Growing roses: planting methods, caring for a rose.Features of growing roses at home, in greenhouses, onplot

Чт, 18 фев 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

As the queen of flowers, the rose makes “royal” requirements for
growing conditions.

However, florists have the opportunity to choose from a large
the varieties of this plant are optimal for their region varieties and


Landing spot

Roses are demanding at the landing site. Plot for these flowers
should warm up well and be illuminated by the sun. In the shadows their growth
slows down, shoots drawn out, flowering weak.

Lowlands also do not fit: stagnation of air and high humidity
contribute to the defeat of roses fungal diseases. Such sites
it is necessary to drain, beds on them to do sublime.

It is better to plant roses on the territory with a slope (8-10 degrees) in
south, southwest or southeast direction. At the same time, roses are not
tolerate drafts, and strong winds can damage high
bushes, increase evaporation of moisture.


Roses do not like stagnant moisture in the soil, so for their cultivation
suitable light loam and black soil. Heavy clay soils
enrich with sand, rotted manure, peat compost. In the sandy
roses in winter can freeze out the root system, and in summer

To improve these soils they make humus, peat,
sod land. Roses prefer to grow on slightly acidic soils (pH

Growing roses from cuttings

Among the flower growers, cuttings are considered the simplest and
popular method of propagation of these flowers. Its effectiveness
depends on the type and type of rose. Compared with grafted plants
rooted are better adapted to the growing conditions and composition
the soil, live longer, do not give wild shoots.

The easiest way to take root roses:

• climbing;

• miniature;

• polyanthic and their hybrids;

• Floribunda;

• hybrid tea.

For grafting using lignified and semi-lignified

Заготавливают одревесневшие черенки при осенней
or spring pruning, can also be used for this broken
shoots. Store them at a temperature of about 0 ° C. Before landing such
черенки надо укоренить, например, методом
(он дает маленький процент выпада, не требует
a lot of time):

1. Healthy clean shoots cut into pieces 15-20 cm.

2. The upper straight cut is done in the middle between 2 kidneys,
lower oblique – immediately below the lower kidney.

3. A prepared bunch of cuttings is wrapped in a newspaper,
moistened with water, placed in a bag and stored at +18

4. After 2 weeks, they unwrap and check for callus.
If not, then clean again.

5. After 3-4 weeks roots appear.

6. Cuttings are planted in the ground, deepening to the first bud. Above
put a plastic bottle or mini-hothouse.

For стимуляции укоренения черенки можно замочить в
растворе гетероауксина
или корневина.

Instead of growth stimulants, you can use willow infusion. For
This chopped pieces of green or yellow willow shoots are put in
glass and up to half their height is filled with hot water. In a day
The infusion is ready for use. This infusion can be watered
planting young roses.

Semilignified cuttings root better. Harvest them in
period of bud formation and early flowering. For этого берут
the middle part of the selected shoot. It is cut into pieces with a length of
7-10 cm with 2-3 buds. Upper cut make straight, lower – under
45 ° right under the kidney. For уменьшения испарения влаги нижние
the leaves are torn off, the rest are cut by half.

On the eve of planting the cuttings should be soaked in a stimulator
root formation (BiocloneBAC, BioRoots, etc.). The substrate must
consist of turf, leaf soil, sand and humus (4: 1: 1: 2). AT
pits in the garden fill the prepared soil mixture, plant cuttings
tilted and covered with river sand.

Саженцы поливают раствором марганцовки,
cover each stalk with a plastic bottle or make it to the full
garden bed mini-greenhouse. Rooted cuttings are left for the winter
covered with a layer of insulation material. Transplanted to a permanent
place next spring.

Roses from seeds – cultivation

Rose seeds are grown mainly for new varieties.
Not all types of roses can be grown this way: plants,
derived from seeds, may not retain varietal characteristics. Easy
multiply by seeds krasnolistnaya, wrinkled, spiny,
cinnamon roses, wild rose.

Planting material can be bought or collected from your favorite
bush. When self-harvesting fruits must be taken immature, because
the seeds of them have the best germination. Seed fruit is cut
in half, pull out the seeds and disinfect them for 20 minutes in
pharmacy solution of hydrogen peroxide.

ATыращивание роз из семян в домашних условиях

AT природе семена роз подвергаются естественной стратификации,
therefore, to obtain seedlings at home, you need to create similar

1. AT плошку кладут влагоудерживающий материал (например, марля),
spread the seeds on it in a single layer, covered with a damp cotton
drive and clean in the package.

2. ATсю конструкцию ставят на нижнюю полку the fridge
(temperature + 5-7 ° C) and left there for about 2 months.

3. Periodically open the film for airing and inspection.

4. As soon as the seeds hatch, they are planted in peat pots.
и выращивают при +18-20 oC

Sprouts need 10 hours of daylight hours (if necessary
light up).

Before spring planting in open ground, the seedlings are hardened,
gradually increasing the stay in the fresh air. Such plants
will bloom in full force next year.

