Growing stevia: how to care for naturalsugar substitute. Care for home and outdoor stevia

Ср, 27 сен 2017 Автор: Константин Ширманов

Stevia is a natural sweetener. In its composition
contains a unique substance stevioside, which is 300 times sweeter
Sahara. Stevia can be consumed by sugar sufferers.
diabetes, kidney and liver disease.


Origin of stevia

Stevia is a plant of the Astrov family. This grassy
perennial likes a hot climate. Homeland stevia is considered
Sri Lanka. The more light and heat the plant receives, the more
stevioside is formed in its leaves.

Temperature regime for growing stevia

In open ground stevia is very difficult to grow. During
a sharp decrease in temperature the plant dies. Bush disappears
already at a temperature of + 12 ° C, therefore in the northern part of Russia stevia
planted in pots at home.

In the south of Russia, this sweet plant is planted in a greenhouse or
open ground in summer, but in the winter and autumn period they are transplanted into
pots and grown at home.

The optimum temperature for growing stevia is from
22 ° C to 34 ° C. At the same time the plant does not tolerate stagnant water and windy
weather, so you should choose a place protected from the wind with a good

Growing stevia at home

Stevia at home

Bush when grown at home unpretentious, if
comply with the cultivation technology. Stevia care begins more
before sowing seeds in pots.

1. • In order to get a strong spreading bush, swipe
seed stratification.

Stratification – cooling seeds to a temperature of 0 ° C to + 3 ° C.
When stratifying planting material, you stop all
physiological processes that occur inside the seed. When
the ambient temperature will rise again to + 10 ° C or higher
the seed triggers a defensive reaction and begins to germinate. Germination
seed increases significantly.

2. • Pick the right soil composition.

After stratification, stevia will rise on any soil except soil
high salt content. However, for intensive development
stevia is best sown in the sandy substrate, with high content
humus or rotted mullein. Soil acidity should be
neutral, about 6-7PH.

Soil acidity

If you plant stevia in acidic soil, the bush will be bad
develop. Stevia immunity will decrease, leading to defeat.
fungal diseases. Treat stevia with fungicides to
the plant did not die. Spray regularly with
once every three days for two weeks. It is better
use biological products.

The most suitable substrate for growing stevia consists of
peat, biohumus and sand in equal proportions. Peat has
high acidity, therefore, for the normalization of acid-base
balance in the substrate add dolomite flour. Lime
the substrate is not desirable, as it is possible to burn the roots of the plant.

Substrate should get loose and loose to stevia
has increased the developed root system. This soil is well missed
water, it is saturated with nitrogen, so stevia seedlings will quickly go to

3. • Increase the light day of young shoots. Use
correct lighting.

After the appearance of the first shoots, pots with stevia are exposed to
window sill of south or southwest window. Sunshine good
affects the growth of young shoots. To accelerate the growth of stevia can
use artificial lights.

Incandescent bulbs to increase daylight will not work, so
how they release large amounts of heat energy. Wherein
the range of light waves emitted by them is very small. If you put
bulbs too close to young shoots, stevia will get burned.

For backlighting it is better to use blue and red diode lamps.
colors. It is the blue and red spectrum of light waves that plants need.
at the stage of active growth to form a large number
new shoots.

4. • Form a stevia bush.

After stevia reaches a height of 5cm, you can start it
formation. The lower leaves of the bush are removed, and the top
pinch the plant to form more lateral

The second formation is carried out two weeks after the first
trimming. Remove all thin stevia shoots, as well as those twigs,
which are in contact with each other and grow inside the bush. They
shade other shoots and prevent them from growing.

If not to carry out formation, then the stevia will grow in one
thin and long stem with a small amount of leaves.

Formed Stevia

During второй обрезки стевию можно черенковать:

• choose for breeding strong shoot with 8-12 leaves;

• cut a part from it with four leafy buds;

• Plant the cuttings in a separate pots or open ground.

The cutting can take root in the open field, only in case
proper care of stevia.

Recommendations for the care of stevia in the open field

There are several rules for growing stevia in
open ground:

1. • Planted cuttings should be in June, when the soil warms to
+ 15 ° C

In order to stevia guaranteed to take root, room
The plant can be planted in the open ground entirely. After transplant
the ground is well spilled with warm water.

2. • Conduct soil decontamination and bush treatment from

Stevia is affected by aphids and other pests.
Perform soil disinfection with potassium permanganate solution once a
two weeks during the summer to get rid of soil insects
– thrips, which suck the juice from the roots of the plant.

If aphids are affected, use only biological products.
as stevia fades when using chemical insecticides.

3. • Water stevia properly.

Stevia does not tolerate drought, but when the water stagnates, the bush also
will die. Watering the plant is necessary every two days, 0.5 liters of water
for each adult plant.

4. • Fertilize stevia regularly.

В открытом грунте кустик интенсивно пойдет в growth. On
the formation of new shoots the plant consumes a large amount
nutrients, so the bushes need to be fed.

When growing stevia in open ground in the soil make a solution
chicken droppings in a ratio of 100g to 10l of water. Plant can
feed complex fertilizers for flowering
crops to stevia laid flower buds.

5. • In August, transfer the stevia back to the pots. Transfer it to
warm room.

In mid-August, stevia needs to be transplanted into pots.
Divide the rhizome of the bush into pieces to get a few
strong plants. In a warm room stevia bloom beautiful
white flowers due to temperature differences.

Blooming stevia. Plant Care

In order to stevia не сбросила цветы, поливы в осенней период
cut down. You need to water the plant once a week. Water is poured into

During цветения кустик стевии подкармливают раз в неделю
potash fertilizers. With such dressings increases
stevioside formation.

Collecting stevia seeds

Stevia bloom lasts two weeks. After flowering can
collect seeds. The fruit of stevia is a black nutlet with one seed.

Fruit size ranges from 0.5mm to 2mm. Seeds needed
dry on the windowsill during the week. After collecting seeds
stratify them and plant them in pots.

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