Growing wisteria seeds and cuttings. What kindcare rules stick to newbies when growingwisteria?

Ср, 09 дек 2015 Автор: Елизавета Шатунова

Глициния (вистерия) — теплолюбивая листопадная
Liana, which will decorate any garden with its bright colors. If a
provide the plant with proper care during the season and take care
about his shelter in the fall, wisteria will take root in a temperate climate.
Wisteria blooms long and magnificently, exuding a pleasant
aroma. Be careful when choosing a variety to grow in your
flower garden – many of them are poisonous!

Wisteria can be grown not only in the open area –
try planting a plant in a pot or flower pot right at
yourself at home. In the summer, containers with a tree can be carried out “breathe” on
balcony or veranda.


What grade to choose for cultivation?

Beautiful wisteria belongs to the legume family. Some varieties
the trees can reach 15 m in height, and because of the long racemes
inflorescences sometimes not visible branches. There are a total of 9
plant varieties. But for ornamental purposes not grown
everything. Denote the popular types of wisteria that can be grown in
southern and temperate climate:

Глициния китайская. In season on vines
bloom gently purple or white inflorescences up to 30 cm in length.
Flowering with proper care and good weather can continue.
until the fall. There are frequent cases when wisteria blooms again –
in September or October. Representatives of this type are thermophilic, and
because more common in the south.

Глициния обильноцветущая (многоцветковая).
Purple-blue, white or pink hanging inflorescences can
reach a length of 50 cm. The plant is blooming for a short time – by the end
June on the shoots no inflorescences. But wisteria even after that
will continue to perform its decorative functions – she has a magnificent
green foliage. Wisteria blooming tolerates well
cooling – down to -23 ˚C.

Глициния прекрасная. Terry purple or
white inflorescences in the season grow to 20 cm in length. Blossoms not for long –
until the end of June.

Глициния кустарниковая. Plant with proper
care grows up to 12 m in height. The length of the inflorescences is not so big.
like other varieties. The view is notable for being suitable for
growing in containers.

Глициния японская. The view is not very
common because it is less frost resistant. Inflorescences –
short, white color.

Have you already decided on the type of wisteria you will grow?
So it’s time to choose a place for a new inhabitant of the garden.

Choosing a place for growing wisteria

Wisteria is a perennial plant. So choose for her
the place is thorough – it will stay at the site for at least 3 years.

Wisteria loves the sun. Settle her on that
a place that will be lit at least half a day. With a lack of rays
creepers will not give lush flowering. Landings should be
protected from the winds. Although the wisteria creepers are pretty
strong, drafts will negatively affect the development of shoots. The best
place for growing plants – southern, southwestern or
southeast side of the plot.

Pay attention to the soil where the wisteria will be planted.
Растению по душе легкая, плодородная, хорошо дренированная
. It will not tolerate calcareous soils – leaves on
shoots will brighten and lose their decorative effect. Before landing
wisteria prepare the hole dimensions 60 * 60 * 50 cm. Sapling fall asleep
nutrient substrate consisting of humus, peat, sand and
sod land (1: 1: 1: 3).

How to plant wisteria?

Wisteria can be grown in 3 ways – seeds, layering and
cuttings. Place of purchase of seed and planting material
choose carefully. It would be nice to take a cutting from a friend. If a
None of your relatives are growing vines yet, purchase seedlings in
Specialized nurseries – the probability of infection of the flower garden
sick material will be kept to a minimum. Buy boarding
material can be only once – when you first plant the plant. AT
Further, you will begin to receive cuttings and cuttings from your own
plants. But collecting seeds from wisteria, you can not get in
the result is such beautiful vines – heredity works far from
is always.

При семенном размножении растения
blossoming inflorescences on vines you will see at least after 5 years, and
with the wrong care for landings – in all 10 years. But this one
method there is an important advantage – the plant immediately
adapts to specific weather conditions – it becomes more
frost resistant Do not scare difficulties? Then buy the seeds of the selected
varieties and proceed with the landing. Plant seeds either in open ground
(suitable more for the southern regions), or with the help of seedlings.
ATторой вариант предпочтительней. Seed material is sown by
spring in the seedling box is not more than 3 cm in depth. For disembarkation
use a nutrient substrate – sod and leaf earth,
sand. Keep the drawers covered with film or glass in
darkness at a temperature of 20-25 ° C. A month later, young seedlings can
take out the sun. Dive seedlings in phase 2-4 full
leaflets. Do this carefully so that prevent damage
root system. Transfer wisteria to the open area at the beginning.
of the summer AT первую зиму, дабы избежать гибели молодых саженцев, их
you need to carefully cover the sawdust or fir branches.

Picked Wisteria Sprouts

Чтобы вырастить глицинию отводками, потребуется
one-year escape. In the early spring, cut it in the middle. AT
put the nourishing soil in place so that it is the place of the cut
was buried in the ground. By the end of the summer the escape will develop strong
root system that will land it on an open area like
independent plant.

Самый популярный среди цветоводов способ — посадка
глицинии черенками
. Rooting will require one year
25-30 cm long shoot. Planting work starts in March-April from
using a nutrient substrate (earth, peat and sand).
Wisteria will take root in a box that can be put at home,
or in a street greenhouse. The shank will take root faster if
to process its lower end with a solution of synthetic auxin –
indolylbutyric acid or heteroauxin. Escape is placed in
liquid to a depth of 3-4 cm and kept so day. Then stalk
rinse with clean water and begin disembarking. Cuttings
immerse in the ground with the kidneys upward at a distance of 5 cm from each
friend Sprinkle it with earth and pour it over it. To escape let
leaflets, provide a seedling with high humidity, covering it
polyethylene and providing penumbra. Water the wisteria several times.
in a day. In a couple of months, partial shade and frequent watering of the young
the plant is no longer required. �Relocate wisteria to permanent
place in early autumn to catch before the frost.

