Have you decided to grow oyster mushrooms?We talk about the features of growing oyster mushrooms in homeconditions

ATт, 01 мар 2016 Автор: Игорь Светличенко

Taking into account the relatively high demand for oyster mushrooms and
relatively simple technology of cultivation, its breeding can
become a source of additional income.

Beginner mushroom pickers need to be familiar with the features.
выращивания вешенки в домашних conditions: разнообразием сортов этого
the fungus, the selection criteria of planting material, planting dates,
temperature and humidity parameters, the specifics of care and feeding,
as well as with the dangers that await mushrooms in the process of their


ATыращивание вешенки в домашних conditions. The choice of landing
material grade

Experts recommend starting cultivation of mushrooms at home.
conditions именно с вешенки вследствие того, что этот гриб как
no other is suitable for amateur breeding.

In nature, oyster mushroom can be found in the forest on rotted trunks
trees or stumps, the fungus grows well in damp and cool

Artificial cultivation of oyster mushrooms implies the presence of
certain conditions for cultivation and strict adherence
technology for maximum yield.

Прежде всего, подготавливается помещение, в
which will be grown oyster: here should be provided
ventilation and air heating systems, as well as the possibility
maintain a certain humidity inside and have lighting.

Кроме того, грибовод должен будет приготовить
, сырьем для которого can быть отходы
agricultural production, sawdust or other

Planting material for growing oyster mushrooms is
мицелий (или грибница), представляющий собой
vegetative body of the fungus, consisting of hyphae – thin branched

There are many varieties of oyster mushrooms, as well as hybrid species,
differing in the degree of sensitivity to different levels of humidity,
amplitudes of temperature values, concentrations of carbon dioxide,
ability to produce a good harvest at certain times of the year.

ATешенка обыкновенная — самый известный из
сортов, в природных conditions чаще всего растет на пнях и поваленных
trunks of deciduous trees, fruits the second half of summer and
beginning of autumn. The pulp of the fungus is white and with a pleasant smell,
seed is a substance of white or pink

ATешенка розовая (или фламинго) относится к
fast-growing varieties – fruits appear after 10 days from
the moment of seeding mycelium, somewhat more thermophilic compared to
other varieties (fruits are formed at a temperature of from 16 to 30
degrees C).

ATешенка устричная — один из наиболее ценных
varieties, has a dark gray hat and flesh bluish, purple
or brown shade. AT домашних conditions может давать хороший
harvest throughout the year.

ATешенка оранжевая получила название благодаря
яркой расцветке, в природных conditions растет на пнях и валежнике в
deciduous forests or gardens, fit for human consumption
only until young — the adult mushroom becomes tough and
acquires an unpleasant smell.

In addition, the most famous varieties include
вешенка рожковидная, имеющая форму пастушьего
рожка, лимонная — с ярко-желтым цветом шляпки,
steppe, growing on the ground and, unlike other mushrooms,
belonging to the umbrella family. Subject to strict compliance
technological requirements all these varieties remarkably bear fruit in
искусственных conditions.

In addition to natural varieties, there are artificially bred
штаммы вешенки, полученные путем селекционирования
and hybrid crossbreeding varieties in various combinations. Thanks
high yields, the greatest demand for mushroom growers enjoy
strains such as NK-35, P-20, P-77, 420, 107, K-12, K-17 and others.
Each of the strains has its own characteristics, which should be taken
into account when choosing planting material for specific
conditions For the cultivation of oyster mushrooms in the summer, if not
ability to strictly adhere to the required temperature
try to pick a variety or strain that can bear fruit in such
conditions без потери урожайности. Given the wide enough
range of planting material offered today by the market,
you can pick up mycelium for conditions that have a significant range
deviations from generally accepted standards. There are several types
mycelium, among which the most famous grain and compost.
Grain type mycelium has established itself better than others, thanks to
high yield and simplicity to storage conditions.

