Growing hydrangea: planting, watering, care,top dressing. All the secrets of growing hydrangeas that you don’tguessed

Пн, 07 мар 2016 Автор: Инна Квашина

Hydrangea belongs to the genus of flowering plants.

Received its name for moisture love, and translated from Greek
means “a vessel of water.”

In hydrangeas primarily attract lush inflorescences, which
in diameter reach 20 cm and delight us from spring to late
of autumn.

Color can be very different, and it depends on you.

How you will look after her, how to feed her


Growing hydrangeas. Selection of planting material, seeds

Previously, hydrangea was considered difficult to care for and incapable of
move the winter frost. However, now there is a huge
number of varieties able to withstand not always favorable
conditions. Therefore, when choosing seeds and seedlings for planting, please
focus on plant endurance, and the ability to survive
cold weather

There are such main types of hydrangeas:

Широколистная, крупнолистная (Макрофила)
unmatched hydrangea that pleases with all kinds of colors
(pink, crimson, blue, blue). Low in height and blooms on
shoots of the second year. Blossoming is plentiful, but short. In the end
August, such a blooming hydrangea can not be found. Afraid of frost
it must be well covered for the winter. It used to be grown as
houseplant, but with the development of new varieties made possible
garden cultivation (Grandiflora, Lilacina, Perfecta).

Метельчатая — холодостойкий высокий куст,
which is wonderful winters. Inflorescence goes to the cone. Blossoms with
August to October, mostly white or shades
(Vanille Fraise, Grandiflora).

Древововидная — кустовая, высотой 1-3 метра.
Unpretentious care, shade-tolerant, hardy. Blooms earlier
других видов, цветет шапкой с июля до поздней of autumn. Color like
usually white (Annabel, Radiata, Sterilis).

Гортензия черешковая, которая является
climbing plant. It is attached by root to cracks and
irregularities. Those. this plant will braid any uneven walls or
other items with their white flowers. Also this ground cover
a plant that will crawl around. And if he has
some kind of support, it will grow very quickly. In the care also

It is believed that hydrangea blooms only at the ends of annuals.
shoots. However, this applies only to broadleaf hydrangea. Here
the peculiarity is that in the current season the flowers
bloom from the upper buds of last year’s shoots, and they begin
grow in the fall.

Breeding hydrangea several

• cuttings – the most common method;

• layering, dividing the bush, inoculation;

• seeds that you can buy or collect yourself.

When buying seeds, give preference to a proven
manufacturers. Consider also that the planting material is very
small and additional processing is not required.

Growing hydrangeas. Sowing and planting (timing, feeding,
shelter, temperature, soil, etc.)

Before sowing, you first need to choose the right place
for landing and prepare it. Hortense loves shady and
cool places. Do not put it in direct sun. She will be
burn and constantly hurt. Sunny place requires abundant
glaze. Young seedlings also need wind protection.
Given that the root system of hydrangea is not quite deep, then the pits
for planting dig at some distance from trees and others
tall shrubs. This is done to ensure that the latter do not
they took away her water and the necessary nutrients.

When planting, seeds are sown superficially, do not bury and
use the method of irrigation – spraying. You can sow in containers
already in winter, and in open ground – at the end of April-May. In the open
In the air, dust the sand bed that will play the role
drainage during watering. With this method of growing hydrangeas, the first
seedlings will appear in a month. At this time, perform the necessary
care conditions: make sure that there are no weeds, constantly
water, make the necessary dressing. If foreseen
frost, the seeds are covered with paper.

As for planting seedlings, then the hydrangea on a permanent place
can be planted both in early spring (before leafing), so
in summer and autumn.

The process of planting hydrangeas

Shrubs are planted at a distance of about one meter from each other.
The pit is dug shallow and 2-3 times larger in diameter than
root system. A fertile mixture is poured at the bottom and interferes with it.
ground. It is recommended to purchase a special soil for azaleas,
rhododendrons and hydrangeas, which contains an acidic top layer
peat Seedlings are placed so that the roots are not above the level.
soil. Then the bushes plentifully watered and the soil is mulched.

The following conditions are necessary for most hydrangeas when planting:
fertile, rich, moist soil. Add compost, peat,
перегной, чтобы обогатить бедные soil.

A distinctive feature of this plant is that when
growing hydrangeas, it can change color. Prerequisite
для этого является, прежде всего, состав soil. In acidic soil (pH
5.5) produce a culture of blue colors and shades, and in alkaline –
pink Unfortunately, the color of the white flower you do not change. Cream
Hydrangea can be changed to pink or crimson. To obtain
blue and blue flowers, you need to water the plant every week
with a solution of special acidifying agents and create it all
необходимые conditions.

Please note that you can change the color of flowers, but not
instantly. Color correction takes weeks, even months. Easier
change blue flowers to pink than pink to blue. Wait,
as long as the plant is at least 2 years old to give it time
recover from the shock of his initial landing.

Also hard water can affect the color of the flower, turning blue
flowers in pinkish. So use rainwater for irrigation.
In the fall, hydrangea flowers combine pink and green.
It is simply an aging process that cannot be revised. AT
next year, the flowers will return to their original color.

