Growing greens: the secrets for beginners. Everything,What did you want to know about growing greens in a greenhouse, on a garden, onsale

Вт, 01 мар 2016 BUTвтор: Инна Квашина

Under the greens in Russian cuisine often means dill,
cockerel, and green onions. That is, these are the green herbs that
are seasonings.

Despite the seeming simplicity of cultivation, these plants have
its features, which we consider below.


Growing greens. Selection of planting material, seeds

Петрушка. Biennial plant. It has two types:
корневая (корень конусообразный, утолщенный) и
листовая (корень тонкий, изогнутый). Everyone has it
species has its own varieties. It has high frost resistance
(endures to – 10 ° С). Harvest can be collected from early spring to
late fall. The necessary conditions for this are very simple. Landing
It is recommended to carry out with a certain frequency, for example,
every three weeks. To do this in the prepared beds do
grooves 1-2 cm deep at a distance of 15 cm from each other. First
sprouts should appear from 9 to 15 days. For the winter, the parsley is not
cover up. The basics of care are quite simple: exercise
полив зелени вечером, прореживайте при появлении
1-2 leaves of the plant (the first time you need to leave a distance of 3
cm, after a couple of weeks we increase the distance to 10 cm), remove
weeds and loosen the soil. As for feeding, then if you
fertilized the soil, no further action is necessary. BUT
if something has prevented you, then during the growing season parsley can
feed nitrogen fertilizers.

There are not so many varieties of parsley. You will easily choose
seeds for growing herbs to your taste and desire. Most
Popular: Sugar, Leaf, Common, Curly.

Укроп. Annual herbaceous plant.
Necessary conditions for the cultivation of this green are similar to the conditions
for parsley. Seeds can germinate at a temperature of – 4 ° C. Thats
there is already in April you can engage in planting seeds in open ground.
If frost is expected, it is necessary to cover shoots with protective
material. The greens of plants planted in the fall can be cut at
two weeks earlier. Dill loves sunshine and constant watering,
those. wet soil. That this plant does not turn into a normal
weed, select a separate bed for it. Also to features
care includes thinning of seedlings that have reached about 6
cm tall. The final distance from each other should be
about 20 cm

Dill varieties are not much different from each other in taste and
aroma. The main difference in maturity:

• раннеспелый (Грибовский, Дальний, BUTврора);

• mid-season Lesnogorodsky, Bushy,

• позднеспелый (BUTллигатор, Кибрай, Дилл).

Зеленый лук. Biennial and perennial
herbaceous plant bulbous family. Unpretentious to
climatic conditions and easy to maintain. Different varieties
greens are grown about the same with the same necessary
conditions. For planting, take a bulb of medium or small
size. Large onions take a lot of space and it takes longer to chase.
pen. Onions can be planted in open ground in the fall before frost, or
in early spring. The place should be sunny and dry. Realize
watering is necessary regularly, not allowing the soil to dry out. Before
by planting it is recommended to dunk onion bulbs in warm water for
days and cut them to the top. It is believed that thanks to this
uncomplicated action will happen faster onion forcing greens and
yield will increase. Most often bow planted so-called. tape
a way in which the bulbs are placed at a distance of 2-5 cm
from each other between rows located approximately at a distance
10-20 cm

Scheme of onions for planting

But it can be applied and the bridge method in which the bulbs
stacked close to each other (for 1 m² – 10 kg of onions). If a
landing is in winter, then it is recommended to pour humus on top or
manure in a small layer, and in the spring to remove and install on the garden
film frame. From October to April, it is recommended to grow onions on
greens in the greenhouse, and from February to May – in the greenhouse. As
feedings are recommended conventional mineral, organic or
mixed fertilizers. No chemicals for forcing onions
greens can not be used. Gather the feather when it reaches
heights of 24-42 cm.

Most известные виды лука это: лук-батун, шнит, слизун,

There are also general tips and rules applicable to
all types and varieties of greens:

1) The beds for planting greens better to cook in the fall. Deposit
at the same time, organic (for example, manure) and mineral
fertilizer. In the spring additionally make complex fertilizers with
potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, superphosphate, you can add
carbamide (urea) or ammonium nitrate. It is recommended to sow in
wet soil in the groove depth of 2 cm, the ground is not much
to powder.

2) It is believed that the autumn planting of dill gives a lot of harvest
better than spring. The plant will be more resilient and less
prone to disease.

3) For seeds, there is one general rule: before sowing
place them in a 1% manganese solution and leave for 12 hours. it
necessary for disinfection and feeding with essential trace elements
for growth. The germination percentage will be much higher than that of dry

4) When selecting seeds, pay attention to the shelf life and

Growing greens in a greenhouse

If a вы хотите осуществлять выращивание зелени круглый год, то
without a greenhouse you can not do. Necessary conditions that must
to be observed, it is:

1) Земля. Typical composition of soil for greenhouses
includes: different types of peat, ordinary garden soil, composts
of different composition, wood waste in the form of bark, sawdust, fallen
leaves, river sand and clay, manure (except swine), bird droppings,
straw. Thatsлщина почвенного покрова составляет 25-30 см. Byсадка
can be done at any time in the usual ways
intended for this culture.

