Growing pepper seedlings at home -all the secrets. With diligence, we grow up excellent pepper seedlingshouses

Ср, 23 мар 2016 Автор: Инна Квашина

Pepper in its beneficial properties is a storehouse
of vitamins.

And, of course, we would like to grow it with our own hands.

But various doubts and fears do not allow to enjoy it.

Do not be afraid!

Ваши старания при выращивании рассады перца в housesшних условиях
and compliance with all necessary conditions associated with the landing,
watering, dressing will pay off a rich, fragrant and useful


Выращивание рассады перца в housesшних условиях: выбор сорта и

At the initial stage the most important point is the choice
сорта перца и seed.

It may be:

1) по вкусу: сладкий (Колобок, Римский, Викинг)
and bitter (Adjika, Twinkle, Superchili, Dragon Tongue);

2) по цвету: зеленый (Беладонна, Полет), желтый
(Yellow bell, Raja, Lemon miracle), orange (Orange miracle),
red (Red shovel, ox ear, Corvette), purple (Big
Dad, Sweet Chocolate);

3) in terms of ripening:

– early ripening (ripening period up to 90 days): Apricot
favorite, Orange King, Golden Taurus;

– middle ripening (ripening period 90 – 130 days): Agapovsky,
Atlas, Bugay, Bogatyr, California miracle, Tenderness, Hercules,

– late ripening (more than 130 days): Paris, Ruby, Black
Cardinal, Aristotle.

4) для фаршировки (Джипси F1, Красная шапочка,
Belozerka) or conservation (Gift of Moldova, Golden-maned lion).

Types of pepper

At once we want to note that the agrotechnical necessary conditions
выращивания рассады сладкого перца в housesшних условиях ничем не
different from bitter pepper.

It is believed that seeds collected by their
hands off your pepper. But this rule does not always work. On
сегодняшний день рынок seed перца имеет достаточно широкий
a range of different types able to satisfy all needs.
Выбирайте марки проверенных производителей,
check the expiration date, pay attention to the appearance (in
seed не должно быть тухлого запаха или запаха плесени), удалите
damaged seeds, spend all the necessary conditions for successful

Выращивание рассады перца в housesшних условиях: когда и как
sow (time, dressing, shelter, temperature, soil and

Pepper is one of those types of vegetable crops that
желательно выращивать рассадой вместо посадки в
open ground. The advantages of this method are undeniable,

• в несколько раз увеличивается процент всхожести seed, так как
they are provided with all the necessary favorable conditions;

• it becomes possible to grow valuable types and varieties of pepper in
areas with not very favorable climate;

• At the end, you can get an earlier harvest;

• a positive economic component, since
the process of planting reduces the work on the care of plants (less
area, reduced water for irrigation, no need
thin out the beds);

• when planting seedlings in open ground, you immediately give your
garden beds desired decorative look and will support it.

So, you are morally tuned, stocked determination and decided
вырастить рассаду перца в housesшних условиях. Where to begin? For
начала проведите такие необходимые условия, как дезинфекция seed.
It can be made in a solution of potassium permanganate (30 minutes), or in solution
peroxide (3 ml per 100 g of water heated to 40ºС). This is necessary
для того, чтобы осуществить обеззараживание и профилактику seed от
diseases or various infections.

Также перед посевом проверьте всхожесть seed.
This procedure is not difficult, but it will save you from risk.
посадки пустых, неплодородных seed. For этого необходимо на
ordinary plate put a piece of light-colored fabric or paper and
pour the seeds. Then cover everything wet with the same cloth or
paper and put in a warm place (+ 20 ° C) for about 7-14 days.
Keep the seeds moist all the time. Further, depending
whether seeds sprout or not, divide them into fit or not
to use.

Further, one of the quality advice is the need
keep the seeds in the fridge for 12 hours in order
чтобы они закалились. After all, natural conditions
sometimes it can be so unpredictable.

Не последнюю роль в успешном выращивании перца в housesшних
conditions, and often even a prerequisite, is
состав почвы. Ideally, you can buy it ready.
But if extra expenses are not included in your budget, then
the composition you can cook yourself.

For этого вам понадобится:

– turf land (you can take a simple garden);

– humus (only not fresh, but necessarily already lying
some years. Otherwise, you will burn all the plants);

– sand (it will improve the structure of the soil).

For перца соотношения вышеуказанных видов почвы должно
be 1: 2: 1.

You can grow seedlings:

– in special plastic cups (so-called multi-cassettes),
which are sold together with a pallet and a transparent cover for
greenhouse effect;

– in peat-humus pots or pots, which
due to its composition, completely decomposed in the ground. In that
If the seedlings are planted with a pot, excluding damage
its roots. However, experienced gardeners do not recommend their use,
as with this method there is a delay in development

– in the most simple plastic, cardboard cups, or
just in the ground, wrapped in polyethylene;

– в специальных торфоблоках, which в последнее время набирают
increasingly popular due to simplicity and convenience
of use.