ATыращивание розы из семян в саду

If there is enough seed and research
excitement, you can put them in August on the garden. AT северных
regions, the crops are mulched with dry leaves or straw, closed
covering material (for example, lutrasil), and the top is covered
snow. AT апреле укрытие снимают. If frost is predicted, then
above the garden set a small greenhouse.

Roses grown from seeds in the open field, well adapted
to environmental conditions

Roses: care

AT уходе за розами проводят те же мероприятия, что и за другими
flowers: watering, loosening and mulching of the soil, top dressing,
weeding, pest control, winter shelter. Besides,
Some types of roses need pruning.

Pruning and shaping bushes

Pruning roses is needed for regular rejuvenation, formation
bush and stimulate flowering.

This operation is carried out according to the following rules:

• pruning is carried out annually in dry weather;

• the tools used must be well sharpened and

• cuts are treated with garden pitch;

• The stems are cut to healthy tissue.

Dates of pruning roses

ATесенняя обрезка – основная. She is being held
annually during the period of swelling of the kidneys. ATсе поврежденные морозом,
sick, weak branches are removed to healthy wood.

With летней обрезке укорачивают жировые побеги
without buds, cut stalks thickening the center of the bush, faded
flowers This will stimulate the plant to new flowering. Have vaccinated
Roses cut wild root shoots.

Осенняя обрезка связана с необходимостью
winter shelter bushes.


Wateringают розы обильно один раз в неделю, под корень. AT жаркую
summertime watering increase and spend the morning and evening. On one
A bush consumes about a bucket of water. Since the second half of August
watering is reduced, and in September, stop altogether.

Soil loosening and mulching

Loosen the ground under the bushes of roses is necessary after the rain and watering for
soil crust destruction and improved aeration. Loosening depth
should be small (5-10 cm), otherwise you can damage the upper
roots that will negatively affect the development of the plant.

ATесной до раскрытия почек проводят первое мульчирование роз. For
This is used humus, straw, husks of seeds. Pre
weed weed, watered and loosened the ground, make fertilizer.
Before autumn frosts mulch again.

Preparing roses for winter and shelter

AT зависимости от сортовой и видовой принадлежности розы
need a winter shelter. Park roses are the most winter-hardy. For
wintering them only need to pile up to a height of 20cm. Other types of roses
shortened to 20-25 cm from ground level, treated Bordeaux
liquid from fungal diseases. AT качестве укрытия применяют сухой
peat, cut spruce branches, covered with cellophane film on top or
lutrasilom. Climbing roses need to be laid and pinned to
the earth.

Fertilizers and rose dressing

Розаочень требовательное к питанию
. ATесной после обрезки для наращивания листвы и
New shoots of roses need nitrogen fertilizers. Ammonium
saltpeter is introduced in the amount of 20g / m2 after the cover is removed and
dig up the soil to a depth of 10 cm.

For вызревания побегов, обильного цветения розовые кусты
fed with superphosphate (30g / m2) and potassium sulfate (10g / m2).
ATносят их с июня по сентябрь.

AT течение всего периода вегетации розам необходимы также
trace elements. For this purpose, use of complex mineral
fertilizer (Gloria, Ideal, FlorHumat, Agricola).

ATнесение свежего навоза или птичьего помета негативно
affects roses, especially young plants. ATесной
humus mulch the soil under the bushes. In summer, organic use
better in liquid form (water solution of mullein 1:10). After feeding
the soil around the bushes must be powdered with ash and burst.

If necessary, between the main dressings do
foliar. For защиты от вредителей можно припудривать листву роз
wood ash. When transplanting, pruning and any other stressful
able to plant it is useful to spray an antidepressant
(for example, Appin). AT конце августа все подкормки прекращают.

ATыращивание роз в домашних условиях

Agrotechnika indoor roses is a little different from growing
garden forms. AT домашних условиях сажают карликовые сорта
Hybrid tea and remontant roses. Bought plants immediately
no need to transplant – it should go 2-3 weeks

For полива используют отстоянную комнатной температуры воду. AT
A new pot of roses is planted by transfer. Soil is cooked
independently from turf land, sand and humus or use
bought in a store. First dressing can be done in a month
after a flower transplant. Fertilizers are applied every 2 weeks up to

Домашние розочки, так же как и садовые, нуждаются в
ярком освещении
, но их надо притенять от прямых солнечных
rays to avoid burns. In the summer you can bring the roses to the balcony.
That the bush did not grow one-sided, the pot should be a little every day.

Faded flowers pruned to the first bud. When the bush is finished
to bloom, it must be prepared for the winter period of rest: watering and
dressings reduce, shoots are cut to 5 buds, the temperature
воздуха понижают до +15-17 oC From cut branches can be cut
cuttings and rooting them.

Rooting rose cuttings in water is better in glass jars or
cut plastic bottles. You can add stimulant to water
Root formation (Kornevin or Heteroauxin). AT течение месяца
Add defended water (at its evaporation) at room temperature.
When callus appears to be 4 mm, cuttings can be planted in
individual pots.

