Growing barley as a siderata. whatnecessary for growing a large amount of green barley,plant properties

Пн, 20 мар 2017 Автор: Евгений

One of the most effective sideratov is
barley. It is planted both before winter and in spring, grains
this crop is quickly sprouting and the well-established seedlings are not
terrible cold.

In addition, it is winter crops that are sown in the fall, you can
use spring. Barley is distinguished by its undemanding
growing conditions, but it is strongly influenced by nutrition

Эта культура прекрасно структурирует грунт,
destroys many types of weed plants and spring quickly forms
green mass. In addition, barley has a special property – it is
Compared with other grasses, it withstands drought perfectly. By this
the reason is it is desirable to grow as a green manure in dry regions
barley. Он прекрасно развивается при ранневесенней
, при озимом посеве выдерживает без укрытия (без
snow) lowering the temperature to 5 degrees below zero. Seed consumption
100 m2 – 1.8-2 kilograms. You can mow barley green through
1-1.5 months after sowing.

Roots and vegetative mass of barley dug into the soil
сдерживает рост и развитие сорняков. Greens of this
cultures contain as many minerals as waste
vital activity of animals. In soil, barley decomposes quickly and
Immediately supplies the plants with essential nutrients. Via
зелени этой культуры на участке развивается множество
полезных микроорганизмов
. In addition, it reduces
acidity, increases the permeability and moisture content of the soil.
The beneficial effect of this sidereal culture continues in
for 4 years.


Barley growing conditions

Temperature. Seeds can be sown early in spring
after the soil warms down 1-2 degrees of heat,
viable shoots are formed at 4-5 degrees of heat. But at
At these temperatures, the appearance of seedlings is prolonged, the most
suitable growing temperature – 15-20 degrees. Barley,
sown before winter does not tolerate little snowy winters with large
frost, stagnant waters and sudden spring temperature changes.

Shoots not covered with snow withstand short-term frosts
up to 8 degrees. In the later stages of growth resistance to low
temperatures go down. Adult barley frost damage
1-2 degrees, if the grain was formed, it is unsuitable for
cooking beer.

Humidity. Barley is better than other spring crops.
withstands drought. But moderate temperatures and normal humidity.
contribute to the formation of many shoots. This culture is more
all moisture is required at the time of going into the tube and heading. AT
dry conditions it forms more grain, but due to weak
root system less green mass.

Landing place

ATажнейшее условие получения большого количества ячменя — выбор
suitable predecessors for this culture. When growing
winter barley showed itself well – rape, early potato,
peas. For spring, crops are best suited, leaving
soil a lot of nitrogen. Organic fertilizers are applied to
the soil only with its low fertility, most often sown after
tilled plants requiring fresh manure. Mineral
fertilizers are favorable for both spring and winter barley,
potash and phosphate fertilizers are applied during autumn plowing
soil, nitrogenous during pre-sowing cultivation.

Barley subspecies

Varieties of barley – multi-row, double row and

In a multi-row variety of culture in all spikelets
grains are formed. There are two groups of this subspecies:

1. • With six-row correct grains;

2. • With the wrong.

Spikelets of the first type are hexagonal, dense and solid, of the second
The views look like a quad and look a bit

Barley double barrels became so called for the reason that one of
three spikelets female, and the grain is formed from it. �”Men”
spikelets looks only scales. ATыращивание ячменя этого вида
practiced in large areas, the appearance of the spike can be seen
on the picture.

The intermediate subspecies of the culture grows 1-3 spikelets, from this
depends on the final number of grains.

Чаще всего выращивают многорядный barley.

Sowing barley

ATыращивают озимый ячмень, обычно, в районах с мягким климатом.
Its main advantage is a short period from sowing to harvesting,
It lasts 2-4 months. By this причине после него можно выращивать
crops with a short growing season. Or this site can
�“Rest” more time, which will allow him to better prepare for
next season. Seeding dates are calculated taking into account the variety
and climatic conditions of the region. For him, not only the place is important
sowing, but also the weather conditions of the landing area. Most often term
planting this culture – the second decade of September.

Barley will grow well after crops such as legumes,
sunflower and forage grasses. After growing the previous
Plants plot need to zaboronovat to a depth of 7-10 cm to
recycle the remaining weeds and roots previous

Seed material is pre-sorted. Seeds,
intended for planting, are treated with substances destroying
pathogenic microorganisms. Sowing produce seeders after
which it is necessary to roll the soil. Late autumn if it falls
a little snow, perform operations for the destruction of rodents and
snow retention. After the snow melts in the spring, the plot
fertilized and sprayed with compounds intended for extermination
weed plants.

Яровой ячмень — злаковое растение, которое
able to develop very quickly. It belongs to the cultures that
require very early sowing in the spring. When delayed
the beginning of work for 2-3 days, you can lose a large number
harvest. The soil is prepared for him as before sowing.
winter barley. ATысевают семена узкорядным или рядовым способом.
Only for this culture reduce the free space between
in rows. For the friendly appearance of seedlings, it is necessary to sow them
in wet ground, at the same depth after sowing
rolled in without fail. If you do not perform this operation,
then individual plants will appear earlier, pecking others
delayed, they can sit in the ground even before the first rain.

Before sowing, seed material is treated with formulations from
diseases and pests and produce sorting of seeds.

Spring barley is sown very early – this can happen even in
February, so weed plants for him do not represent a big
danger – to break through and grow, they just do not have time. But at
late sowing, it is necessary to carry out work to combat
weeds. ATо время развития ячменя, желательно посевы
feed with mineral fertilizers.

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