Growing magnolia: all the details of care. Sortaand types of magnolia (photo), which is better for the Moscow region

Чт, 08 сен 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Magnolia is a beautiful tree that will fill the garden with beautiful
vanilla aroma during the flowering period, it begins in April.
Most trees are not covered with leaves at this time, but
magnolia is fragrant colors.

In nature, you can admire its beauty in the Crimea, this plant is for
warm climate. But, contrary to popular belief, to successfully grow
Magnolia can be in the middle of Russia. For this
need to know how to properly care for the plant. And this
absolutely easy!


Magnolia Description

The plant belongs to the family of Magnoliaceae, which has
more than 70 species. Magnolia trees can be from a wide pyramidal
crown or spherical. Plant height depends on variety, some
specimens reach up to 20 meters, but more often the magnolia does not grow
more than 5-8 meters.

The color palette of the plant is diverse, there are trees with
white, purple, pink, red or lilac flowers. Of
most varieties in the conditions of central Russia can be grown
only some of them, others really do not tolerate
harsh climate.

Photo and description of magnolia varieties for growing in the middle
strip of Russia

In nature, magnolia is divided into several

• deciduous plants;

• evergreen trees.

The second group of plants is not able to tolerate frosts, therefore
its cultivation is possible only in greenhouses with special

In the conditions of Russia, deciduous magnolias are grown, which
react to temperature changes less painful, shift
only flowering time. Of этой группы растений можно выделить
winter hardy and conditionally winter hardy varieties. The latter in strong
frost freezes only part of the flower buds.

Winter-hardy varieties include:

1. Magnolia Kobus.

These are trees up to 10 meters high. They have a very interesting crown,
which in the first years of cultivation has a pyramidal shape and
changes to spherical during growth. Plant is considered one
from hardy and winter-hardy varieties. Blooms tree white luxurious
flowers in April and May. In summer, the color of the leaves is dark green,
Autumn is replaced by yellow-brown. Leaf fall in this species
comes closer to the middle of autumn. Grown from seed is extremely rare,
since the first flowering occurs only after 30 years.

2. The magnolia is stellate.

It is a shrub up to 5 meters high with an oval crown. Bloom
remembered very persistent aroma that envelops the entire garden.
The first flowers bloom in March. After flowering shrub
dissolves the dark green leaves, which by autumn acquire
bronze tint.

3. Magnolia Lebner.

This is a hybrid of the above varieties, which took over
The best qualities of parent plants:

• frost resistance;

• unpretentiousness;

• beautiful crown;

• unsurpassed flavor.

Magnolia Lebner – a tree with a spherical crown, whose height
reaches 10 meters. White flowers with a light pink haze,
bloom from April. The leaves are dark, by the fall – bronze.

For less winter-hardy varieties are often
market variations:

1. Magnolia Sulanzha.

This variety is a tree up to 5-8 meters
high. It blooms in April, very fragrant pink flowers,
which look like tulips. Leaves, as with all varieties,
green, but autumn has a mustard color.

2. Magnolia Ash.

It is not only hardy, but also very beautiful deciduous
tree. Bloom наступает на второй год после высадки растения в
garden. Refers to late blooming species. It usually blooms in
late May, huge creamy colors. The leaves of the plant are similar to
tropical, reach lengths up to 70 cm. This kind of magnolia
almost does not suffer from return frosts, which makes it the most
attractive to gardeners.

Growing Magnolia: Everything About Planting (Photos)

Successful cultivation of magnolia begins with the selection of seedlings. It is better
give preference to plants with a closed root system.

When planting magnolia you need to consider it.

• The plant does not tolerate drafts and cold winds.
Therefore, the plot must be selected protected;

• grows poorly in areas with limestone soil. To correct
state of affairs is possible by adding sour peat to the ground;

• does not tolerate heavy and waterlogged soil. Pick up a place
without stagnation of groundwater.

It is betterе место для высадки магнолии — южная сторона участка,
well lit but without direct sunlight. The soil
prepared fertile and very loose.

Landing pit preparation

The correct landing hole for the magnolia must be larger than
its root system is three times. The soil is pre-mixed with
compost and sand. Magnolia saplings are planted so that the root
the neck was above ground level. After planting the plant is abundant
water and necessarily mulch the soil around it. For this
apply peat, lapnik, sand.

Landing time

Experienced gardeners prefer autumn planting when
the tree has already stopped your height. It is carried out in the middle or at the end.
October, until it was severe frosts, but there is no sweltering
heat waves.

Quite good results are shown by landing of a magnolia in the spring. But here
there is a risk that return frost will ruin a young plant.
Spring planting is carried out in April. If the weather is favorable,
frost is not expected, then you can try this way, but on
your fear

Important! 100% survival rate of seedlings
only happens with the correct autumn planting!

How to properly care for magnolia

Not only the beauty of the tree, but also its
frost resistance.

Watering mode

Drought does not tolerate the plant, especially in the early years
cultivation. It is necessary to water a magnolia plentifully, but not too often.
In extreme heat, the root system should not dry out.
Mulching will help to preserve soil moisture. It is not only
warms the roots in winter, but also nourishes the plant, improves the structure

Nutrition and feeding magnolia

Magnolia loves a variety of feeding. Fertilize
can be from early spring to autumn. Applying a nitrogen supplement, you need
show maximum caution, because its overabundance leads to
reduce the winter hardiness of the plant. Nitrogen fertilization
ends by mid-July.

Important! In the first two years of growing
Magnolia is not fertilized. Start feeding from the third
of the season.

For feeding magnolia seedlings use ready-made fertilizers or
cooked on their own. Of магазинных можно рассматривать
mineral fertilizer “Kemira-Universal” or specialized
top dressing for magnolias, for example, from AGRECOL “For a magnolia”.

You can prepare the nutrient solution yourself. For this
use 25-30 grams of ammonium nitrate, 15-20 grams of urea, 1 kg
mullein All components are mixed and diluted in 10 liters of water.
The fertilizer is watered at a rate of 40 liters per tree.

Tip! If the plant is overfed, then
This can be noticed at the end of July. Old leaves start to dry out
ahead of time. The situation can be corrected abundant

Magnolia pruning

When growing magnolia formative pruning is not used.
In the spring they carry out sanitary pruning, if there are frost-damaged ones.
shoots, dry or growing inside the bush. As a rule, all
Frozen shoots pruned to healthy wood. Cut locations
it is better to process the garden barb.

Magnolia Wintering: Shelter

In conditions of central Russia, even winter-hardy magnolia varieties
better to cover for the period of cold weather. Spring return frosts
flower buds will be destroyed on annual growths and flowering can not
to wait.

For shelter apply burlap. She is wrapped in a tree trunk in two
layer, try to avoid branch injury. Pristvolny circle too
it is necessary to shelter for the winter, but it must be done on frozen ground.
Use a thick layer of mulch. If you cover the tree before, then in it
inevitably settle mouse.

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