High-yielding grape “Gourmet”: description andhybrid varieties. The subtleties of planting grapes “Gourmet” and careover grade

Ср, 28 мар 2018 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Grapes “Gourmet” – a universal variety of domestic breeding,
which is successfully grown in any region of the country. He’s good
survives not only in the southern but also in the northern regions. Than
the variety is remarkable, how to grow it properly – you
learn from the publication.


How the Gourmet Grape appeared: the history of the variety and its

The hybrid variety was bred by amateur breeder Krainov.
by crossing known varieties of grapes “Kishmish” and
�”Mascot”. At first, the variety was named Novocherkassk Red,
but was later renamed. In 2006, the Gourmet grape was recognized
promising for further cultivation. Breeder brought more
several varieties of this grape:

– “Early Gourmet”;

– “Elegant”;

– “Rainbow”;

– “Gourmet”;

– “Torch”.

Hybrids are similar to each other only unique Muscat flavor.
According to the maturity and color of the berries – these are completely different varieties.

Grapes “Gourmet” is a versatile early variety, which
suitable not only for the production of wine, but also for fresh consumption.
This is a table grape with excellent taste.

Shrubs of medium vigor, shoots mature well before the onset
frosts, and cuttings easily take root in a new place. Yield
hybrid at a height, from one bush can collect up to 8 kg of berries, but
without pollinator varieties can not do. Flowers “Gourmet” mainly
female, require cross-pollination. Flowering varieties accounted for
not the month of June, the ripening period is about 120 days. In the south
In the regions, crops are harvested in early August, in northern areas
will have to wait.

The grapes of this variety has a good keeping quality. Brushes
retain their appearance and taste until spring, but they need to be removed
fully matured because they cannot mature in the process

Another advantage of the variety is good immunity. Bush
rarely affected by gray rot or mildew, practically does not get sick
anthracnose. In the south регионах виноград выращивают без укрытия, сорт
painlessly tolerates lowering the temperature to -23 ° C. In the north
the vine is planted in a greenhouse or covered for the winter.

Description of grapes “Gourmet”

The grade gives large brushes which weight from 500 gr to 1500 kg.
The clusters are dense, the berries are located close to each other. Berry Shape
oval, the mass of one more than 8 grams, color pink. The grape is fleshy,
juicy, with crispy flesh, does not contain bones. Peel on fruits
dense, which allows them to be stored for a long time, but when eating
practically not tangible.

Clusters withstand transportation, storage, not damaged
insects and do not burst from high humidity. At storage
indoors, the temperature is kept up to + 5 ° С.

The merits of grapes “Gourmet” and the disadvantages of the variety

The hybrid has many advantages:

– high yield;

– good immunity;

– frost resistance;

– unpretentiousness in leaving;

– large weight brushes;

– long shelf life of the crop.

Virtually no flaws. The only negative can be considered
berry pea and loss of taste, but this can be avoided. Enough
rationing ovaries and not overload the bush harvest.

Features planting grapes “Gourmet” and cultivating varieties

Grapes are light-loving culture, from lack of light.
reduced yield and disease resistance. Take under
landing is the brightest place in the garden. Ideally, the vineyard should
be covered throughout the day, you should not plant cuttings in
inter-row of trees.

In addition, the place should be sublime with deep bedding.
groundwater, otherwise the root system may rot. For landing
preferably fertile soil, care must be taken
in advance. The bed is dug up with the addition of complex

Landing is carried out in warm weather, when the threat is over
frost so that the cuttings are not frozen. Between them stand
distance up to 3 m. The wells are enriched with humus, covered with a film or

Cutting of grapes “Gourmet”

The variety is well propagated by cutting. Own root bushes
better take root in a new place. Cuttings harvested during
spring pruning. After which the ends are dipped in paraffin and
placed in storage in the cellar, pre-wrapped landing
material in wet cloth. Stored cuttings until the onset of heat.

As soon as the weather sets, take out the cuttings and prepare them for
landing. The top tip is cut to the kidney, and the bottom edge
pierce in several places for successful rooting.
The prepared cuttings are kept in water for three days, adding to it
growth stimulants. They can be replaced by the usual honey or sugar
syrup Prepare it as follows: in two liters of water, dilute 2 tbsp. l honey

For landing черенков используют пластиковые емкости или
small containers with fertile moisture-absorbing primer. After
planting cuttings clean in a bright room with a temperature not higher
+ 18 ° С. Water the seedlings regularly as the soil dries.
In 3-4 weeks buds will swell and the leaves will start to develop
testifies to the successful rooting. In the ground young plants
transplanted no earlier than May, when the soil warms to 15 ° C.

Tip! Do not plant young plants in place of old ones.
over three years. Grapes as they grow, they pull out of the soil
nutrients, so it takes time to restore it.

How to care for grapes “Gourmet”

Hybrid grapes are considered unpretentious, but this does not mean
that he absolutely does not need care. Standard procedures none
не отменяl

The organization of watering and feeding

Immediately after planting, the youngsters watered abundantly and mulch the soil
around. Plants take root for about two months, if at this time
dry weather will be established, then watering is carried out regularly, the soil
kept moist. In addition, after each watering
loosening is necessary for better access of oxygen to the roots.

Adult bushes are watered as needed in the southern regions.
the soil is constantly mulched to keep optimal
microclimate. In the second half of summer, when the berries begin to sing,
watering is reduced. If you do not, then the grapes will be
watery, does not get sugar content.

To shrub fruit stably, you need to apply dressing.
Grapes responds well to root and foliar dressing.
In the spring, phosphate and potash fertilizers are applied, which are applied under
bush. Do it before flowering. After цветения в питательные смеси
add iron, zinc and manganese. These dressings can be carried out by
sheet. Autumn dressings are aimed at enriching the soil and its
recovery. To this end, the bushes richly mulch with humus,
manure and other organic matter.

Pruning a bush

Vine matures for 2/3 of the shoot, this is enough for
bush formation. Pruning is carried out in the spring before the start of sap flow.
Fruiting vines pruned 6-8 buds. The purpose of pruning is to free
bush from the dead during the winter branches. On an adult plant is not left
more than 35 eyes.

Disease and pest prevention

The Gourmet grape variety is considered hardy, but
preventive spraying it does not interfere.

Biological preparations are used against pests and diseases.
which do not harm the plant.

Treatments are repeated after precipitation, since biological preparations
washed out from the surface of the leaves.

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