Hercules diet for 7 days

  • 1 How to lose weight on hercules diet?
    • 1.1 Basic rules
    • 1.2 Menu for the week
    • 1.3 Exit from the Hercules diet
  • 2 hercules diet reviews

With the arrival of warm days, every woman thinks about how
put your body in the desired shape, get rid of unnecessary
kilogram. Today you can find many different systems, recipes
losing weight However, it is important not only to lose weight, but also to keep
health and do no harm. The most correct version of this situation
favor hercules diet. Next, find out what it is
and the basic rules of its implementation.


How to lose weight on hercules diet?

The Hercules Diet (also known as the oatmeal diet) has many
positive aspects for the body while losing weight. First of all,
oatmeal porridge is one of the most beneficial for humans. It contains
many vitamins and minerals. This product gently cleanses the intestines from
slags, other unnecessary substances. With regular
the use of oatmeal groats will be observed following
positive manifestations while losing weight:

  • the indicator of cholesterol in blood goes down;
  • glucose indicator stabilizes;
  • teeth and bones become stronger;
  • immunity increases;
  • the state of the gastrointestinal flora is improving;
  • decreases the risk of heart disease, blood vessels.

Also, the intake of hercules porridge for weight loss strengthens the nervous
the system. Since the composition contains starch, it is he who gives
body “slow” energy at the same time with the rapid absorption.

With slimming hercules flakes are irreplaceable
assistant, because 100 grams have only 84 kcal, of which 5% fat.
Therefore, they are often prescribed to doctors diabetics. Hercules
refers to mono diets for weight loss, as the menu includes
the only main product is rolled oats, cooked in
pure water without sugar, oil. This mode can remove 4-7 kg.
during the week. However, experts recommend not to overdo it,
to resort to such a menu of the Herculese diet you need no more than 1 time per
4 months.

Fundamental rules

Weight loss on Hercules croup is referred to as a rigid diet. Her
varieties come in 3, 7 days, as well as an easier way. For
In order not to harm the body, really lose weight,
it is necessary to take into account certain rules of the Herculean

  • you need to eat at least 6 times a day in small portions;
  • Every day you need to use at least 1.5-2 liters. water. But drink
    water can be at least 1 hour after meals;
  • you need to choose only natural product. It is worth refusing
    extra oat flakes cooking with all kinds of
    supplements, they contain a lot of sugar, for the diet they
    absolutely not suitable;
  • Do not sweeten the dish with sugar, butter, salt. Add flavor
    can only be with the help of berries, fruits, nuts, dried;
  • during the regime of the Hercules diet for 7 days
    You can take a multivitamin to maintain the necessary
    the number of useful trace elements;
  • Before the start of the Hercules diet in about 10 days you need to go
    course of cleansing with rice broth. Recipe for it
    Next: 4 tablespoons of rice should be covered with 1 liter. purified water
    leave overnight, in the morning over low heat, cook for 1 hour without adding
    water The resulting rice kissel must be drained
    glass every morning, replacing them with breakfast. To eat, after the use
    rice broth, you need at least 3-4 hours;
  • The last meal should be no less than 3 hours before

You can not sit on the Herculese diet in the following

  • if a person has a protein intolerance present
    in cereals (celiac);
  • during pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • with ulcers, gastritis, colitis, any other lesions
    gastrointestinal system.

Also, do not recommend using this diet athletes.

Menu for the week

Sample menu for the week for the Hercules diet
losing weight:

Day 1

  • завтрак – 100-150 gr. oatmeal groats with
    sliced ​​apple, a small handful of raisins, a cup of green or
    herbal tea without sugar;
  • ланч – яблоко или йогурт диетический;
  • обед – 100-200 gr. oatmeal porridge with 1
    a teaspoon of honey, a cup of light yogurt or kefir;
  • полдник – тертая небольшая морковка или яблоко
    with a spoon of honey;
  • ужин – 120 gr. oatmeal groats withо стаканом
    молока, стакан water.

Day 2

  • 150 gr. oatmeal with honey, some nuts or dried fruit, a mug
    green tea;
  • half an apple;
  • 150 gr. oatmeal flakes with yogurt;
  • half an apple;
  • 200 gr. oatmeal groats with кефиром, медом.