ATыращивание вешенки в домашних conditions. Sowing

One of the most significant moments in the technological cycle
oyster mushroom cultivation is considered the preparation of the substrate from which
Subsequently, the so-called substrate blocks will be formed. AT
as a raw material for the preparation of the substrate can be selected
the most available material in this region: sawdust,
husks or agricultural waste, straw
cereals. Most versatile raw materials for manufacturing
субстрата является пшеничная солома, измельченная
to a fraction of 5-10 cm.

AT первую очередь проводится термическая обработка
для обеззараживания массы от конкурентной и
pathogenic microflora. For this, the straw is placed in a container with
water heated to a temperature of 60-65 degrees C and aged in
This mode is about 3 hours. Boil water should not be
try to keep to the required temperature throughout
soak time. At this temperature, unwanted microflora
dies, only the so-called thermophiles survive, not interfering
grow oyster mushroom.

Следующим шагом будет просушка субстрата до
humidity of 70% and its cooling to a temperature of 20-25 degrees C
for about 8 hours. Determine the required moisture mass
в домашних conditions можно простым сжиманием её в руке — при этом
moisture drops should stand out (not brooks). And only after that
you can begin to tamp the substrate and plant mycelium.

At the bottom of pre-prepared plastic bags
a small amount of substrate is laid out, then the layer is filled up
mycelium. Mycelium a few hours before planting should be removed.
out of the fridge, brought to room temperature and thoroughly
knead Layers in the bag should be about 12. amount
mycelium in the substrate unit is 3-5% of the amount of straw,
if it is less, the growth time will increase, with excessive
quantity, substrate overheating may occur, resulting in
death of the fungus. The bag should be sealed within reason – to
It turned out about 0.4 kg / liter, as a result, a bag with a diameter of 25 cm and
70 cm high will weigh 12-14 kg. Not recommended for use
bags with a diameter greater than 40 cm. One of the main requirements for
laying the substrate blocks (sometimes called
mushroom beds) is to maintain cleanliness – hands, clothes,
tools and fixtures. Perforation of bags is carried out with
using the holes or cuts 7-8 cm, which should
be 10-20 on every block.

Далее следует период инкубации, когда в течение
10-14 days mycelium grows in the substrate. It should happen
in a room with air temperature of 20-24 degrees C, temperature
substrate will be 22-28 degrees C. Excessive
temperatures above 28 degrees C, since this may lead to
mold activation. ATлажность воздуха должна быть 90-95%,
natural ventilation, additional lighting is not required. On
2nd or 3rd day white spots appear on the substrate, created by
hyphae of the fungus, by the end of the incubation period the whole block will be white
colors. Then within 4-5 days there is a transition period to

After that, the blocks are transferred to the room in which there will be
fruiting occurs. The fruit bodies of the first wave ripen in
within 7-10 days. The optimal conditions for this will be:
air temperature 13-15 degrees C, the temperature inside the unit
15-17 degrees C (for some new strains, the upper limit
temperatures can reach up to 25 degrees C), air humidity
85-90%, illumination – not less than 100 lx / m2. Must be organized
air recirculation to remove excess carbon dioxide from the room
gas, products of metabolism and excess moisture. Lighting can
arrange with fluorescent fluorescent lights.
The required temperature is maintained by adjusting the heating and

AT течение следующих 7-10 дней происходит созревание
плодовых тел
второй волны, требующее таких же условий
lighting, temperature and humidity, but ventilation should be more
intense. Onиболее активное плодоношение происходит в течение
the first two weeks – this period accounts for about 70% of the harvest.
First come the so-called primordies – the beginnings of the future.
mushrooms, and after a few days the fungus itself matures. On этом этапе
besides maintaining the necessary humidity is sometimes used
irrigation because in the ripening period of the first and second wave mushrooms
может не хватать влаги, а this may lead to потере качества. For
you can use the usual moisture level
garden sprayers or household humidifiers. Value
humidity controlled by hygrometer. Excess moisture can
привести к появлению плесневых пятен темно-зеленого colors.

