Gypsophila: landing and care (photo). Growing upgypsum lovers, diseases, pests and methods of dealing with them

Ср, 03 авг 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

A lightweight airy cloud looks planted in the garden.
gypsophila or gypsum.

It got its name because it prefers to grow on
gypsum soils.

For the spherical shape of a bush, it is also called “tumbleweed”, and
for the openwork of the flower cap – “the child’s breath” or “veil
brides “.

This plant belongs to the family of Cloves.

Depending on the variety reaches a height of 0.2 to 1 meter.
In garden culture grown 3 species
baby’s breath:

• метельчатая — это гигант среди гипсофил
(can grow up to 1.2 m in height and up to 1 m in diameter of the bush).
Blooms white or pink flowers 5-8 mm in diameter. Bloom
long: from June to mid-September. Highly resistant to
frost, drought. Looks good with group cultivation, in
miksovyh beds with large flowering plants, is used to
cut into bouquets and home decor;

• ползучая — карликовая гипсофила (высотой
it happens 0.1-0.2 m). The diameter of the bush reaches 0.5 m. Blossoms in the first
half of the summer with small flowers of white or pink color.
Used as a ground cover crop on stony
slides, rockeries, rocky areas. Without winter shelter can
freeze to death;

• ясколковидная — компактное неприхотливое
plant found in the Himalayas at an altitude of 5 km. Bloom
continues at the end of May to July. Shrub width up to 30 cm.
This type is planted as a landscape edging plots
cover plants stony surfaces, lawns.

Thanks to its delicate floral haze with a pleasant aroma,
long flowering, unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention
Gisfofila – an excellent background plant for rock gardens, stone
slides, sunny garden plots.


Gypsophila: landing

As the name implies, gypsophila prefers loose
calcareous soils, although it can grow on any soils. Despite
its unpretentiousness, kachim does not like lots of close
location of groundwater (this leads to its vypryvaniya spring).
In this case, it is necessary to conduct additional drainage.

The choice of location also depends on the type of gypsophila and its purpose.
cultivation. For example, tall paniculate gypsum perfect
will fit into the company of large-flowered plants. For creeping and
gypsophilus gypsophila the best location will be alpine
hills, rocky slopes, rock arias.

Gypsophila yaskolkovidnaya grows well in rockeries

In any case, Kachim feels good on sunny dry
plots, although it can withstand light penumbra.

Gypsophila planting is done according to the scheme: between plants in a row
0.7-1 m is left, and 1.3 m between rows

On заметку: ATидимая «хрупкость» наземной
parts are compensated by a powerful branched root system,
leaving the ground to 0.7 m. Therefore, it should be planted immediately on
permanent place.

Gypsophila: Cultivation

Gypsophila can be grown by seed, cutting, dividing

Seeds can be sown directly in the ground or grown
first seedlings.

Planting seeds in open ground is carried out in the second half
April-early May (the term depends on the climatic conditions of the region).
Shoots appear after 1-2 weeks. After 3 weeks seedlings
thin out and dive, keeping a distance of 0.1-0.15 m each
friend In the fall, grown plants are moved to a permanent place (from
calculating 2-3 plants per 1 sq. m.).

For the cultivation of seedlings gypsophila seeds sown in boxes under glass
or film. Before planting, sand, crushed chalk are added to the soil,
small pebbles, moisturize. Seeds spread directly on the surface
soil, sprinkled with sand or a thin layer of substrate. Landing box
leave at room temperature. After emergence of shoots
seedlings after 2-3 weeks dive into separate pots and contain
on a well-lit windowsill. Planted in open ground
when the constant warm weather is established (end of April-beginning
May). Young seedlings tolerate transplant quite tolerably, until
their root system has not developed deep.

Seedlings gypsophila

For grafting using young shoots gypsophila. process
This is carried out in late May-early June. Cuttings cut to the beginning
flowering, slicing the stems into pieces 5-8 cm long. Before landing
cuttings under the film or in the greenhouse they are treated with a stimulant
root formation (for example, Heteroauxin). They are planted at a depth of 2
see. The optimum temperature for successful rooting is +20.
degrees With increased humidity in the greenhouse cuttings watered
moderately. Young plants take root about a month after
landing. AT августе их пересаживают на permanent place.

Terry forms gypsophila can be propagated by vaccinations. On
non-terry species of this plant in the spring graft “terribly” terry

Gypsophila: care

Care for baby’s breath is not difficult due to the simplicity of this
plants. To make you feel on your site “in your
a plate of lime is added to the soil for planting (50 g / m2). Not
It is also forbidden to make humus in spring complex mineral
fertilizers that do not increase the acidity of the soil, although gypsum on
demanding of it.

Kachim easily tolerates drought, but for abundant flowering to him
requires regular watering. In hot weather, young plants
water every day. Adult bushes should be watered after
drying out the soil beneath them. Water is poured directly under the bush,
trying to avoid wetting the ground part of the plant (this can
lead to the development of fungal diseases).

Before flowering around tall species gypsophila need
put up supports to keep the bush from rolling up from
own gravity or wind. After the plant blooms,
pruning to stimulate the growth of new shoots.

Gypsophila cold-resistant plant, but it is better to cover it for the winter
dry bark, spruce branches or dry leaves.

Diseases and pests gypsophila. Measures to combat them

Gypsophila with excessive moisture (prolonged rainy
weather, frequent watering) is subject to various fungal

• серая гниль вызывается грибками рода
Botridis. In the initial stage, the leaves of Kachima lose elasticity and
brown at the edges. As the disease progresses in the affected areas
gray spots appear – spore-bearing foci of mycelium. Such parts
plants must be removed to avoid spreading

• smut provoked by smut fungi. AT
As a result of their activities, various parts of the plant are destroyed,
turning them into black sporiferous mass. To combat this disease
It is necessary to observe the agrotechnology of the cultivated crop, before
planting seeds to disinfect with fungicides (Topaz, Gamar,

• ржавчина — еще одно распространенное
fungal disease of many plants, including gypsophilia.
It is easy to identify rust: red or yellow are formed on the plant
pads (pustules) of different sizes and shapes.

The manifestation of rust on the leaves When cracking poured out
the contents are orange powder (rust fungus spores).
Пораженные растения теряют влагу в следствие нарушения processа
photosynthesis, they lag behind in growth, their winter hardiness decreases.

Measures to combat fungal diseases
заключаются в регулярном осмотре растений,
observance of agrotechnology (not to allow overmoistening), removal
weeds. When detecting the first signs of damage,
treatment of gypsophila fungicidal drugs: Abiga Peak, Bordeaux
liquid, oxy, copper sulphate, Topaz, Previkur, etc.

Of the pests on gypsophilus often parasitic gall and
цистообразующие нематоды, питающиеся соком в корнях plants. AT
результате у качима резко сокращается process роста, листья
curl, turn yellow or turn brown. To destroy these pests
gypsophila is shed under the bushes with such preparations as
Tiazon, Bi-58, Rogor in accordance with the instructions for use.

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