Grape care in autumn, shelter. The mainpreparing grapes for wintering: fertilizer, crock, chasing,trimming

Чт, 29 сен 2016 Автор: Эльвир Корчагина

In the autumn, gardeners and gardeners who grow on their
plots of grapes, you have to work hard.

After all, from the complex of works carried out to prepare the grapes for
wintering depends on the quality and quantity of the future harvest.

If you make a mistake with the timing of the procedures performed, you can
ruin the vine – it will either freeze or undergo decay.

So, what is the care of grapes in the fall to
prepare it for winter?


Watering and feeding

After harvesting until October, the grapes can not be watered, for
with the exception of dry weather. In October, watering is resumed –
vines must be filled with plenty of water.

A shallow groove is dug around the plant into which
carry out watering. With this method, water flows directly.
to the roots of the vine and does not spread around. After watering the ground

In September, for the aging of the vine, fertilizing is carried out with phosphorus and
potassium, as well as trace elements, watering plants at the root. For
This can be used superphosphate (70-100g) and potassium magnesia
(50-70g) on ​​a bucket of water for each bush. For молодых посадок норму
fertilizer is reduced by half. Feeding repeated after 2-3
of the week.

You can also conduct foliar feeding, sprinkling leaves.
Only in this case, the dose of fertilizer should be less than 10 times,
than with root dressing. Spraying repeated after 7-14

Pest and disease treatment

From early September to shelter you need
process from pests and diseases so that the plants are “gone” to
wintering healthy. After the harvest is gathered, the vines
sprayed with such drugs as Mospilan, Decis, Rovral,
Topsin-M and others. Before sheltering plants and the ground around them
sprayed with copper (3%) or iron (4%) solutions

Pruning of the vine (photo)

In the fall, spend the formation of a grape bush. Do it
2 weeks after the leaves fall from the plant so that it can
accumulate nutrients before winter. If you cut the shoots immediately
after harvesting, the plant will “go away” for wintering weakened.
Also, do not tighten with pruning, otherwise the vine under the influence of
frost becomes brittle, resulting in possible fractures
shoots. When pruning remove the sick, old shoots, as well as
not ripe green lashes. They will not only die in the winter, but also
will create an additional threat of mold for the whole plant
under cover. For подстраховки на случай вымерзания оставляют одну
a third of the branches that could be cut in the fall.

General rules for pruning:

• old sleeve (main branch) with underdeveloped shoots
cut out entirely on the ring (without hemp) to the selected closer to
bush vines;

• branches with a diameter not thicker than 2-3cm shorten with shears, more
thick – garden hacksaw;

• In any case, the wounds are trying to do as little as possible.
diameter (near each adjacent tissue die off – it violates
the functions of both parts of the plant and of the plant itself);

• a cut on the one-year runaway is made 1-2 cm above the bud;

• Selected vines shorten depending on the variety. For
safety net better to leave a little more kidney than
recommended in the characteristic of the variety (for example, instead of 6-8 buds
leave 10-12). In the spring, extra shoots from such buds are just

• try not to leave hemp during pruning (cut to
ring), as shoots from angular eyes will start growing.

Clipped shoots can be used for autumn.

Grape pruning scheme

How to help the vine ripen?

The matured vines 6–13 mm in thickness endure the winter successfully;
which the core occupies less than 1/3 of the entire thickness. Such
Vines can be identified by the following features:

• it has a brown wood color;

• when frost occurs, it is warm to the touch;

• when bent, it cracks, but does not break.

Its maturation depends on the load on the wood, nutrition,
proper sanitization (sick vine will ripen
long, and, most likely, will die).

For вызревания ветвей виноградному кусту нужны калийные
fertilizers (30 g / 10l of water). Ash infusion can be used: 1 l
wood ash insist 24 hours in 10 liters of water. Consumption – 1
bucket infusion on the bush.

Also help grape sprouts ripen such a procedure as
чеканка — это trimming побега над 15 листом. As a result of this
escape procedures stop growing and nutrients
sent to the ripening of wood. Carry out this procedure
follows when the growth of shoots is inhibited. If do this
earlier, the reverse process will begin – the stepchildren will begin to grow.
Determine the period of embossing by the form of shoots: curved
evidence of growth, direct – on the suspension of development.


After pruning, the next step is to prepare the grapes for winter
is katarovka, i.e. trimming так называемых росяных корней (они
grow near the surface of the earth on the underground part of the trunk

Rosy roots of grapes (in figure 4) must be exposed
Katarovka /

This procedure strengthens the underlying depth
heel roots. Perform this procedure in such

• dig a groove around the trunk to a depth of 20 cm;

• all roots on this part of the stem are cut flush with the main

• the cut is treated with a fungicidal agent, such as copper

• the groove is covered with dry sand;

• water the bush, and then spud.

Ways to shelter grapes for the winter (photo)

In the northern regions, most varieties of grapes must
cover for the winter. After pruning and cropping proceed to binding
and shelter of vines. The timing of this work varies
every year depending on weather conditions. When offensive
-3-5oS it’s time to cover the grape bushes. There are several
ways to shelter.

The simplest option is dropping earth. It is used in
mainly in the southern regions, as well as for the shelter of young bushes
grapes. In the northern regions, this method did not get
due to the fact that an abundance of precipitation in winter causes
wetting the vine and it freezes in the ground.

Do it like this:

• along the row of plants, dig a groove 15-20 cm deep;

• the vine is removed from the trellis, pre-sprayed with drugs
from pests and diseases (Home, Rovral, Rovikurt, etc.);

• the vines are tied up and laid in the groove, sprinkled on top
a layer of earth (20-30 cm);

• shelter sites are marked with sticks or pegs so that in spring
easy to find.

Grape shelter

The second way to shelter grapes is called dry. Grape Vines
laid on a layer of mulch (straw, sawdust, hay), wrap
moisture-proof materials (plastic film, nylon
bags, roofing material, tarpaulins, etc.) and fixed with staples or
wooden bars.

Dry method of sheltering grapes

Under the covering material must be put poison against rodents,
one brood which can kill buds or young ones over the winter
vines on a bush.

Минусы этого метода заключаются в том, что при
the onset of a thaw under the film increases humidity. Because of her on
vines develop mold fungi. The same situation happens when
shelter sawdust or leaves. The best material for insulation
Vines is a spruce branches: it saves from frost,
retains snow cover, air circulates through it.

Given the above recommendations for preparing grapes in
hibernation, you keep your grape bushes healthy and get
next year a rich harvest.

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