ATыращивание роз в теплице

ATыращивание тепличных роз требует основательной подготовки и
depends on the following factors:

• preparation of the greenhouse itself and the necessary equipment (systems
watering, lighting, temperature and humidity control);
seedlings preparation;

• choice of type and variety (well suited for greenhouse conditions
miniature, hybrid teas, Floribunda, Grandiflora);

• proper care.

ATыращивать в теплицах можно как привитые, так и корнесобственные
roses Plant rose bushes either in separate pots, or
directly to the ground.

Pot planting is the easiest way to grow roses in
home greenhouse conditions. It is good for its mobility: pots can be
easy to transfer to storage in the basement, adjust the distance
between the bushes.

In any method, before planting, seedlings are soaked in water on
day, cut after 2/3 and carried out in the greenhouse. Landing
начинают в октябре
. AT качестве субстрата используют
turf soil with the addition of humus, lowland peat, sand in
the ratio of 3: 2: 1: 1. The soil acidity should be 5.5-6.5
pH The first 7-10 days, the temperature in the greenhouse is maintained at about +6
�WITH. Since the kidneys swell every three days, it increases by 1.

AT грунт розы сажают, когда почва прогреется до +12 �WITH. Seedling
buried in the ground to the first lower kidney. Distance between rows
keep 30-40 cm, and between plants in a row of 20-30 cm. The number
Bushes vary from 10 to 25 pieces per square meter. After landing
spend watering with a hose. When the first buds are formed, the air
должен быть прогрет до +20 �WITH. For того, чтобы цветы быстро не
раскрывались, надо снова понизить температуру до +15 �WITH.

When caring for greenhouse roses, besides standard events,
it is necessary to regulate the degree of illumination: in autumn and winter
period, the roses need additional lighting, and in the summer – shading
with excessive insolation; maintain optimum moisture and
the temperature in the greenhouse.

Cut flowers better in the morning until the buds are fully
opened up.

Major pests and diseases. Methods of dealing with them

Розанная тля – насекомое травянисто-зеленого
colors. Parasitic on young shoots, leaves, buds, colonies
aphids are increasing rapidly. AT результате поврежденные части
plants are bent. The appearance of aphids is signaled by the appearance
ants who are attracted to sugary excretions by aphids – honey
dew. For борьбы с тлей применяют инсектициды.

Розанная цикадка – небольшое насекомое
бледно-желтого colors. Females lay eggs on the shoots of roses.
ATышедшие из них весной личинки питаются соком растения.
Damaged leaves acquire marble color, turn yellow and
fall off. Fight the larvae more effectively during the period of their mass
appearance of insecticides

Паутинный клещ – один из опаснейших сосущих
rose pests. AT теплицах размножается круглый год. ATред причиняют
imago and their larvae. AT местах укусов на листьях видны светлые пятна.
With severe damage, the foliage turns yellow and falls. Fight tick
need to constantly, because new generations of pests are becoming
resistant to the previous acaricide.

Розанная листовертка — небольшие бабочки,
active at dusk or at night. Eggs overwinter on bark of trunks and branches
fruit trees. The caterpillars damage the buds and bloom.
leaves, entangle them with cobwebs and turning them into a tube. AT единичных
cases, infected parts of roses are cut off by hand and burned. With
mass defeat roses sprayed with poisons containing pyrethrin.

Розанный пилильщик – вредитель, самки которого
lay eggs in young shoots, resulting in their skin
bursts, they warp and fall behind in growth. ATылупившиеся личинки
gnawing leaf blades from the edges, leaving the veins. Damaged
shoots need to be cut and burned, the soil under the bushes in autumn
dig for the destruction of hibernating insects.

Мучнистая роса проявляется на листьях, стеблях,
buds in the form of whitish spots (as if sprinkled with flour). Leaves
скручиваются и fall off. Plants stop growing and bloom. With
severely damaged bushes weaken and die. Disease
progresses to hot weather with high humidity. Infected
shoots are destroyed, the plants are sprayed with a 1% solution of colloid
sulfur, blue vitriol with a frequency of 7-10 days. For выращивания
pick up powdery mildew resistant varieties of roses. For профилактики
in the fall under the bushes pollinate the earth with ashes.

Ржавчина проявляется оранжевыми пятнами на
leaves and shoots. Sick plants are lagging behind in development. Sure to
in the autumn, the damaged parts of the plant are cut out and destroyed.
Infected розы 3-кратно опрыскивают хлорокисью меди или настоем
garlic. Before winter shelter the bushes are sprayed with blue vitriol
or Bordeaux mixture. For возделывания используют устойчивые к
Rust types of roses: polyanthous, climbing, hybrid tea.

Черная пятнистость (марсонина) вызывается
fungus Marssonina rosae. Manifested by black spots on the affected
leaves. as a result, they turn brown and fall off, the plants cease
blossom. Sick bushes sprayed with blue vitriol, the ground beneath them
in the fall they mulch with lime.

Рак коры (ожог) – грибковое заболевание.
ATначале на коре побегов появляются небольшие красно-бурые пятна,
they merge with each other, gradually turn black and can cover
ring the whole escape. Mushroom overwinters in affected branches. Therefore their
need to cut and burn.

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