ATыращивание вешенки в домашних conditions. Care, feeding

Raw materials on the basis of which the substrate is made, often
contains an insufficient number of chemical elements (such as
sodium, phosphorus, potassium, etc.) required for intensive growth
the fungus. Significantly affect the productivity of oyster mushrooms can
use as a top dressing of various nutritional supplements,
among which are distinguished natural – wheat bran, soy flour,
alfalfa hay, cocoa shells, beer pellet, alfalfa seed flour,
malt sprouts, feather meal, hay clover, grass meal or
mineral, representing various calcium compounds:
CaCO3 – chalk or calcium carbonate, quick calcium or quenched Ca (OH) 2
lime, СаSO4 —gips or alabaster, dolomite flour — СаСО3 a plus
MgCO3. Some strains of oyster mushrooms today without adding feed
do not bear fruit at all.

Питательные добавки вносятся на этапе
heat treatment of the substrate. The use of additives may have
side effect, so they should be applied with respect
certain rules. ATо-первых, при внесении подкормки необходимо
strictly observe hygiene and sanitation measures: additives used
should be treated before making a disinfectant,
for example, 2% formaldehyde solution. ATремя термообработки может
be slightly increased for the substrate to fully absorb
compounds. Failure to do so may result in
a significant increase in temperature inside the substrate block,
because of what the mushroom can die. In addition, the excess
the required amount of additive leads to the activation of the so-called
competitive microorganisms, i.e. molds, nematodes, etc.
Distribute feed in the substrate should be evenly. On этапе
first fruiting abundant carbon dioxide emissions caused by
the use of nutritional supplements may impair the quality of the crop,
therefore special attention should be paid to the ventilation of the room in this
time. Thus, to obtain a positive effect from
use of additives without loss of quality should be strictly
follow the instructions for use when applying feeding.

The application rate depends on the concentration in them.
nutrients. So for flour, the feather rate is 3% of
the mass of the substrate, soy flour – 5%, bran and grass meal are made
in the amount of 5-15%, clover hay or alfalfa – 10-20%. Connections
calcium allow you to maintain the pH of the substrate at the level of 7.0-7.5,
improve the structure of the substrate, remove excess water. Practice
shows that the use of natural and mineral nutrient
additives subject to strict compliance with dosages and sanitary
requirements can raise the productivity of oyster mushrooms by 30-40%.

The main pests of oyster mushrooms and how to combat them

AT процессе выращивания вешенки у многих грибоводов возникает
the problem of controlling pests and fungus diseases, among which
insects, microorganisms, bacteria, and diseases
non-parasitic properties. Most often such
insect pests like:

грибной комарик (sciaridae), повреждающий
the mycelium and the body of the fungus larvae. Larvae carriers are
adult insects. The causes of this harmful insect
non-compliance with sanitary norms or mistakes made in
cultivation technologies;

мухи-горбатки и галлицы
appear in the premises for the same reasons and affect the mycelium and
the body of the fungus is the same as the mushroom mosquito;

клещи сапртрофные и хищные
damage young mycelium by adults and destroy hyphae
larvae. In addition, they are carriers of spores of pathogens; can
appear due to too wet raw materials or non-compliance
hygiene requirements;

мокрицы, подуры (hypogastrura, podura)
harm mycelium and fruit bodies, appear too moist
indoors or through a poorly treated substrate.

Onиболее распространенной болезнью вешенки является
образование разного рода плесени, такой как
green mold, orange mold, hairy mold, brown
mold, as well as dung beetle (coprinus), mukor and so-called
imperfect mushrooms. Most of them affect mycelium and fruit
тело вешенки, а также can вызвать аллергическую реакцию у
person Causes of disease are disorders
technology, non-compliance of top dressing, non-fulfillment
sanitary measures.

In addition, a negative effect on the growth of oyster mushrooms have
bacteria (pseudomonas) and non-parasitic diseases, resulting in
which slows down or stops fruiting, the fruits are obtained
deformed and substandard. Avoid such trouble
exact and rigorous adherence to technology will help
sanitary and hygienic requirements.

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