Growing beans: the problem of choosing varieties andtricks of care. How to achieve high yields when growing beansLocation on?

Ср, 20 янв 2016 Автор: Елизавета Шатунова

Haricot – thermophilic culture. Even slack frosts for her

But beans are successfully grown by many summer residents and in moderate

To собрать обильный урожай бобовых, правильно выбирайте сорт.
There are a lot of them – there are even decorative species.

Bean care не будет отнимать много времени.


Choose a bean variety

Beans belong to the family Bean. It grows in the form of
shrub or curls on the support. Color and shape of seeds, depending
from a particular variety of plant, vary. There are types with monophonic,
and with the “mosaic” color of the beans. Ornamental bean varieties are not food
good, but the culture of their appearance decorates the garden, and dried
colored seeds can then be used for decoration.

We decided to plant on your site a useful crop? Then
начните с выбора сорта. All of them for convenience
breeders and gardeners are divided into 3 groups:

С лущильными (зерновыми) бобами. These varieties
less valuable in terms of food – grown, mainly for grain,
which is famous for its nutritional properties. They are distinguished by the presence of
dense shutters inside the pod – only beans are eaten.
Consider the following varieties – Light, Chocolate, Nerussa,
Heliada, May Day, Ballad, Mistress’s Dream, Golden, Ruby,
Varvara, Stanichnaya, Bezenchukskaya white, Oran, Lilac.

Shelling beans

С полусахарными бобами. Universal Beans,
which is grown both for grain and for consumption as a whole.
The parchment layer of the valves is not so hard or appears only to
the end of the season. Before heat treatment, veins should be removed.
Suitable for growing in the garden grade – Antoshka,
Runt, Secunda, Nastena, Fantasy.

С сахарными (спаржевыми) бобами. Varieties of this
Groups are considered the most delicious – they do not have dense
shutters. Withгодны в пищу сразу после тепловой обработки — бобы и
The pods are characterized by a delicate pleasant taste. Popular varieties –
Lambada, Polka, Crane, Lika, Darina, Sapphire, Purple
Queen, Golden Neck, Saksa 615, Zinaida, Emerald, Cinderella,
Hope, Rosinka, Mavritanka.

It should take into account the climatic features of the region. For
growing crops in the northern and temperate latitudes, choose
a plant that matures faster, otherwise – before the onset of the first
autumn frosts pods do not have time to ripen. In the southern regions
for cultivation, you can take any variety. Beans on time
ripening is divided into 3 groups:

Раннеспелая (до 65 дн) — Тара, Вьющаяся
Vegetable, Early ripe, Contender

Среднеранняя (65-75 дн) — Гармония, Масляная
The earliest 273, Oran, Dialogue, News ,.

Среднеспелая (75-100 дн) — Грибовская 92,
Tiraspol, Violet

Позднеспелая (свыше 100 дн) — Берония,
Turk, Melody.

If vegetables on your site often “get sick” and
are attacked by insect pests, better plant resistant to
him varieties. On the packaging of the seeds is indicated.

Choosing a place to land

Фасоль любит солнце. In the penumbra she too
grows, but does not yield high yields. Take away
plant a suitable area on the site so that he had enough sun and not
blew strong winds. Climbing varieties can be planted
near the fence – then additional support is not required.

Выращивать фасоль лучше на легких, плодородных, хорошо
дренированных почвах
. On clay, waterlogged soil
do not expect high yield of legumes. Choose such a plot under
planting to close to the soil surface did not pass unpaved
water. The reaction of the soil should be slightly alkaline – pH 6-6.5. If there is
necessity, just before landing, alkalize the ground with chalk or

Do not plant beans after related crops (peas, peanuts,
lentils, soy) – “common” diseases will be transmitted to plantings. On this
the place can be returned only after 3-4 years. Experienced gardeners
sow beans after tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage. Legumes
and they themselves are excellent siderats, which enrich the soil with minerals.
After the beans, the ground becomes more loose and fertile, suitable
for growing vegetables.

We grow beans: preparing the soil and seed to

If the land on the plot is rich in minerals and
humus, then additional farming is not required. When
If necessary, before autumn planting, feed the beds,
intended for sowing beans as follows (calculated on 1 m2):

• humus – 4-5 kg,

• potassium salt – 20-30 g,

• superphosphate – 25-35 g.

Before spring planting add to the soil 15-20 g / 1 m2 of ammonia

Buying bean seeds is not a problem, as they are in each
gardening shop. Read the packaging, read the specifications.
varieties. If you take on planting seeds taken from your own
harvest, make sure that planting material is whole, without
wormholes and traces of disease.

Beans are better prepared in advance – they are faster
will sprout.

The algorithm is as follows:

• Soak beans for swelling overnight in hot water with
adding potassium permanganate. Convenient to put the seeds in a damp cotton
discs or rag.

• A few minutes before planting, immerse the beans in the boron solution.
acids – this will protect them from damage by pests.