Wisteria care

It is easy to care for wisteria – they cope with its cultivation
even novice gardeners. What rules do you need to follow?

Полив. Abundant soil moisture is only needed
young seedlings gaining strength. ATзрослые же растения
abundant watering, accompanied by waterlogging pristvolnogo
the circle can ruin. To wisteria bloomed, from the beginning
during the growing season and until the end of summer, moderately moisturize
bushes. Watering is convenient to carry out by spraying – so you
avoid stagnant water. AT конце сентября поливы прекратите — сейчас
creepers are preparing for winter “sleep.”

Подкормки. It is fertilizer soil care
Beyond glycine has an extremely important role. If a подпитывать
plant additional portions of beneficial substances, it will
bloom more abundantly and “without loss” will survive the winter. Fertilize all the vines
growing season once a week, using complex feeding
for flowering perennials.

Установка опор. Think in advance what
it is precisely in the future that the wisteria shoots of wisteria will “rest”.
Reliance itself can be a decoration of the garden – decorative ladders,
carved fences. If a сажаете глицинию в качестве украшения
arbors or verandas, additional support will not be required.
Be sure to tie the shoots of the plant, as they can
randomly “zaplytes” around a peg and ladders that in
further complicate pruning vines and their shelter for the winter.

The most difficult in the care of wisteria – pruning
This procedure is needed not only to
give the plant a neat appearance, but also for its improvement –
the root system will not waste energy on feeding faded shoots
and inflorescences. Cut wisteria 2 times per year – at the end of May and
of autumn. When summer pruning shorten last year’s side shoots
by 2/3. Make sure that their length does not exceed 30 cm. It is on
these shoots very soon begin to bloom buds. By the end
Summer will need to cut the “young” by 4-5 buds.

Summer pruning

How to prepare wisteria for winter?

Wisteria will delight flower growers all summer. To and in the next
season to decorate your garden with lush vines, take care of shelter
plants – they will not survive the extreme cold. In the south of the country sometimes
do not harbor frost-resistant varieties of wisteria.

Carefully untie the shoots from the supports. Lay them right on the ground.
Prikopayte radical part of wisteria, pouring 2-3 buckets here
land. Creeping shoots cover with agrofiber, crushing it
ends of stones, coniferous branches, straw or dry foliage.

Wisteria Shelter for the Winter

Despite safe shelter, in the spring you can find that
сильные морозы все же погубили некоторую часть однолетних shoots.
But as a rule, this then does not affect the flowering of wisteria, because
these branches are then subject to pruning. Experienced growers say that
more mature trees need less shelter – they get
�”Immunity” to cold.

What diseases and pests to fight with
выращивании wisteria?

Wisteria is sufficiently resistant to diseases and pests – many
�”Adversity” bypasses the plant. If a лианы скудно цветут или
the leaves are sluggish, it is the fault of the grower – it means that the plant is not provided
proper care.

Среди заболеваний глицинии, с которыми часто
gardeners are struggling, we note:

Хлороз. The disease manifests itself yellowing and
leaf fall Often formed due to calcareous and clayey
soil – this is the composition of the soil for wisteria is unacceptable. AT данном случае
do not do without additional fertilizing plants – fertilizers with
iron salts. Do not interfere also pour in pristvolny circles

Мучнистая роса. Common disease
поражающее многие цветущие plants. Formed mainly by
high humidity and high air temperature. ATы сразу
notice powdery mildew – whitish on the leaves and shoots
plaque (fungal mycelium). The danger is that the fungus can
calmly survived the winter along with wisteria. In order to
prevent the disease from appearing on the leaves of the plant
allow excessive thickening of vines, do not make a big
amount of nitrogenous fertilizers. Good result in the fight against
powdery mildews show fungicides. If a по весне, сняв с
wisteria shelter, you noticed powdery mildew-damaged shoots,
either remove them completely or cut out the infected areas. Cut off
burn the creepers.

Почечный пирикуляриоз. Tolerate this dangerous
for wisteria, the disease of the circus. Infection is noticeable immediately – the kidneys
on the shoots as if covered with black mold, their bloom
swears. Affected branches need to be cut and destroyed –
in another way, renal pyriculariasis cannot be defeated. Closer to the fall
spray the wisteria insecticide to control the pathogen

Among the pests, we note several representatives of insects:

Зеленая тля. Bugs usually appear in
the height of the growing season – the vines are bent on
sticky “honey” dew appears in the inflorescences and leaves. To aphid not
I ate the whole plant, treat it with insecticides. The first time
you are unlikely to rid wisteria from the onslaught of insect pests –
it will need to be re-sprayed with chemicals after 8-12

Clover mite

Clover mite. This insect inflicts
wisteria irreparable damage. You will learn about its appearance by
uncharacteristic bronze color of foliage. Bugs disappear after 2
insecticide treatment plants. Experienced growers to deal with
clover mites use and popular recipes – spraying
infusion of garlic, for example.

ATы не будете весь сезон вести борьбу с болезнями и насекомыми
pests – wisteria suffers from them rarely if surrounded
beauty care.

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