Gooseberry: planting and caring for a prickly bush(a photo). Pest control on gooseberry: modern and folkmethods

Пн, 23 май 2016 Автор: Дарья Головина

Gooseberry is a perennial shrub with good
developed root system, the fruits of which differ in color,
size and sweets depending on the variety.

The gardeners gave him the second name “northern grapes”,
because gooseberry is quite winter-hardy plant, rarely
freezes in winter, which makes possible its successful cultivation
down to the middle taiga zone.

But best of all, it takes root and bears fruit in the middle and southern
strip of Russia.

This shrub is not very fastidious to the soil composition,
however prefers fertile substrates and well-lit


Gooseberry: variety selection and planting

Gooseberry varieties are extremely diverse. Some of them
different bright green berries, others have pink berries, and there are
and almost black. Also breeders bred shrubs, not
having plugs. The most popular varieties of gooseberry in Russia
are as follows:

1. Сорт “Русский”. Frost-resistant variety,
which also tolerates dry periods well. Is different
increased resistance to pests, spreading crown and frequent
bright pink oval berries. They taste sweet and sour.

2. Сорт “Финик”. Characterized by small
the number of thorns on the stems and large sweet berries
bright red. Not resistant to the powdery mildew
fungi, so its yield decreases in wet years.

3. Сорт “Командор”. Considered early, possesses
excellent winter hardiness and good resistance to pests. Berries
Dark purple, medium size, sweet and sour.

4. Сорт “Юбилейный”. Is different слабой
winter hardiness, so it is grown most often in the central and
southern part of Russia. Reaches in height of one and a half meters, fructifies
emerald berries.

5. Сорт “Русский жёлтый”. Winter hardy but his
sweet and sour yellow fruit do not tolerate storage.

6. Сорт “Сенатор”. High yielding, sustainable
to pests and tolerating not only the winter cold, but also
spring frosts. Very popular in the northern regions of the country – in
Vologda, Leningrad, Pskov and other areas.

7. Сорт “Колобок”. Is different полным
lack of thorns and powdery mildew resistance. Berries крупные,
red, sweet and sour. Winter hardiness is average.

For planting gooseberry first you need to decide
with a term: it is best to plant the plant in early spring (March or
April depending on latitude). You also need to choose a special
gooseberry growing area: it should be good
lighted but protected from the winds. Landing plot follows
choose a smooth and deep-seated groundwater to
avoid rotting of the root system. The distance between the seedlings is not
should be less than 1.5 – 2 meters, as with the growth
shrubs they will overlap each other light as well
harvesting is difficult.

When spring planting soil should be prepared in the fall. Soil
should be dug to a depth of 30-40 cm, breaking clods and removing
weeds, and then fertilize with manure and wood ash: 1 bucket + 1
glass per 1 m2, respectively.

In the spring, starting planting seedlings, you need to dig holes.
The diameter of the landing hole must be at least half a meter, and the depth
up to 40 cm. The seedling should be cut long roots, as well as
damaged areas and not lignified shoots. If the roots
dried up, you can drop them into the water for a day, then process
clay mash. When planting gooseberry should straighten
roots, place the seedling in the landing hole at a slight angle and,
slightly tamping at the roots (to avoid the formation of cavities),
fill the pit with fertile soil. Moreover, the gooseberry is planted with
root depth of the neck with a few cm, as shown in
a photo.

After planting, it is necessary to water the plants, bringing in a bucket of water
under each bush. In order for the shrub to settle down quickly, you need
Compress the soil with humus, leaf litter or peat.

Gooseberry: care, pruning (photo)

Caring for gooseberry bushes includes pruning shoots
digging the soil around the shrub, loosening and removing weeds.
In the autumn, the earth is being dredged by 20 cm between rows and 10 cm.
under the plant itself. In early spring, the soil is loosened with a rake. Care
gooseberry includes and feeding. In the third year of early life
In the spring, up to 30 g of ammonia should be added to each plant.
saltpeter. In the autumn, it is recommended to add potassium sulfate (20 g) and
superphosphate (20 g), then dig and pour the soil. Also
you can fertilize gooseberry bushes with bird droppings and green

Also уход за крыжовником немыслим без обрезки побегов. To
get a good fruiting and neat shrub pruning need
produce every spring. Pruning is done with a garden pruner and
must be correct. You can not cut the escape in the center of the kidney and
far from her. Cutting should be done immediately above the kidney, a little
at an angle, as shown in the picture.