2) Освещение. Additional lighting will extend
sensation of daylight and give the plants an extra

3) Byлив. Ideal install system
drip irrigation in the greenhouse.

4) Тепло. The optimal temperature in the greenhouse
should be + 18ºС.

Use sprouted seeds to grow parsley in the greenhouse.
For this, planting material is kept for several days.
on double gauze at room temperature until
the first shoots will appear. Prepared seeds are planted in the ground with
at intervals of 5 cm and then pour well. Seedlings obtained
thin out. After the first crop, you can feed
soil solution with mullein. Further care will be to support
optimum temperature (+ 12ºС – + 18ºС), humidity (75%), backlight
and weed removal. Harvest can be in 30 – 40 days after

Scheme of the greenhouse for growing parsley

For planting dill in the greenhouse should choose varieties of bush
type You must first soak them in water for 2
days. Dill is not picky about the soil, but it is better to fertilize it.
humus, and fertilizing once every two months. Also
it is necessary to take into account that the thickness of the soil layer should be 50 cm,
as the roots of the plant are long. Needs constant watering and
additional light source. Special care requirements are
thinning of plant shoots. You can harvest dill through
20-30 days.

Landing зеленого лука в отапливаемую теплицу можно осуществлять
in any season. For this, the bulbs must be cut
tops (don’t worry if the cut is too wide, with growth
received feathers will smooth this incision). The soil should be good
fertilized with organic compounds. A good harvest is obtained
when onions are planted in boxes filled with peat, humus or
compost When caring for the cultivation of herbs must be observed
The following conditions: regularly water and feed, ensure
temperature not higher than + 19 ° С. Also необходимо дополнительное
lighting, with lamps must be placed vertically, which
will avoid wringing the pen. Harvest can be collected in 30

Homemade growing greens

The easiest and cheapest green garden is a home garden. By
harvest and assortment, of course, it is difficult to compare with
common, but to have live juicy greens at any moment
comfortable We are used to growing green on the windowsill
onions, but few know that it is also excellent to grow and
other greens – parsley, dill, etc. Greens grown on
the window sill is not inferior in its qualities to the one that grows
on the garden bed.

This issue also has its secrets and the necessary

1) Правильный выбор семян: это должны быть скороспелые
, устойчивые к неблагоприятным условиям;

2) Предпосевная подготовка семян и почвы.
Byверьте, что отбор и замачивание семян — не бесполезная трата
time, and the condition for the success of your garden.

As for the soil, here you have two options:

– buy ready-made mix in the store (which is more convenient and easier);

– cook by yourself. Ingredients: humus, garden sod
soil and complex mineral fertilizers (1st tablespoon per mixture bucket).
The bottom layer of the pot or boxes should be covered with expanded clay or
small pebbles. Planted to produce a green feather bulb
in a container that is one third filled with soil. Also некоторые
put them in the pan, occasionally pouring water so that she
covered the roots.

Совет: если вы повторно используете почву
for planting, remove some top layer and sprinkle fresh soil
with biohumus.

3) Правильная технология и уход. Here
There are several factors:

• Drainage. Do not forget to lay on the bottom of your pots or
boxes of expanded clay or small pebbles. it позволит не застаиваться
water and avoid the death of the roots and the formation of mold.

• Do not bury seeds in the soil; the sowing depth should not be
more than 2 cm

Temperature mode. Byместите на подоконнике (или в ином месте,
where is your vegetable garden) thermometer and monitor the necessary
temperature В помещении должно быть — 18-28°С

• Avoid too bright sun and drafts.

• Byдкормка и fertilizer. No matter how hard you try, but provide
climatic conditions are the same as in nature, we our
plants can not. Byэтому здесь на выручку нам придут
различного kind of добавки. From such organic
fertilizer, like manure, will have to be abandoned. For a balcony or
Sill they do not fit.

4) Lighting. Better to put the plants on the windowsill,
located in the southeast. If a нет возможности этого сделать,
then additional lighting will come to the rescue. Its disadvantage may
be destructive for growing greens.

5) Byлив следует осуществлять по мере высыхания растения. Summer
this will be more frequent and more abundant, less frequent in winter. Water
Use room temperature so as not to destroy the plants.

