Growing strawberries from seeds: how to preparesoil what varieties to choose. Problems growing strawberries fromseed

Сб, 02 июл 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Many слышали, что вырастить клубнику из seed можно и в
home conditions, not having a dacha.

This is quite an exciting experience that will definitely bring
fruits and delight delicious berries throughout the season.

Growing strawberries at home should follow all the tips and
recommendations, the only way to succeed in this difficult


Выращиваем клубнику: выбор seed

Experienced gardeners estimate that almost 50% of success depends on
правильно выбранного сорта и seed клубники. And so it is! To start
you need to decide what we will plant.

There are many varieties of strawberries on the market.
выращивания из seed. It is sometimes difficult to understand them. For help
proven secrets will come:

• To start нужно определиться какую ягодку хотелось бы
grow: large, small, sweet or sour. Also worth
decide what strawberries will be grown for: processing or
fresh consumption.

• Strawberry varieties are divided into remontant, which give fruit
several times per season, and for those that bear only one

It is important to note that remontant strawberry varieties are inferior to normal
by taste.

• When buying seeds you need to pay attention to the shelf life. A business
in that fresh seeds have good germination. To acquire
packaging with seeds that are about to expire soon
need to.

• The price of seeds is different. At first, it is better to buy medium
for the price of seeds.

Выбор seed — это важное дело, спешить тут нельзя. From
the right choice depends on the harvest.

We select the capacity for planting

When the seeds are already purchased, you need to decide where
to land Capacities for seedlings can be selected absolutely

1. Cardboard boxes for seedlings. This packaging is very simple
Get it in any store, but it quickly deteriorates. Cardboard is softening
from moisture and watering.

2. Tetra Pak. You can use containers from milk and juice.
The advantage of using them is higher than that of cardboard boxes. They are not
soaked when watering, do not lose shape, do not injure the roots when
transplanting However, such packaging is short-lived. You can use it
only one season.

3. Plastic containers. These can be yogurt jars,
cheeses, oils and disposable cups. The undoubted advantage of such
packaging is its durability. Capacity can be used
several seasons, it is enough to wash and sanitize them. But
jars will need a lot.

4. Wooden boxes from boards. Such a container will last longer, she
more reliable and stronger. But при каждой посадке нужно проводить тщательную

Picking up a container for growing need to take care of stock
excess fluid. To do this, in each container is done
drainage holes.

Preparing the soil for planting

Субстрат для выращивания клубники из seed можно приобрести в
specialty store, but better to cook it
on their own. There are several options for soil mixtures for
planting strawberries.

• For the first mixture, mix biohumus, peat, river sand.
And on 1 part of sand and biohumus take 3 parts of peat.

• For the preparation of the second nutrient mixture take sand, peat,
turf ground and add a little humus and ash. On one part
sand and peat will need two pieces of land.

The mixture must be processed to avoid
the occurrence of fungal diseases of strawberries.

Substrate steamed or calcined on fire. When the earth
cool, sift it. This will help make the soil mix loose and
easy Именно такой грунт нужен для посадки seed.

Посев seed на рассаду

Посев seed лучше проводить в начале весны, но стоит учитывать,
that strawberries love a lot of light. Optimum light day should
be up to 14 hours a day. If necessary on cloudy days
carry out additional lighting of containers with landings.

1. Prepared containers are filled with soil mixture and well.

2. Strawberry seeds are very small, they are evenly distributed over
soil surface tweezers. Присыпать землей не need to.

3. Для стратификации seed нужно укрыть их снегом, слой которого
does not exceed 3 cm.

4. In this form, containers are stored in the refrigerator for several

5. When the snow melts, the seeds will be pulled into the soil. Process will be
occur as naturally as possible.

6. Remove the seed containers from the refrigerator and place them in the
greenhouse, which must be ventilated before germination. Through
a few days after the sprout, the cover can be removed.

Watering tiny shoots is very hard, but can be used for
These goals are a medical syringe without a needle. It is impossible to pour seedlings, they
prone to disease. Excess moisture is detrimental to plants.
They are affected by the black leg

The temperature for the growth and development of seedlings should be at least
20 degrees. Young plants do not tolerate drafts.

Sapling picking

It is necessary to pick a strawberry. Do it
when 4 true leaves appear on the plant. For transplant
use small but spacious containers. In such containers
the root system develops well and allows the plant to grow faster
get stronger.

When transplanting you need to pinch the central root of the plant.
The picking is completed by planting in new pots. Root neck
must be at ground level. Do not allow root penetration

Picks should be done very carefully. Saplings are fragile,
easily injured. When the seedlings are strong, it can be slightly
to pile up


Planting seedlings in permanent containers or on a bed
held two months after planting when the plants
get stronger and grow up.

First you need to harden the bushes. For this seedling for a while
put out on the street, but at night you need to bring it back to
the room.

Plants are planted in the late May. Young seedlings
need shading and shelter from night frosts. If a
strawberries will be grown in balcony containers, then
they need to be carried to the air.

Выращенная из seed клубника порадует урожаем уже в первый год
after landing.

Strawberry Room Care

To grow strawberries on the windowsill you need to create suitable
conditions for growth and development.

Strawberries love moisture and need regular watering and
spraying. But переувлажнение почвы приводит к грибковым
diseases. The soil between watering should dry out.

Выращивая клубнику из seed нужно систематически удобрять кусты.
The room strawberry is good for feeding. For this
use специальные удобрения для ягод. To feed
need at least twice a month. Use nitrogen fertilizers
too often not recommended. Shrubs build up too much
green mass to the detriment of fruiting.

For education year strawberries need iron. Therefore spend
top dressing with special preparations with iron content. Many
Gardeners advised to stick an old nail in a plant pot.

Трудности при выращивании клубники из seed

Ягоды клубники prone to disease. Often they are amazed.
spider mite. To combat the pest spend spraying
garlic infusion.

During the active growth of strawberries increases the rosettes of leaves
which need to be lifted on a special trellis or grid. it
will help get planting material and more berries.

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