Blue and pink flowers

The color of the hydrangea is affected by the composition of the soil, but how does it
to determine?

To determine the acidity of the soil at home can be as follows
method: pour a handful of earth with vinegar. If watered
the plot will begin to “bubble” strongly, then the soil is considered alkaline, if
no, sour. To increase the acidity, it is necessary to make it
fertilizers, sulfur, kefir or pine needles. To reduce
acidity, it is necessary to treat the soil with lime mortar.

This unrivaled shrub tolerates almost any soil.
with proper care and additional feeding. And also blooms with
midsummer until autumn, when little can be in bloom.

Growing hydrangeas. Care, feeding

After planting a young hydrangea, the first thing is done by her
pruning. Removes all damaged twigs and weak stems. it
carried out to form the main stems.

Ежегодно обрезка осуществляется весной, до
bud break. it делается с целью:

• giving the bush a decorative shape;

• removal of dead stalks that will pick up the nutrient
plant properties;

• прореживания shoots. Don’t worry, hydrangea is different.
that is very easy to recover and has a good strength

• rejuvenation of shrubs.

In the fall, it is not recommended to prune the plant, as
stalks are formed wounds that in winter can lead to diseases.
AT это время удалите только цветы, которые отцвели.

AT зависимости от вида гортензии существуют необходимые условия и
differences in its pruning.

The panicle of a panicle hydrangea is formed by removing new ones.
shoots that grow out of the ground. When reaching the desired height
begin to form the crown: every year the most
top young shoots. That is, counting from the base
three or four paired leaflets in height and cut off. Respecting
necessary conditions, you will get the desired shape of the shrub.

Tree hydrangea is pruned, leaving 2-4 pairs of the strongest
the kidneys.

There is also anti-aging pruning, which is carried out for
plants that are over 3 years old. Her goal is to provide everything
necessary conditions for abundant and intense flowering

Thinning pruning is recommended to remove weak
shoots that do not bloom, and nutrients are taken.
Avoid pruning after August 1st.

With an incorrect pruning, the plant will not be you.
delight with the beauty and profusion of flowering.

Pruning a bush

Prerequisite для выращивания гортензии является и ее
plentiful watering. If this is not done, the plant will wither. Not
allow the soil to dry out, which even near the roots should
always be wet Water regularly and abundantly.
This is especially true for dry and hot weather. ATо время дождей полив
shrinking. It is also recommended to loosen several times a season.
почву после glaze.

ATажной составляющей при уходе за этой культурой является
top dressing.

Fertilize the flowers is necessary until the month of June, and then feeding
need to stop. If your soil is rich, then you can hydrangea
and do not fertilize. And if – light or sandy, then it is better to feed
plants once a year at the end of winter or in spring.

If you want to achieve an increase in flowers and leaves, then
fertilizing must be done with organic and mineral
fertilizer, it is a prerequisite for them. Not
Overdo it with the addition of substances that include
nitrogen. it приведет к ухудшению зимостойкости растения.

Feeding stages:

1) carried out in early spring. To do this, sprinkle top dressing
circle the wheel and mulch. it может быть, например, раствор

2) in two weeks. You can make complex fertilizers
superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

3) if necessary, dressing is carried out not more than 2-3 times per
season in reduced doses.

Strengthen shoots with potassium permanganate solution.

Every year, observing the necessary conditions in the care, pristvolnye
circles mulch to a height of 30 cm with a mixture of compost (sheet
humus) with sawdust, mowed grass or coniferous branches.
Notбольшие растения для перезимовки можно пригнуть к почве и
cover with dry earth, covering the top with film.

The main pests and how to deal with them

With proper care and compliance with agrotechnical requirements
Cultivation of hydrangeas can do without diseases and pests.

But such troubles can happen:

Мучнистая роса — этот грибок появляется при
very high humidity, temperature above 20 ° С and in the absence of
enough sunlight. To fight him
use a solution of soapy water and copper sulfate (150 g of soap and 15
g of vitriol on a bucket of water).

Кольцевая пятнистость гортензий — на листьях
spots appear from which it begins to deteriorate. Also plant
loses the ability to bloom. it заболевание не лечится, поэтому
very carefully monitor the quality of seedlings.

Паутинный клещ может появиться в сухую
the weather. With a small lesion they are not as noticeable as with a large one.
To get rid of it in the care apply such acaracides as
тиофос, препараты Фитоверм, ATермитек. Processing may also help.

• Большой вред для гортензии приносят улитки,
which eat the buds and leaves. You can fight them by
remove from stems (like Colorado beetles) or can be applied
chemicals such as metaldehyde or Thunderstorm.

ATо избежание болезней и вредителей соблюдайте следующие
agrotechnical requirements:

1) avoid bright, scorching sunlight;

2) observe the watering mode, not allowing drying or
soil moisture;

3) make feeding in a timely manner and according to the correct technology. Not
burn the plant;

4) do not allow the thickened landings. Provide the plants

With all these necessary conditions for growing
hydrangeas, it will delight you with its full bloom
season. ATедь огромные соцветия гортензии придают ей такой особый
charm that is hard to resist.

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