Growing melons is easier than it sounds! howgrow a melon: sowing, care, feeding, protection from pests anddiseases

ATт, 01 мар 2016 Автор: Евгений

Melons are different, but they all develop well and give normal
harvest only when creating optimal conditions.

Melon, unlike other plants in the garden, negatively
refers to excess moisture. She likes dry and hot weather,
not at all afraid of the direct rays of the sun. For this reason, in the southern
it is easier to grow it in the open field in the regions.

Of course, it is a pity for the residents of the northern regions and the middle zone that
they are difficult to plant in the country melon without shelter. But this is wrong.
opinion, it turns out, in the open, you can grow a melon not
only in the southern regions of Russia.

Нормальный урожай дыни можно получить и в средней
, и даже вырастить ее в Сибири. This culture has
many different varieties that differ in climate requirements,
taste and form.


Growing melon. Variety and seed selection

Errors in the selection of seeds and their planting can leave you without
crop, use only proven material for planting

Purchase seeds considering:

• The place where the seeds were collected. Buy only from
manufacturers from their region, they will be adapted to
features of your climate;

• The duration of the growing season. A short period guarantees
harvest in any region;

• The size of the fruit. Do not immediately believe the statements about the huge
the number of large melons. Gourds grow well
only in the southern areas. Even in a greenhouse you can only get
small melons, although they grow a lot;

• Term germination of seed. Purchase seeds “from
the stock “pumpkin and melon lain about three years give
more ovaries.

A lot of gardeners, fall into a stupor, if necessary, select
suitable seeds. First, for the middle band you should not choose
varieties with large fruits. Otherwise, they will not have time to fully grow and
mature. In addition, it is necessary to study all the characteristics of the variety,
they are most often indicated on the packaging. A period sufficient for
the formation of the ovaries of full fruits, should be small.
In addition, if a gardener wants to get melons not only to his
table, but to realize on the market part of the crop, you need to take
in consideration for properties such as transportability, taste and size

Most often planted in the middle lane

• Gift to the North;

• Pink champagne; krimstar;

• near Moscow Charstoln;

• Cinderella.

After the gardener chooses a suitable variety for himself,
It is necessary to prepare the planting material for planting. Need to
mention that if you use fresh seeds (judging by the experience
practitioners) get something, there are few ripe melons, for this reason
нужно высевать семена, заготовленные два или три года

Another component in the proper preparation of landing
материала к посеву является закаливание. It will give
opportunity to improve their germination, produce this operation for 1-2
weeks before sowing. First, the seeds are immersed in water, heated to
30-35 degrees. After a few hours, they must be removed,
dry a little and stand a day in a room with a temperature of 18
degrees After that, the seeds are transferred to the refrigerator, where to keep
18 hours. Next, again placed in a room with a temperature of up to 20
degrees So, repeat three times and sow the seeds in the garden.

Алушта — до спелости плодов проходит 70 дней.
Melon oval, large, grows to 1.5 kg. The flesh is juicy,
sweet, white.

Десертная 5 — плоды небольшого размера,
grows up to 1.6 kg, tender, very sweet, white-green
the pulp. Differs in the increased lezhkost.

Золотистая — округлые плоды, желтого цвета
weighing up to 1.6 kg. The flesh is white, juicy, well resists

Южанка — круглые, крупные плоды весом до 1.9
kg Harvest variety, to taste similar to the collective farm.

Колхозница — сорт очень распространенный,
sustainable, and most suitable for growing under conditions
middle band. Дыни круглые, оранжевые, весом 1 kg Very sweet,
белая the pulp.

Growing melon. Sowing and planting (timing, feeding, shelter,
temperature, soil, etc.)

Семена дыни высевают на рассаду в апреле, после
after three to four weeks, grown seedlings can
repot in open ground. Capacities are selected for melon sowing
approximately 12×12 cm, 3 are sown in each of these pots
seed, deepening them by 2-3 cm. After that, the containers are sprinkled.
sand, about 1 cm thick. The pot is placed in a warm and bright
a room in which the temperature is maintained not lower than 22 degrees.
Для рассады дыни можно использовать магазинную почвенную
, предназначенную для выращивания садовых культур,
or independently mix the soil consisting of:

1. 1 part sand;

2. 9 parts peat.

Or use the following composition of the soil mixture:

1. 1 part of garden soil;

2. 3 pieces of humus;

3. 1 tablespoon of potash fertilizer;

4. 3 spoons of phosphate fertilizer;

5. 1 spoon of nitrogen fertilizer.

It’s nice to add a glass of wood ash to the mix bucket.
To the seedlings it was easier to get out, seeds when sowing
better lay on one side. Watering after sowing pots need

At night, it is not allowed to reduce the room temperature with
рассадой ниже 15 degrees After 6-7 days the first seedlings will appear
melons. Since planted in pots of 3 seeds, then the extra shoots
must be removed leaving only the most in pots
strong sprout.

Seedlings need only be watered gently so that
excess moisture did not wet the leaves and stalks. Shaping 3
these leaflets are a sign that melon seedlings are strong and can
be planted on the garden bed. At this age their
прищипывают, что приводит к появлению
additional side shoots.

In the wells in the garden before planting seedlings, it is desirable to add
a little bit of humus, after which they are well watered, planted
seedlings, and sprinkle the roots of seedlings with soil. Wells need
place at a distance between them 70 cm minimum.

