Growing chamomile in the garden. Varieties, description,tips.

Thu, 07 Jan 2016

Probably there are no people today who do not know it.
gorgeous flower. In Russia, daisy personifies beauty
surrounding world, awakens in a person feelings of kindness, tenderness,
любви.Какими бывают ромашки?

Chamomile – a perennial plant and belongs to the family
asteraceae. Often found in nature, this is a cornfruit,
The Latin name is Laucanthenum.

The word “Daisy” comes from the Latin “romana” (Roman) of
Middle Ages, at first it was called “Romanovskaya grass”, “Romanov
flower “. Later acquired petting “chamomile” and since
Since then, this flower name has become the most common and beloved in
России.Садовая ромашка.

In the people name as nivyanik, the backyard – one of the most famous
daisies. This variety is very photophilous. A perennial plant.
Characterized by straight stems reaching a height of 100 cm. Flowers
look like big baskets. At the ends of the stems flowers – more often
белые а средняя часть украшается желтыми соцветиями.Ромашка

Chamomile pharmacy is rarely seen in nature. But all
it can still be found in crops, near roads, less often in
gardens. Flowers of this type of chamomile look fine – no more than 2
see Doctors use chamomile of the genus Matricaria: pharmacy. She is
used in most of the drug fees, is part of
many cosmetic recipes. Since ancient times, this plant
used in the treatment of female diseases – hence the popular
the name is “mother liquor”, “mother grass”. Chamomile pharmacy can still
distinguish by the persistent smell of apples that other species do not have
ромашки.Скальная ромашка — нивяник курильский
(Leucanthemum kurilense (Tzvel.) Worosch).

The plant is perennial, forms solitary or few
large white flowers. The leaves are large, dissected. Stem height
small, only up to 20 cm., the root part is thickened. Blossoms in
August Occurs on all the islands of the Kuril chain, the islands
Honshu, Hokkaido. Grows on sandy bays, rocks,
scree stones. Modern varieties of chamomile originate from “Feverfew”

The stems of these varieties reach a height of up to 70 cm, and flowers in diameter
– up to 6 cm. The color is different: bright red, pink. there is
interesting varieties with terry flower shape. Daisy flowers
bright yellow is Doronicum. Very beautiful plants,
bloom in May. Flowers solitary, cast gold and leaves
lie exactly like a carpet. The varieties “Alaska” and “Winner” are pretty
resistant to central Russia. Come from “Nivyanik
highest (L. maximum (Ramond), perennial plant with
branchy stems up to 100 cm in height. Varieties differ very much
beautiful buds – like chrysanthemum. Characterized by
the late formation of flowers in central Russia is the beginning
July The flowering itself lasts from July to the first frost, which
quite a long period. Daisy variety “Winner” of the Russian
origin, very well proven. Stem height
up to 120 cm. Forms a bush of rounded shape, very dense. Flowers
white, large, reed form, are located on the edges of the stems in 3
row. In the middle are formed tubular yellow inflorescences.

Growing daisies.

Sunny garden locations are most preferred for chamomile. AT
shady places blooms well, but later the flower legs lose
density and fade. Plants are demanding for wet and enough
fertilized soil. She is культивируется до 30 см. глубиной и хорошо
drainage. Loamy and sandy soils are very contraindicated,
especially its raw areas.

It is necessary, starting in July, as soon as the first flowers appear,
to cut into bouquets, not forgetting to leave a small
quantity to get seeds in the future. This will ensure their good
maturation. As soon as the baskets become brown, they can
cutting down. Seeds are peeled off quite easily.
Stored seeds in paper bags. They also dry out
finally. Packages must have small openings
of air. In about two weeks, the seeds will be fully prepared for
storage. Sow daisy on the beds in the last decade of May. Seedlings
Chamomile can be repotted in mid-August. Next year she

Comments 04/10/2016 Chamomile is very useful. But not
only beautiful

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