Harmful products that turned out to behelpful

1. Popcorn Its main disadvantage in industrial production –
huge amount of sugar. This fact made popcorn forbidden
for a healthy diet. In fact, this is quite a healthy dish,
Especially if you buy it in packages for home cooking.
Popcorn is rich in fiber, lowers blood sugar and
counteracts weight gain. According to the American
public health associations that regularly use airborne
corn is 28% less susceptible to gastrointestinal diseases
tract. Plus, popcorn is also rich in antioxidants and
protects the body from cancer. 5 minutes in the microwave – and in front of you
tasty, and most importantly, healthy treat.


2. Potatoes. Root burnt hot iron from the menu losing weight
due to the high amount of starch. It was believed that because of him
get fat quickly and at the same time earn the initial stage of diabetes.
However, recent studies have turned everything upside down –
it turns out that potato starch is very slowly processed
by the body. Because of this, it is not stored as fat, but
gradually consumed for the immediate needs of our body. Sugar in
blood rises and falls slowly, which gives a long feeling
satiety, and therefore, protects from unnecessary snacks. Calorie content
the product is quite small – 80 kcal per 100 grams.

Harmful products that turned out to behelpful

3. Chocolate. It has a lot of sugar and fat, but the latter –
vegetable, and therefore beneficial to the heart muscle. Cocoa oil,
which is the basis of chocolate, a beneficial effect on the body
– Theobromine reduces nervous irritability, serotonin and dopamine
affect mood and have a positive effect on
brain health. Some doctors recommend chocolate in
as an antidepressant, and specialists from the Copenhagen
University consider – with its help you can lose weight. Gotta eat
a slice before eating – and in the end you eat less
calories The main thing is to choose dark chocolate, with a large
cocoa content: 65% and above.

Harmful products that turned out to behelpful

4. Coffee. Talk about the harmfulness of this drink will not stop
never. They relate, however, not to the product itself, but to
immoderation in its use. If you drink a day no more
four cups of medium-sized coffee, then the harm can be avoided.
In addition, coffee has very valuable properties: protects against
atherosclerosis, allows you to improve memory and even allows you to lose weight
due to the effect on metabolic rate. As for
calorie coffee, the situation is ambiguous. The minimum is contained in
black coffee without sugar. Maximum – in latte, glacé or cappuccino
(due to sugar, milk and syrups), from 300 to 600 kcal.

Harmful products that turned out to behelpful

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