Greens on the windowsill

Выращивание зелени на sale

This idea belongs to the category of promising and cost-effective. Here
large cash investments are not required, the demand for greens is stable,
high yield, the growing period is small, attractive
payback But there is still a fly in the ointment. it — рынок
sales. This is your main task. Sell ​​to dealers
for a penny – it makes no sense. We must look for serious customers. Can
offer their services to cafes, restaurants, shops, but here from you
will require documents. Opening of individual entrepreneurship
also associated with certain troubles and costs. Another option –
stand on the market itself. In any case, you should consider all
costs. If a вы будете пkind ofвать излишки, то на особые денежные
do not count the income. You can earn only big ones.
production volumes. BUT если в ваших планах выращивать зелень на
sale, то обязательно учитывайте стоимость отопленияи освещения
greenhouses, without which you can not do. Now it is very big
costly article. Also необходимо учитывать затраты на аренду
land (in its implementation), the construction of greenhouses, transport
costs wage labor (when used). If a же вышеуказанные
moments do not scare you, and you are ready to make contacts on the market
products, the “green” business will pay back your hopes.

For example, consider the leader of this business – green onions.
The yield per cut may be 1.5 kg per m². Period
созревания — 30 days Average annual retail price per kilogram
greenery is about 300 rubles per kg. Purchase price of bulbs
on sowing will be about 10-20 rubles per kg. However, we have not yet
we take into account that boxes with bulbs can be put on the racks, friend
on a friend and there are still such varieties of onions that give more
high yield. Based on the figures given, each for himself
yourself can calculate the cost and estimated yield
this kind of business. Already held businessmen say about 100%
profits, and in some cases even more.

Necessary conditions for growing greens for business almost
do not differ from the base. Landing можно осуществлять круглый год
the conveyor way for receiving a continuous harvest. Byлив
must be timely so that the soil does not dry out. And in
This will be greatly helped by the drip irrigation system,
which you can do yourself. More carefully
exercise and fertilizing plants, because the plant can hurt,
may be infected by pests, the soil depletes over time. it
everything requires the use of special complex fertilizers. Care
same as for these plant species. Features are
only in the collection and transportation of plants. After all, here it is necessary
provide long-term storage of products, their transportation and,
Of course, the presentation for sale without loss of quality and external
kind of.

Growing greens in winter

Growing greens in winter is possible not only in the greenhouse, it is also
can be done at home. And these two ways have
the same number of pros and cons. In the greenhouse green onions,
петрушку и укроп выгодно выращивать разве что на sale. Byтому
that the costs associated with lighting and heating are already pretty high.
BUT вот дома вполне маленький домашний огородик может вас радовать
all winter And this will significantly affect your finances, since
green eye prices are not pleasing. As for taste, then in
winter frosts are not easy to get spicy aromatic greens, but she is all
equal will be different from frozen.

Для зимней посадки подойдут специальные сорта,
resistant to adverse conditions. Soil for cultivation
green onions must contain organic fertilizer for parsley
and dill quite a common ground. Срок роста составляет 30 days
Parsley is cold-resistant, dill requires plenty of light. Byлив
and fertilize plants as necessary. Care
similar for this type of plant. Avoid cold and
frozen windows and window sills, and the greenhouse must
heat up

Care, подкормки

As with any other crops when growing greenery behind it
It is necessary to take care, creating all the necessary conditions. Weeding
weeds, thinning of shoots, loosening of the soil, introduction of top dressing
need to be exercised regularly. Be careful with everyone kind of
feedings. After all, you do not need meter parsley and dill with a stem
as thick as a finger. But its role is feeding in the care of plants
performs perfectly: it not only nourishes the soil with all necessary
макроэлементами, но и защитит растения от всякого kind of


  • Органические — которые включают в себя
    natural ingredients. These include: manure, peat, bird droppings,
    composts, sawdust, bone meal. Apply dry or
    diluted, for example, for watering. If a вы не удобрили почву
    in the fall, you can use the following dressing: half a bucket of humus
    on 1 square. m sown area. Instead of humus, you can take a mullein,
    diluted with water at a ratio of 1:10. Mineral fertilizers,
    which are:

– simple, which include one element (nitrogen,

– complex, which consist of two and more components.

Ways and rules of application you can easily find on the packaging.
The approximate ratio will be 1 tbsp. l 10 liters of water.

Every time after you cut the parsley leaves,
feed her (about 2 times per season). To do this, feed
Amount of ammonium nitrate in the amount of 20-30 g per m².

  • Иные, к которым относятся
    бактериальные, биодобавки и др.

Growing greens. Major pests and ways to combat
by them

Every summer season we face in the garden with pests and
усиленно пытаемся с by them бороться.

Parsley is subject to the following diseases and pests:
rust, white rot, carrot listobloshka, carrot fly,
gourd aphid, white spot.

Dill can overcome omnivorous pests (larvae of the May beetle,
caterpillars of a scoop scoop, a bear, etc.) or above-ground parts
(spider mites, cicadas, aphids, bedbugs, etc.).

Spring onions are constantly struggling with aphids, onion flies, thrips,
stem worm.

Control measures are specific to these species. it могут быть
toxic chemicals (actarin, actellic, karbofos, medvetoks, etc.) or
folk remedies (onion infusion, aloe solution, etc.). BUT лучше
implement preventive measures.

Enjoy the green beds as they create an atmosphere
own green world, pleasing to the eye and warming

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