Important! When planting seedlings do not injure
their roots, it is better not to touch them. Therefore experienced
gardeners transplant seedlings without destroying the coma of the soil.

Growing melons in the open field

Place for planting melons are prepared in two stages:

1. The first of them – digging the soil in the autumn, and making
fertilizer. Dig beds need 40-50 cm deep, and then
scatter humus on the surface of the site (4 kg per 1 m2). After
what you need to wait for the arrival of spring;

2. Second – must be performed with the first thaw in the spring
time. Mineral mixtures are scattered on the surface of the beds.
(the compositions should contain potassium and phosphorus) and then dig again.
After этой процедуры подготовка грядки для посадки дыни
is over.

In the south of our country, spring, comes much earlier, that
allows you to even plant late-melon seeds directly into the ground. AT
pre-cut in not less than three meters of grooves,
planted after 12-15 cm seeds. From above they are covered with soil, after
what the bed is well watered. When the seedlings appear, their
must be thinned, so that the distance between
individual plants leave a distance of 0.5 m after
the bushes grow up, the site is once again broken through, leaving the most
strong sprouts. AT результате расстояние между кустами дыни должно
get at least two meters.

Growing melon. Care, feeding

ATыращивая дыню, необходимо внимательно относиться к уходу за
plants. Одной из самых важных работ является пинцировка
растущих побегов
. It must start after
the formation of the fifth leaf on them, after this operation on the main
bush shoot will start to grow lateral shoots. Must wait
while on them also five leaves are formed and they too
pinch. After этого нужно ждать формирования завязей, которые
в будущем превратятся в melons. On each whip plants should grow
no more than five (in large-fruited varieties) or ten (in small-fruited
melons) ovaries. Excess ovaries need to be torn off so as not to deplete

Melon does not require a large amount of moisture, for this reason its
нужно поливать умеренно. If you live in a region,
where it often rains, it is advisable to provide shelters during
inclement weather. You can use a simple
plastic wrap.

After посадки рассады дыни в грунт необходимо ее
регулярно подкармливать. For this use
complex mineral fertilizers, the frequency of feeding once a
ten days.

Proper care of melon will allow the fruit to keep up before the first
frosts. If time is not enough, then nothing terrible, you need
pick fruits, and they will reach home.

The main pests and how to deal with them

Melons can be affected by fungal, viral and bacterial
diseases, and as a result may die. Sources of infection –
soil, plant debris, weeds. To reduce losses
от вредителей и diseases, при выращивании дыни необходимо соблюдать
crop rotation and agrotechnical requirements, process seed
material and seedlings with special preparations.

Gourd Aphid. Sucking pest that
multiplies very quickly, is placed under the leaves of small
in groups. The leaves of the plant curl and turn yellow, after which
dry out. The inflorescences, not revealed, fall.

Gourd Aphid

Control measures: it is necessary to remove weeds and residues from the beds
plants. Process crops 30% solution Aktelik, soap
solution and 10% karbofos.

Паутинный клещ. ATредитель небольшого размера,
lives on the lower part of the leaves, they can be found on the cobwebs on
leaflets. They suck up juice, affected plants.
turn yellow and die in time.

Control measures: plant debris and weeds must be removed from
beds, in the fall you need to make a deep digging soil.

Проволочники. Larvae of beetles, damage
стебель, находящийся в грунте, что приводит к гибели melons.

Control measures: remove plant debris and weeds, often in them
this pest is going to.

Подгрызающие совки. the caterpillars live in the soil they
injure the stem of the plant, which can cause death
кустика melons.

Control measures: weeds and plant the remains are removed from the beds.
In the autumn they make deep digging of the soil.

Мучнистая роса. On the stem and leaves visible
small whitish spots, after a short time they
spread further and can cover the entire surface of the sheet.

Control measures: When a disease is detected, the planting is processed (times
at 10 days) 400 g per 100 m2 with 80% sulfur powder. Afterднюю
processing can be performed no later than 20 days prior to collection

Фузариозное увядание. Fungal disease
melon, affects more late and mid-season varieties, greatly worsens
качество и количество harvest. Diseased fruit is not so juicy and
less fragrant, they are poorly stored. The disease becomes noticeable
after the formation of 2 – 3 true leaves, and during maturation
harvest. The stems and fruits of diseased plants wilt quickly, the leaves
plants become light.

Control measures: meeting crop rotation requirements, weed removal
растений и растительных остатков и уничтожение больных plants.
Deep soil digging in autumn, moderate watering. Seeds before sowing
five minutes disinfected in 40% formalin. Melons are planted on
high ridges. When buds appear on plants, they are treated
landing solution KCI.

Антракноз. With this disease on the leaves
round pink or brownish spots appear, over time they
getting bigger. Sick leaves curl and dry whip
the plants become brittle and thin, the fruits change their shape and

Control measures: crops should be watered moderately, after each
watering the soil in the beds are loosened. Planting pollinate sulfur or
treated with 1% Bordeaux liquid.

Пероноспороз. The disease damages the young
leaves, with increasing humidity from the bottom of the sheet appears
gray-purple bloom.

Control measures: seeds before sowing are disinfected, heating them 2
часа, в воде с температурой 45 degrees Affected beds
spray the urea solution, making up a solution of 1 g of fertilizer
in 1 liter of water, and treated with Bordeaux mixture. Processing
repeat after 10 days.

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