Day 3

  • 140 gr. овсяной крупы, 150 gr. yogurt;
  • nuts, green apple;
  • 150 gr. oatmeal with nuts;
  • 200 ml. kefir;
  • 150 gr. oatmeal flakes with honey, pear slices, a cup
    green tea.

Day 4

  • 120 gr. oat groats on water, half an apple, a cup
    herbal tea;
  • half grated carrot with apple;
  • 150 gr. oatmeal on milk with dried fruits;
  • чашка yogurt;
  • 150 gr. овсяных хлопьев с добавлением меда, 200 ml. green

Day 5

  • 200 gr. овсянки с медом, чашка herbal tea;
  • small apple;
  • 150 gr. хлопьев с половиной груши, 150 gr. yogurt;
  • nuts, a cup of tea on herbs;
  • 150 gr. rolled oats with honey, nuts, water.

Day 6

  • 150 gr. Oatmeal with yogurt, 300 ml. green tea;
  • small apple or pear;
  • 120 gr. oatmeal flakes with honey, apple, a cup of water;
  • 250 ml. легкого kefir;
  • 150 gr. oatmeal on the water.

Day 7

  • 200 gr. oatmeal, 100 ml. kefir;
  • apple, some nuts;
  • 150 gr. oatmeal with yogurt;
  • стакан чая green, яблоко;
  • 200 gr. овсянки с медом, чашка water.

This is a sparing weekly diet. There are more hard
effective diet option that provides the first three
days reception of only one porridge 3 times a day,
разрешается лишь употребление green чая, фитоотваров либо water.
On the fourth day of the diet to Herculean dishes, you can add on
a little apple, kefir in small portions.

There is also a Herculese diet consisting of taking only
oatmeal and kefir. You can drink it between meals or soak.
Hercules flakes kefir. The amount of kefir per day should not
exceed 1.5 liters, and fat content is not more than 1%.

Далее выясним, какие существуют рецепты изготовления
геркулесовой каши
, чтобы она не потеряла своих полезных

  • Recipe 1.

На стакан геркулесовой крупы потребуется 3 части water. In boiling
water you need to pour oatmeal grits, mix, simmer on
low heat for 10-15 minutes. As a result, oatmeal porridge should
get thick.

  • Recipe 2.

Some simply recommend steaming oatmeal with boiling water,
close the lid, insist 10 minutes. This is how more
number of useful items.

  • Recipe 3.

It consists in the fact that the oatmeal cereal is simply covered
kefir, leave to swell overnight in the refrigerator. Morning will
thick swollen porridge.

Salting the dish is not worth it, because the salt retains the liquid, and when
losing weight is unacceptable. Cook oatmeal porridge better before
use, so it will be tastier, although some cook immediately
daily portion, and then warmed during the day.

Out of the Hercules Diet

For того чтобы сохранить свой вес, нужно правильно выходить из
diets. For этого необходимо соблюдать определенные

  • you need to gradually expand the diet with new products;
  • you need to start with the input of boiled vegetables: potatoes, beet,
    zucchini, carrots;
  • in the first week it is worth refusing heavy fat, acute
    food, convenience foods, soda, alcohol. Ideal to save
    figures, well-being does abandon such
  • the first time after completing the diet is to use
    low-fat protein foods. This includes: boiled fish, meat
    poultry, hard-boiled eggs, lean meat, light sour milk
  • it is also desirable to eliminate sugar, and choose as
    sweet honey, dried fruits;
  • в большинстве должны присутствовать свежие фрукты, овощи,
    food rich in protein. Then the figure will be normal, and with health
    there will be no problems.

In addition, to save the result, you need to add physical
load better in fresh air.

Hercules диета отзывы

Reviews on the effectiveness of losing weight on the Hercules diet
contradictory. Here are some examples of feedback from the forums.
lost weight:

  • Elena, 30 years old: I decided to sit on the Hercules diet for a week.
    Итог – 4 кг during the week.
  • Anastasia, 25 years old: My experience in nutrition for the whole week is not oatmeal
    brought no result. In addition, after the diet added
    constipation, stomach problems.

A well-known Moscow specialist claims that without inspection
doctor in general can not proceed to such a diet, as she
differs a certain imbalance of nutrition. For того
to shake the body well enough of such a diet consisting
from 3 days. By the way there are similar buckwheat, rice diets,
built on the same principle.

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