On один горшочек высеивают 1-3 зернышка семени,
removing further weak sprouts. Do not forget to sign
the varieties you use to further select your favorites.

For создания высокой влажности создаются необходимые условия,
which ускорят процесс прорастания, посевные приспособления
cover with glass, film or plastic transparent
a lid.

При выращивании рассады перца в housesшних условиях очень важно
comply with necessary conditions such as integrated light mode,
watering, temperature and feeding.

If there is not enough light in the room, use
additional lighting using lamps or move the boxes with
seedlings in a more lighted place.

Watering seedlings does not require special conditions. Here it is important not
allow the soil to dry out. The first 3 days do not water, but just
moisten the soil with a sprayer. It is desirable in the future
carry out watering with warm water. In general, pepper sprouts are cut,
on average, after 9 days.

Pepper seedlings one week after germination

And here it is important to prevent the drying of the soil. Can also
use irrigation from mineral fertilizers (for this it is necessary
take 3 grams per 2 liters of potash, nitrogen and phosphorus water
fertilizer). A week before planting, moderate the amount of watering, because
excessive moisture will cause the structure of the fabric to be more

Soil temperature before planting should be heated to

Seedlings are planted in the ground at the age of 2-2.5
. Prerequisite before seedlings
plant in the ground, is that her for a few days
periodically it is necessary to carry out on the street. In the greenhouses need to open
frame or remove for a certain period of time the film. This is the effect
hardening plants.

Outdoor seedlings begin to be cooked from the beginning.
марта (неwhich сорта можно уже начинать высеивать в конце

Выращивание рассады перца в housesшних условиях: пересадки,
top dressing

Pepper refers to the vegetable crop that requires
transplants (picks). It is carried out with uneven
distribution of sprouts by sowing area. Its meaning is
чтобы удалить слабые мелкие ростки, which могут вытягивать из
larger nutrients and trace elements. Pick
carry out, when on a sprout appeared 1-2 leaves. Wherein
It is recommended to water the day before the intended
process. So you will more carefully carry out the process of transplantation and not
damage the seedlings roots. Then everything is simple. Select healthy,
well-developed seedlings and by removing a small amount of root
system, transplant using a small stick. Press tight
received sprout ground. Do not worry if on the first day
seedlings will have a privyat form. This is an adaptation process.
Use during this period band irrigation of seedlings.

Что касается высадки в грунт. This is the last
the stage at which you must not ruin everything you have done before
процесс выращивания рассады перца в housesшних условиях. For посадки
choose a quiet, calm, cloudy day (if the day is sunny,
then land after lunch). Air temperature should
warm up to + 17ºС. The plot you have by this time should be
prepared by. Water the seedlings abundantly
first buds), separate the peat blocks, remove the seedlings from
cups (this can be done without violating the integrity of the material).
Holes must be at a distance of 0.5 m from each other and 0.6 m –
between rows.

The depth must be such that the root system is under
soil, and the neck of the root was at the level of the soil surface. Right away
prepare the material for shelter pepper seedlings that is
necessary condition when possible frosts. It may be
polyethylene, plastic bottles with cut off necks or
paper caps.

Feeding pepper recommended several

Two weeks and a month after the first picks. Conveniently
use prepared liquid (1 tsp. per 1 liter of water): Lux,
Mortar, Agricola, Fortress. Such feeding will enhance the development
seedlings and strengthen the root system. The following dressing do
a solution of 1 tsp “Barrier” to 1 liter of water.

When planting in pots after picking into the soil, you can add 1
st.l. double superphosphate, 0.5 st. древесной золы и 3 st.l.
top dressing для перцев «Синьор помидор».

The main problems in growing pepper seedlings

1) Do not neglect the preliminary disinfection and
закаливанием seed. Guaranteed positive result will pay
your efforts.

2) Cook the soil mix correctly. Do not take garden land with
vegetable growing places cultures and flowers. Use 3-4 humus
years ago.

3) Insufficient lighting. In that случае ростки имеют вытянутую
form with a disproportionately developed structure. Consider also
that pepper is a plant that prefers short light

4) Подсчет сроков посева seed происходит, в зависимости от
In addition, when you plant the pepper in the ground. And here it is important not
Allow the growing of seedlings.

5) Insufficient watering. This cause can lead to death.

6) Incorrect picking is a violation of the root system, which
leads to wilting of plants. Tip: Sow the pepper seeds immediately in
individual devices, making further so-called. notch
plants. Those. remove from the container the whole lump of earth and plant it in
well without disturbing the root system.

7) If the seeds you collected yourself did not come up, then
you may have violated the rules of storage or the original rules
сбора seed.

8) Carefully follow the possible pests peppers:
aphid, mite, scoop. Better, of course, seedlings processed in a timely manner.
For этого подойдут специальные химические препараты.

9) Use top dressing correctly and in moderate doses.

Выращивание рассады перца в housesшних условиях — это интересный
a process that will further provide you with a useful harvest for
throughout the year. And you will be proud of yourself!

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