Growing truffles is a profitable business. howto grow truffles in the open field and greenhouse: the secretstechnology

Вт, 03 окт 2017 Автор: Константин Ширманов

Truffle is considered the most expensive product in the world.
The cost of 1 kg of this mushroom reaches 2,000 euros, which is several times
exceeds the cost of black caviar and food


Where do truffles grow

The high cost of truffles is due to the fact that this mushroom is very
rare. Under natural conditions, truffles grow mainly in
forests of France, Italy, UK. Truffles learned to grow
in farms, and these countries export up to 100 annually
tons of this mushroom.

Truffle is found in the south of Russia in mixed forests.
The peculiarity of the truffle is that for reproducing its spores
must pass through the intestines of a person, animal or
insect. Only in this case the mycelium is formed from them.

In nature, there are about 60 species of truffle fungi. All of them
grow deep underground and have a strong aroma. In food
use only three types of truffles:

• “Black” or “French”;

• “White” or “African”;

• Chinese or Asian.

Types of truffles

The remaining truffle mushrooms smell a rotten onion or
spoiled fish. In such mushrooms lay truffle larvae
fly. These pests spread spores of inedible truffles in the marshes.
and peatlands.

Truffle fly can hit delicacy fruit bodies
mushrooms. On the tuber tuber small black dots will be noticeable.
Even if, at the time of harvest, the fungus struck by a truffle fly,
Looks fresh, it is not exported. This truffle
used to form new landings.

Truffle fly

Technology of artificial cultivation of truffles

For a long time, French agronomists tried to grow truffles on
forest areas artificially, but only in the second half of the XIX century
The first truffle plantation appeared in France.

A fungus infected with the larvae of a truffle fly buried in the ground
near the hazelnut bush. Larvae, eating truffle, infected roots
plants spore fungus. Truffle spores are fixed on the roots
hazelnuts, and entered into a symbiosis with them. After 15 years, agronomists have collected
первый урожай mushrooms. French scientists have divided infected
disputes bush on individual cuttings and transplanted them into more
fertile soil. First harvest from the first plantation of truffles collected
after six years.

Mycelium truffles are still propagated in this way, but instead
Hazel trees use oak seedlings, as their root system
develops deep into the soil and gives great harvests.

Acorns of oak are used to expand the plantation of truffles. Their
planted to a depth of 20cm – 40cm near the parent plant.
Then the spores of the fungus fall on the young root system of the tree and
develop as it grows.

Symbiosis of truffles in the cultivation of hazelnuts

Unlike many other fungi, truffle does not parasitize on
root system of plants, and comes with it in symbiosis. Truffle for
growth requires organic matter. Mushroom gets them out
fertilizers that gardeners make in tree trunk circle.
Instead, truffle absorbs additional moisture and gives it to the roots.
oak or hazel. Also, the fungus protects the roots of plants from mold and
низших mushrooms.

Because of this symbiosis, fruiting increases
host plants. Therefore, in the northern regions of France, where the harvest
truffles are not high, as they grow only up to 0.5 cm, these mushrooms
used to increase the yield of hazelnuts, which is sent to

Soil for growing truffles

Ground for planting truffles should be loose and fertile.
Alkaline soil is best suited with a PH of at least

On the site where truffles will grow, soil is imported.
mixture consisting of:

• sand;

• leafy ground;

• forest soil, which is taken from under coniferous trees;

• the land on which the oak grew.

All components are mixed, focusing on the PH meter.
The sand in the soil mix plays the role of baking powder. Leafland –
The main nutrient medium for truffle spores. Using soil from under
oak and pine needles create natural conditions for truffles.

The soil mixture is poured with a layer of 30cm-40cm. In the soil where they grow
truffles, there should be no stones. Mycelium in open ground planted
to a depth of 20cm.

For the harvest near the landing site truffles are planted
hazelnut or oak. Mushroom can be planted in open ground near acacia
or walnut, but in this case the trees need abundantly

Features of growing truffles in Russia

Growing black truffle in Russia began its development in 2000
year The first truffle farm appeared in the Krasnodar Territory, where
truffle grown in the open field on oak seedlings purchased
in France.

Truffle is a thermophilic mushroom. It takes root in the open ground
only in warm climates. Optimum air temperature for growth
mycelium is +23 C. It is planted in open ground in
mid-May, when the threat of frost has passed.

Black truffle in central Russia and in its northern regions
grown in polycarbonate greenhouses, where year round
maintain optimal for mushroom growth temperature.

Technology of growing truffles in the open field

After the truffle growing ground is ready, into it
planted trees. Then, within the limits of the circle of seedlings
make grooves 20 cm deep. The distance between them should be

Oak sawdust contaminated with truffle mycelium is poured into the furrows.
You can purchase seedlings whose root system is already infected.
mycelium of truffles. In this case, the grooves do not need.

Trees harbor agrofiber or mulch in the autumn,
so that the temperature of the soil does not fall below +15 C. As mulch
You can use fir twigs, hay or vermiculite. It is important that
the mulch was not affected by the spores of fungal diseases, so the covering
the material is treated with potassium permanganate solution.

Once every two weeks, mulch is removed and integrated into the soil.
mineral fertilizers and organic. Then the soil is covered again.

Horse manure is ideal for growing black truffles:
its composition contains a lot of potassium and phosphorus, and the nitrogen content
in such a small fertilizer. Due to an excess of nitrogen, in the autumn
a period of young twigs of the host tree can grow. In the winter
period they will freeze out, and the plant may die along with the mycelium

In the winter период мульчу не убирают, чтобы трюфельный мицелий не
gone The truffle dies at a temperature of +8 ° C.

Tips for growing truffles in the greenhouse

In central Russia, truffles are grown in greenhouses from
polycarbonate. In order to get a truffle crop, you need
maintain a constant air temperature of +23 C, and
soil – +15 C.

Manual temperature control is very difficult, so the greenhouse
Automate using thermal sensors and thermostats.
Temperature display controls are taken out of the greenhouse so as not to
disturb the balance of temperatures inside.

As a host plant, hazelnut bushes are planted in the greenhouse.
The soil must be constantly wet, so in the greenhouse
Install an automatic irrigation system.

Watering is best done using irrigation systems method
sprinkling. With this watering truffles will grow along the root
hazelnut system faster.

Chinese and African truffles. Growing mushrooms in

Unlike black truffles, Asian and African truffles
можно вырастить в обычном greenhouse. Chinese truffle, for example,
grows under acacia. Sometimes this mushroom can grow on the surface.

To grow Asian and white African truffles make
holes, 40cm deep, which fill the fungus mycelium by one third. On
this depth will not freeze the soil in the autumn. Around the perimeter
landings with truffles drive in pegs. On колышки натягивают
agrofibre. Autumn landing with Chinese truffles mulch. With
This method of growing truffles will be fine.

Truffle harvesting

The first harvest of truffles is harvested six years after planting.
mycelium in greenhouse or open ground. Truffle fruit bodies
nest for five or seven pieces. With 100m2 landing area can be collected
up to 10kg of truffles.

The truffle forms fruit bodies several times per season.
Truffles grow in the summer in mid-July – early

Usually fruit bodies, artificially grown mushrooms, grow on
a depth of 30cm-40cm. Their выкапывают с помощью садового совка. Collection
harvest should be carried out carefully, as the cost of 1kg of truffles
reaches 2,000 euros, and damaged mushrooms can be sold at
discounted price of -300 euros.

Collection урожая черного трюфеля

After harvesting the first harvest of truffles, the soil is well fertilized, so
mushrooms will form fruit bodies already next summer.

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