Growing gloxinia at home: planting andreproduction. How to care for gloxinia so that it blooms:top dressing and rest period

Ср, 20 сен 2017 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Room gloxinia is a beautiful tuberous
perennial. Its leaves are pubescent, dark green in color. AT
the flowering period of the plant is covered with unusual “gramophones”
various coloring.

Today there are many varieties with terry, speckled or
two-color flowers. ATыращивать глоксинии в комнатных условиях
not difficult. But gardeners often have problems, and the flower is not
releases long-awaited buds. The reason is a wrong fit and


How to grow gloxinia at home

ATы хотите посадить глоксинию дома, но не знаете как это сделать?
Of course, it is easier to buy ready-made flower in the store, but much
more interesting to grow it yourself.

Gloxinia reproduces in two ways:

• leaf cutting;

• division of the tuber during transplantation.

With this breeding all varietal traits are preserved.
plants, it remains only to find a favorite flower from friends and
take planting material.

Reproduction gloxinia leaf

For further cultivation choose large sheets of gloxinia. Their
cut into several pieces, so that the veins remain. Of them
roots will grow. Prepare a light peat substrate in advance,
leaf humus and sand. You can buy ready-made soil for
Syningium and Saintpaulia in the flower department.

ATесь процесс посадки:

1. • Disinfect homemade substrate, store use,
as it is.

2. • Pour the soil into small bowls, plastic containers from
cakes or salads.

3. • We moisten the soil with water until it is completely wet.

4. • We put the cut sheets on the ground and pin them down.

5. • Cover containers with film or bag, set them on
bright, warm place.

Roots appear after 1.5 months. ATсе это время не забывайте
air the greenhouse and, if necessary, water the soil.
Gradually begin to grow young leaves. When sockets
get stronger, then gloxinia transplanted into pots.

Tip! You can root a leaf in the water, and
then put in the ground. Make sure that the leg does not rot.

Tuber division during transplantation

ATесной, когда глоксинии тронутся в рост после покоя, на клубне
growth buds will appear. It is neatly divided into several
parts so that each has a kidney. Sections are treated with crushed coal.
and planted nodules in small pots. Caring for the kids
as usual.

Thus it is possible to divide the adults, large tubers. For
Works use a sharp and sterile instrument.

ATажно! Further tuber transplant
carried out every spring, after a period of rest. Soil change
completely, and the tuber is buried at half height.

How to care for gloxinia in spring

Immediately after planting, the tubers begin to grow leaves and
prepare to bloom. AT это период за растением нужно правильно
look after.

It is better to place the pot in the brightest place, but so that
the midday sun did not scorch the leaves. East or south fit
window. For образования бутонов потребуется 14 часов света в сутки.
If the lighting is not enough, the stem will drag upwards. AT
Ideally, the socket should be squat and the leaves should be large and
dark, without brown tips. AT пасмурные дни или на северных
Windows will have to illuminate the plant artificially.

Gloxinia likes moist and fresh air. But air the room
care must be taken to avoid drafts. Increase humidity when
leaf spraying cannot be done, since they remain on them
ugly divorces. It is best to place Gloxinia on a pallet with
wet pebbles.

AT период активного роста поддерживайте оптимальную температуру в
the room. It should be at + 20-25 ° С.

Watering, feeding and care for gloxinia in the summer

AT период вегетации глоксиния требовательно относится к поливу.
The soil is kept wet, but try not to fill
plant. ATоду лью только в поддон, чтобы она не попала на нежные
leaves or buds, otherwise they will start to rot. Use only
otstoyannuyu, warm water.

How to know that the plant has received enough moisture? Fill
pan with water, lower the pot and leave for 1.5 hours. After that
drain the water in the pan. ATерхний слой почвы должен быть

Feed gloxinia throughout the summer, every 10-15
days Use complex mineral fertilizers for flowering
plants. If you do not feed, then gradually flowers
shallow, the plant is stunted, leaves are not so

AT середине августа частоту полива и подкормки сокращают, дают
soil dry well. Gradually prepare the plant for the winter.

How to care for gloxinia so that they bloom

AT природе у глоксиний есть цикл роста, которого стоит
stick at home. If the plant does not survive this cycle, then
flowering will not be. AT комнате эти условия создают искусственным

Growth features of gloxinia:

• the period of active vegetation from spring to autumn, when the plant
requires fertilizing and timely watering;

• a dormant period in winter, keeping cool.

After violent bloom gloxinia leaves wither is
natural process. The plant is preparing for the rest period, without it
hope for flowering next year makes no sense. How will the period
rest, depends on the gardener.

Wait for the leaves to wilt naturally, stop watering and
top dressing. Dry leaves are removed, shoots are cut at a level of 1-2 cm
from the soil. Next, gloxinia is placed in storage. There are two
wintering methods, each of which gives good results:

• storing the tuber in the ground;

• wintering without a pot.

Pot with prepared gloxinia clean in cool and dark
place until the end of winter. AT этот период почву увлажняют 1-2 раза в
month. You can store plants under the bathroom, on the glazed loggia, in
the basement. AT начале марта горшки достают, растения пересаживают и
put on a bright place. Caring for gloxinia as

You can store tubers without land, because in the spring they do not care
transplant. In the fall the tubers are taken from the pots, washed well from
soil residues, dried and cleaned for storage in the refrigerator.
Store tubers in plastic bags filled with wet
substrate or sawdust. AT таком состоянии клубни не высохнут до

Problems in growing gloxinia

The fact that the plant is weakened, says its appearance and
lack of flowering. We will try to describe all possible problems and

• The flower does not grow; it sits on the ground – poor soil or low
temperature. AT бедной и старой почве глоксиния плохо развивается.
This happens at low temperatures during the period of active growth.
Пересадите глоксинию и повысьте температуру в the room.

• Leaves curl, tips dry – air too dry
indoors. Поставьте растение в поддон с wet pebbles.

• The plant has completely faded, but the time has not yet come – too
wet or dry ground. If not enough moisture, then pour
flower. Rotten tuber is cleaned to healthy tissue, disinfected and
planted in new soil.

• Butonov a lot, but they do not reveal for a long time – a draft.
Move the pot to a comfortable place.

• Yellow spots on the leaves – sunburn, pritenite

• Flowers are small, leaves curl at the base – excessive
lighting, move the pot to the east window.

As you can see, problems in growing Gloxinia occur, but
proper care will avoid them. ATнимательно осматривайте
plant, adhere to agricultural cultivation.

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