Healing sesame: beneficial properties of the plant andits use. Harm of sesame and contraindications toapplication

Пн, 12 сен 2016 Автор: Юлия Еркова

About the healing properties of sesame, mankind learned back in ancient

The seeds of the plant are not only used as fragrant
spices in cooking, but also in traditional medicine for the treatment
many diseases and saturation of the human body
missing micro and macro elements.


Features of sesame composition, beneficial properties of seeds and

The presence of the healing qualities of sesame is caused by its
rich composition, which includes:

• organic acids

• vitamins A, B, C, PP, E;

• fatty acids such as linoleic, oleic, linolenic,
stearic, palmitic;

• amino acids – tryptophan, histidine;

• antioxidants;

• phytosterol;

• proteins;

• carbohydrates;

• phytoestrogens;

• micro and macronutrients, such as calcium, iron, phosphorus,
magnesium, potassium, zinc, sodium, manganese, copper.

Thanks to its antioxidants, sesame seeds can
a long time stored, this period can reach even 9
years old.

Due to the saturation of the plant seed oil
имеют значительную calorie. Only for 10 grams of seeds
about 560 kilocalories, and 50% of the total mass is occupied by oils.

Calcium-rich sesame can satisfy daily needs
organism in this trace element. Therefore, it is recommended to use
adolescents, pregnant women and elderly people
age Calcium strengthens nails, bones and teeth, positive
effect on the blood, improving its coagulability and normalizing
acidity. Calcium also helps to remove harmful substances from the body.
metabolic residues involved in the regulation of secretion

Phytosterols are animal-like cholesterol. They do not give
normal harmful cholesterol absorbed in the body than
prevent the development of atherosclerosis, reduce the likelihood of
cardiovascular disease.

Phytoestrogens or female hormone analogues perform important
function in the body. Instead of the usual hormones they come into
reactions by blocking receptors that are attached to molecules
estrogen. Unlike the female hormones estrogen phytoestrogens
do not have the property to run the processes of cancers to which
leads the excess first.

Amino acids are the first necessity for human
organism. They act as components of hemoglobin, contribute to
recovery and growth of tissues. Amino Acid Tryptophan Extremely
necessary for the body on the verge of depressive
states. Once in the body, tryptophan eliminates the symptoms of stress.
in the form of emotional instability, headache, feelings
increased danger and anxiety. It is necessary for concentration
attention. Also, this element is able to reduce negative
effects on the body of alcohol, nicotine and reduce the feeling

Vitamin-rich composition makes sesame a useful remedy.
fight dyspnea, pulmonary diseases, internal
bleeding, asthma and anemia.

Provides sesame body with vitamins E, which are independently
it cannot be worked out in it. Therefore, getting inside with
sesame, vitamin E serves as a protection against the appearance of cancer
neoplasms and strengthens the immune system.

Sesame: useful properties of seeds

Among the many beneficial qualities of sesame stand out

• improvement and normalization of metabolic processes;

• elimination of cholesterol layers in vessels;

• struggle with sexual problems;

• normalization of the blood;

• plays a major role in the treatment of mastitis disease;

• effectively fights most skin diseases

• has a rejuvenating effect on the body, improves
the appearance and color of the skin, as well as its structure, eliminating

• helps the body to overcome colds

• recommended for people who want to lose weight;

• has an anti-cancer effect on the body;

• sesame is involved in the treatment of the disease

• increases the body’s defenses, strengthening the immune system;

• effectively fights precisely with a dry type of cough;

• useful for the body suffering from liver disease,
heart, pancreas;

• enhancing blood coagulability, sesame seeds are capable of
fight hemorrhagic diathesis;

• must be used for the prevention and treatment of hypertension,
pneumonia, diseases of the joints, thyroid gland;

• has a great recognition in cooking, often used as
A delicious and beautiful ingredient to complement the dishes.

Sesame seed oil is often
ingredient therapeutic mixtures, injections, ointments, emulsions. Internal
the use of enemas has a laxative effect on
an organism. Once inside, the oil is also able to eliminate various
gastric problems such as gastritis, ulcers, disorders and
выводить вредные вещества и токсины из organism.

Does sesame contraindications

Despite the large number of useful properties, it has
sesame and contraindications.

1. For a product like sesame, as well as most others.
products should be wary of women during
of pregnancy. Excessive use of sesame may provoke
miscarriage or cause a future child development

2. People who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which is accompanied
acidity, do not eat sesame to avoid
irritation of the internal mucous membranes.

3. Do not eat sesame seeds on an empty stomach. Such a way
may cause nausea or thirst. To avoid these effects,
You can take only fried fruit with honey.

4. Does sesame have contraindications for people with medical conditions.
buds, they should abandon the plant. This should also be done.
those who have increased blood clotting.

5. Due to the high calcium content, sesame is not recommended.
people who have urolithiasis. The element calcium is capable of
only aggravate the existing problem.

6. Do not eat sesame oil at the same time as
oxalic acid and aspirin. Forming compounds with these
substances, calcium will form deposits on the kidneys.

7. Do not exclude the possibility of individual intolerance.
product. In sesame contraindications in this case may
manifest in the form of various allergic reactions.

Sesame and useful properties in cosmetology

In addition to the treatment of various diseases, sesame can be used
and in cosmetology. Most often used extract of the seeds as
the main component of cosmetics. Based on hood
shampoos, hair masks, which endow the hair
density and strength. Created from her cream have on the skin
invaluable positive impact. The skin is rejuvenated, tightened,
becomes elastic. This leaves dryness, sesame fights
inflammation and peeling.

Sesame oil has no less beneficial properties. Him
can often be found in the pharmaceutical industry as well
It is used as a massage tool to soften the dermis and
skin cell regeneration.

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