In the second year the life of a bush shoots appear second
order The weak and lower branches should be removed so that
There are 3 first order escapes remaining, and 2 second escapes each.
order By the third year of life in the gooseberry bush will already be more
20 (up to 30) uneven branches, which will henceforth be the basis
shrub. From now on, all the young shoots and twigs shading
the center of the shrub must be trimmed. Dried, Frozen and
broken ones should be trimmed whole or to a healthy kidney.
Drooping branches also need to be removed.

For heavily sprawling bushes it is necessary to build wooden ones
подпорки и установить их вокруг куста, как на a photo.

Gooseberry: reproduction

Vegetative reproduction of the gooseberry is called grafting. It
produced in autumn in September – early October. For breeding
some strong woody shoots are taken from which
soft top is cut off: a cut must be made above the kidney, and
30 cm below the kidney. Dig a hole into which is placed at an angle
cuttings so that 2 are left above the surface of the substrate
the kidneys. For the year cuttings take root – and next summer they
dig out, and then transplanted already in a permanent place.

Also для размножения можно воспользоваться методом
horizontal layering. In early spring, until the buds bloomed,
the soil is pushed away from the bush in such a way that a circle with
deepening like a saucer. After that, 10 are taken (sometimes
more) healthy and strong young branches and bend down on
bottom “saucer”. Each branch must be pinned to the ground.
hooks. Young shoots will develop from the lateral buds of these branches.
When they grow to 15 cm, they are sprinkled on top of the soil, and in the fall
cuttings are dug and transplanted to another place.

Gooseberry: pests and diseases (photo)

Gooseberry bushes often suffer from fungal diseases and
insect pests. Here are the most common diseases of this

Сферотека – грибковое заболевание, поражающее
plant with prolonged moisture. On the berries and leaves appears
powdery raid that gradually darkens. As a result, shoots
begin to wither and die off, and the berries fall down, not reaching mature
states. To combat this disease in early spring shrubs
sprayed with a mullein infusion or a solution of blue vitriol (up to 100
g per 10 l). Also нужно вовремя убирать повреждённые ягоды и

Антракноз также является грибковым
a disease that occurs very often. It is expressed in
the appearance of brown spots on the green parts of the plant
over time grow and merge into a single spot, which leads to
dying leaves and reducing yields. Just like the sphere library
anthracnose affects plants in wet weather. You can spray
copper sulphate, Bordeaux mixture (100 g per 10 l) or
colloidal sulfur.

Ржавчина – ещё одно опасное грибковое
disease. Recognized by yellow spots on leaves and fruits,
которые к осени буреют, как на a photo.

For the prevention of this disease should use a solution of 1%
Bordeaux liquid, which bushes should be sprayed in the period
leaf blooming. Also для борьбы необходимо окашивать
grass stand around the shrub, digging up the soil in autumn and on time
to remove the carrion and damaged shoots.

Мозаика крыжовниками является вирусной
infection, which is manifested in the appearance of golden stripes along
veins. This disease leads to the rapid drooping of the leaves and their
withering away. When a viral infection appears on the hive,
you must immediately dig it up and burn it until the virus is
spread to the whole garden.

One of the worst pests of the gooseberry is
паутинный клещ, обитающий на нижней стороне
leaves and feeding on plant sap. This leads to a gradual
yellowing and death of leaves. One of the measures to combat web
mite is spraying the bushes with tobacco infusion. Getting ready
It is as follows: 400 g of tobacco are poured with 10 liters of hot
water, the mixture is infused day, then 40 g of soap is added to it.
After filtering, you can start spraying.

Крыжовниковая огнёвка зимует в виде куколки под
gooseberry bush, and in the spring of it comes a butterfly, which
lays eggs inside not yet opened buds. A week later
their eggs develop caterpillars, which for a month can gnaw through everything
ovary and leave gardeners without a crop.

Before time, the berries begin to blush, then rot and
fall down (together with the caterpillar, which, having got into the soil, pupates).
The most effective anti-fire fighting measures are spraying infusion.
ash (1/3 buckets of ash in a bucket of water) and the collection of caterpillars followed

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