Growing remontant strawberries (photo): a choicevarieties, soil preparation, proper care. Fruiting repairmanstrawberries

Пн, 01 авг 2016 BUTвтор: Ксения Пушкина

В отличие от обычной strawberries, которая обычно дает один урожай в
a year, the remontant bears fruit two or more times. To these berries
pleased you all summer, it is important to know the characteristics of growing
ремонтантной strawberries.


Выбор самого сорта ремонтантной strawberries

Дачники и опытные агрономы выделили несколько сортов strawberries,
berries which are considered the most fleshy, sweet. To not
make a mistake with the choice, you need to take into account such characteristics as
frost resistance, watering requirements, ability well
carry transportation. Usually in the gardens you can
встретить следующие сорта ремонтантной strawberries:

• “Queen Elizabeth”

• “Russian size”

• “Diamond”

• “Capri”

• “Prima Donna”

• “Snow White” and others.

There are small and large-fruited varieties. The first are different
lack of whiskers, the ability to bear fruit until frost.
Consider the most popular varieties:

1. “Ali Baba” – powerful bushes, the plant is resistant to drought,
frost, pests. Red berries with white flesh have
characteristic forest scent.

2. “Baron Solemakher” – fruits are fragrant and sweet.

3. 2 early maturing varieties: “Ruyan” and “Rüger”. The first one smells like forest
strawberries, and the berries of the second yellowish-white, very

4. “Yellow miracle” – the fruits are small, lemon yellow.

5. “Forest Fairy Tale” – bushes of medium size, but bear fruit
active, the berries have a sweet and sour taste.

Large varieties of gardeners also love. Among them

1. “Albion” – the plant tolerates various weather conditions
conditions and transportation.

2. “Temptation” – the fruits have a nutmeg flavor. First harvest
You can collect in May, and the last – before the start of frost.

3. “Diamond” – during the growing season, small antennae appear;
fruits are bright. The plant is resistant to diseases.

Каждый, кто увлекается выращиванием ремонтантной strawberries, будет
choose varieties that suit him. We can only help
highlight the main types.

In what soil to plant remontantnuyu strawberries and how to choose
a place?

Best of all remontant strawberries will grow in those beds,
where before it was planted onions and garlic, early varieties of cabbage, carrots. BUT
But after potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers berries will grow

Remontating strawberry loves to be allocated for it
plenty of room. To avoid the appearance of slugs in the beds, between
bushes can be planted garlic. Before planting seedlings plot
weed, the soil is enriched with compost. If the ground is too heavy
be sure to add sand to it. Перед посадкой strawberries
additionally contribute superphosphate, potassium salt and ammonia

At first they spill the hole with water, only then they plant a bush. Him
the roots must first be held in fertilizer (for example, in
�”Kornewine”). After planting, carefully tamp the soil,
so that there are no empty seats left.

To strawberries grow well, it is regularly watered, loosened
the earth. When crops bloom, you need to further feed them.
Хорошо, если найдете специальные удобрения для strawberries. If not,
Do not use similar, but for flowers or vegetables. It is better
sprinkle bird manure (chicken, for example).

Выращивание ремонтантной strawberries – секреты ухода

To collect a rich harvest, you need to properly take care of
every plant. Some varieties are quite capricious, but generously
share with hardworking gardeners tasty berries.

• Strawberries grow well in moist soil. Watering is best
in the morning or in the evening, warm water. To keep the moisture as much as possible
longer, bushes sprinkle with sawdust or peat.

• Nitrogen is needed for plants to grow and develop fruit. Can
cook special broths. Crushed wormwood, yarrow and
nettles, poured grass, insist on the sun for about a week.
Herbal dressing can be alternated with infusions: cow dung with
water (1:10) and bird (1:15).

• The soil needs to be loosened periodically to allow fresh air to flow in.
into the root system.

• If you planted a variety that has a mustache, then you need them
regularly cut so that the main bush is not exhausted. Mustache – one of
способов размножения ремонтантной strawberries, только нужно дождаться,
until small sprouts appear with the roots.

О вредителях и заболеваниях ремонтантной strawberries

Выращивание ремонтантной strawberries нередко связано с трудностями.
Many plants suffer from diseases, invasions of various microbes,
insects. Consider the common troubles and ways of their

1. Серая гниль – грибковое заболевание,
appearing in rainy weather. First, brown fruits are formed on the fruits.
stains, and on them – white bloom that looks like a mold. To
prevent rotting plants, it is watered with copper oxychloride. it
the same remedy fights brown spot where leaves
become brown and fall off. Since most often gray
rot manifests itself on berries lying on wet ground, the soil needs to be
sprinkle with sawdust or lift bushes with wire

2. Mealy dew. Its signs are brown
coloring of leaves and their folding into a tubule. Prevention:
spraying with colloidal sulfur or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. BUT
diseased leaves are cut and burned.

3. Земляничный клещ – если на растении
If this insect settles, the leaves will quickly turn yellow. To
get rid of the pest, after harvesting the last harvest the bushes need
spray the aqueous solution of karbofos.

4. To осы не съели все плоды, около посадок
you need to arrange containers with sweet water (compote),
before adding there raw yeast. You can beat the birds with
using fake berries, hung nearby.

5. Способы борьбы с тлей: в мыльный раствор
add wood ash and water the plants. You can still rub
two heads of garlic, put the porridge in a three-liter jar, pour
water, leave for a week. Then thoroughly spray the shoots.
ремонтантной strawberries.

Особенности ремонтантной strawberries

Прежде чем начать выращивание ремонтантной strawberries, нужно
explore the nuances of how it grows. There are three
photoperiodic type:

• Strawberry long day. Fruit buds appear in the period from
mid May – early June. Fruits gives 2 times a year: in July and
August-September. Moreover, the second time you can collect much
больше strawberries.

• Strawberry neutral day. All growth processes begin.
early spring and end in autumn. Can собирать урожай до
four times, which characterizes varieties as particularly fruitful.

• Strawberry short day. it самые обычные сорта, которые
bloom and give berries only once a year.

Sometimes on large-fruited strawberries in the second year can grow
small berries. To этого не произошло, нужно высаживать рассаду в
the period from July to September. As soon as the landing will begin
the first flowers form, they are cut off. No need to separate the bushes
in half and so to reproduce. Use mustache or if their
no, seeds. It is necessary to cut the bushes, remove the leaves, and make
This is desirable in the fall, before the onset of the first cold weather.

We hope that after the implementation of our councils in life, you
get only the most delicious berries.

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