Sprouted Bean Seed

Bean planting

Autumn planting of beans is suitable only for the southern regions
countries where in winter the temperature does not fall below -2 C. In moderate
climates, if you choose early or middle-aged varieties of plants,
landing start in late May or early summer, when the threat has passed
the return of frosts. And so as not to lose precious time
which will require the culture for ripening fruit, you can
pre-plant bean seedlings – at home or in warm

Bean planting на рассаду осуществляется

• Sow germinated seeds for convenience in separate pots with
nutrient soil to a depth of 3-5 cm. Deeper landing
leads to the fact that the seedlings do not proklyutsya. Cover the pots with foil
or glass to create an enabling environment for seeds.

• Until the first shoots appear above the ground, planting is necessary
maintaining a temperature of 20-23 ˚C.

• Then you can reduce the temperature to 16 ° C.

Raised bean seedlings

After 2-3 weeks, seedlings can be transferred to the open ground.
Watch the weather – it should be warm outside (at least 15
˚C)! Without damaging the roots, transplant seedlings to
garden bed The distance between the plants is 8-10 cm, and between the rows –
35-50 cm. Soil with warm water and cover for several days
planting film or non-woven material.

Planting curling beans not near the fence, in advance
prepare the trellis system. The easiest option is 2 poles with
stretched between them with wire or string. In this case,
landing is carried out on both sides of the trellis.

Homemade trellis for beans

And when planting culture “nests” (several seeds in one well)
instead of ropes use ordinary wooden stakes driven into the ground
near the hole. It is better not to use plastic or
metal sticks – for them the plant will not catch.

Bean care

The optimum temperature for growing beans is 23-28 C. With
proper care it will grow at lower temperatures.
Only frosts below -2 ˚C are not allowed.

Rules for the care of beans:

Полив. The plant requires abundant watering,
especially in the period of the formation of pods. Make sure the soil is all
time was moderately wet. The exact rate of moisture will depend
from the weather. The best water for irrigating legumes is rainwater. To
the moisture does not evaporate quickly, grumble the beds – for example,
peat It also prevents the growth of weeds, significantly
facilitating care for plantings.

Рыхление и прополка. Preferably after each
watering the beds with beans, so that the earth is not covered
dense crust. This will help to avoid the site’s swampiness.
the ground will be light and well drained. The soil is not deep
dig, otherwise damage the root system. Sure to
take time and remove weeds between plantings. To на
beds were less unnecessary overgrown, you can use
special liquid preparations, harmless to culture
of plants

Подкормки. When plants take root on
permanent place, you can spend the first feeding. Use
complex fertilizers with nitrogen. In the further culture
Nitrogen-containing substances are no longer required, otherwise
Green mass will grow abundantly. Many gardeners use
fermented bird droppings or infusion of weeds. 3-4 weeks for
normal formation of the fruit spend the second fertilizer plantings.
During this period, the beans need phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.

Grown beans! How to harvest?

The method and timing of harvesting depend on the planted varieties of beans.
Beginning gardeners often collect all the fruits at once. It’s not quite
true, because the pods can ripen unevenly. Check
ripen them and cut off those that are ready for harvesting.

Спаржевую фасоль на грядке не передерживайте —
she will lose her nutritional value. Pod seeds not
get – the fruits are eaten whole. Cut the pods
in time – until they dried up. Determine the ripeness of the fruit
just – break the pod in half. On the rift it should be
smooth, without fibers.

Фасоль, выращиваемую на зерно, наоборот, на
it is possible to hold a bed a little longer – so it will be more convenient to take out from
pods beans. Wait until they turn yellow and start.
to crack. If you are late with the collection – you will have to collect seeds with
land. If the harvest is plentiful and there is no time to sort through all the fruits,
put the pods on a blanket, cover with another one, slightly
tap it with a stick – the beans will come out of the pods themselves.

Harvested beans can be immediately eaten or made
preparations for the winter – freeze, dry.

How to protect beans from diseases and pests?

Beans are infrequently damaged by insects and suffer from pests.
If you follow the main rules of growing crops, planting will give
high yields. Prevention such:

• Strictly observe crop rotation.

• Although the beans do not like cold winds, the plot
should be well ventilated. So you can prevent the formation of
on plants rot and fungal diseases.

• Do not use “doubtful” seed – so you can
soil diseases that will destroy not only legumes, but also
nearby landing.

• Observe the sowing scheme, since heavy thickening on
beds will lead to the formation of fungus, and the plants will be missed
sun rays.

• It is better to immediately remove insects and diseases from the beds

Among insect pests, beans more often than others “pester” 2
bug – spider mite and bean weevil.

Паутинный клещ поражает листву растения,
entangling her with thin white threads – if you do not take action in time,
the green mass will fall off, the stems will not give ovaries.

А вот зерновка поселяется внутри стручка,
feeding on seeds. Inspect seeds before planting – small
holes in them will show that an insect has already been here. Boldly
throw away such planting material. In pest control
help pesticides. But choose chemicals carefully, because
fruits will continue to be used for food.

Bean weevil

Самые опасные болезни для фасоли — антракноз,
. Practically impossible to get rid of them –
it is better to remove damaged specimens immediately from the beds so as not to
infect other plants. White rot and rust “treatment”
amenable to good – enough to spray the landing special
solutions and remove damaged parts of the plant.

Anthracnose Beans

The appearance of pests and diseases is much easier to prevent than
then save landing. Watch the beds so that at the end of the season
harvest a bountiful harvest.

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