore, after each rest period, the upper layer
Soil is replaced by fresh. AT качестве питательной смеси используют
mix of 2 parts of turf and 1 part of leafy land, humus,

Hippeastrum – уход в домашних условиях: pests и болезни
(a photo)

The defeat of hippeastrum diseases occurs when the wrong
leaving. The most common and dangerous disease of all
bulbous plants is staganoporosis (it is also called
red burn or red rot). It appears as
brick red stripes, points, streaks on the bulb, leaves,
peduncles, buds.

Bulbs hippeastrum affected by red burn

The source of infection is a sore bulb. Development
red burns contribute to rapid temperature changes at
excess watering. With обнаружении признаков красной гнили вырезают
all affected areas to healthy tissue, wounds treated
fungicides (Rovral, Maxim, Oksihom), and the bulbs before planting
soaked in Fundazole (or another antifungal drug) in
for 20 minutes.

Also, hippeastrum are often affected by such fungal infections.
diseases like fusarium and anthracnose.

With фузариозе инфицирование происходит через
damaged root system. Gradually mycelium of the fungus
grows and clogs the vascular system of the plant, in
as a result, it transiently fades and dies.

For антракноза характерно появление бурых пятен
с темной каймой по краю на надземной части plants. Merging and
stopping sap flow in tissues, these spots form extensive
area of ​​dead plots. The treatment of these diseases comes down to
removal and destruction of diseased plant organs, use
fungicides, correction care.

Из вредителей гиппеаструмы повреждаются луковыми
, приморским мучнистым и
амариллисовым червецами, мягкими

ATредителей, паразитирующих на надземной части растения,
destroy with a small amount of mechanically. For этого листья и
peduncles rubbed with a cotton pad dipped in onion infusion
husk or garlic, soap solution, alcohol. If insects
много, то применяют инсектициды (Актара, Фитоверм, ATертимек и

For уничтожения амариллисовых червецов и луковых клещей, которые
live between onion scales, potted soil is shed

Onion mite larvae on hippeastrum bulb

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