Gooseberry leaves turn yellow – possible causes.What to do if the gooseberry leaves turned yellow: methods of struggle,prophylaxis

Ср, 06 июл 2016 BUTвтор: Ирина Унжакова

Gooseberry is not only delicious, but also useful berry,
growing, in a temperate zone.

The soil and climatic conditions of our country are quite
suitable for the growth of this perennial culture.

But in principle, the gooseberry is not picky and can grow in
most diverse climatic zones – from northern latitudes to
southern expanses.

But it is the climatic conditions in which it is grown,
gooseberry often affect the appearance of the shrub, its
yield and “health” in general.


Gooseberry leaves turn yellow: why?

Most inexperienced gardeners wonder why
gooseberry leaves turn yellow? The reasons for the yellowness of the leaves at the very
There may be several:

• Due to lack of moisture, especially if the gooseberry seedling

• Due to a lack of nutrients, namely nitrogen.

• Due to diseases such as – verticillus and sphere library.

• Due to weather conditions.

• Due to natural seasonal yellowness.

Gooseberry leaves turn yellow: what to do – weather reasons

Gooseberry does not tolerate drought. Due to lack of moisture leaves
shrubs begin to turn yellow and fade. Therefore, the gooseberry in the first
the queue must be provided with regular watering consisting of warm
water, well warmed up in the sun.

Also, despite the fact that the gooseberry loves to grow in the sun and
well warmed places, with sharp temperature jumps (over 30
) and low humidity – gooseberry leaves can start
turn yellow and fall off.

More leaves of gooseberry may turn yellow due to natural
Seasonal leaf fall. Temperature is the main factor that
causes in the south the early gooseberry growing season, due to
than yellowing and sprinkling the leaves here also comes earlier,
than in the northern territories of Russia.

Gooseberry leaves turn yellow: what to do – pests and

Yellowing leaves of the gooseberry can be seen everywhere, where
This shrub is grown. The reason for this phenomenon is simple –
gooseberry struck a disease called verticillus.

This disease affects the root and vascular system.
gooseberry through which it receives nutrients.
Infected gooseberry bushes begin to grow poorly, and the leaves
yellow and dry. First, the disease parasitizes lower leaflets
tier, then verticillosis affects a young increase. And as a result
gooseberry leaves turn yellow, fall off and the plant soon

Возбудителем данной diseases является грибок, который проникает в
the vessels of the root system, forming a gum there. Products
the life of the fungus – toxins literally poison the plant, it
fade and perish. Hitting shrub, fungus over time
grows in the mycelium and parasitizes the root first, then
maki plants, so that the leaves turn yellow and fade.

According to many observations with a large lesion of this fungus
gooseberry, every third bush plant may die.

To combat this disease, first of all, apply
preventive actions:

• Landing on places not infected with fungal disease.

• Fertilizer (using the potash component) of the soil under

• Growing special crops near the gooseberry, which are not
can be infected with this fungus.

The soil is disinfected with a carbathion solution (200 grams per bucket)
a few months before planting gooseberries.

There is another reason why gooseberry leaves turn yellow –
это проявление diseases под названием сферотека. In the spring
the shrub is affected by spores of the fungus, then on the plant
white scurf appears, the leaves turn yellow which
a certain moment twisted and dried. Symptoms of the disease in
Features appear during warm and wet weather.

Important! Weakened
plants as well as those shrubs that are overfed
with nitrogen.

The main precaution aimed at
prophylactic control of this fungus is a method
proper care of the plant. Gooseberry need
ensure regular watering, especially for the first few months after
planting, especially if the weather is dry and hot. also in
soil needs to be fertilized with a high content of nitrogen, potassium and

If the gooseberry has already undergone a sphere library, then the damaged
branches, leaves and even berries must be burned, and to destroy
spores of the fungus, shrubs need to be treated Bordeaux mixture. Such
the operation is carried out in the spring before the bud break. BUT
after the crop is harvested, the gooseberry is appropriate
spray a drug called isofen that will help
deal with this fungus.

But it is best to buy proven and healthy seedlings
gooseberry, with high disease resistance, especially

In the hot season, gooseberries can infect a spider mite,
as a result, the leaf color of the plant will change and they will become
yellow For to protect the gooseberry from such pests
the soil under the plant need to dig in near the root system to
break the depth of the cocoons and lower them

!It is recommended to apply ash to the soil under the plant.,
process gooseberry extract of wormwood and garlic.

In the spring, you can build a kind of litter under a bush, on
which then you need to shake the infected bush, and then
burn it.

Gooseberry leaves turn yellow: what to do – if the reasons are not
are set

If the gooseberry leaves turn yellow and there are no visible reasons, then
The answer to why this happens should be sought in nitrogen deficiency in this
culture. With a lack of this trace element, gooseberry occurs
some oxygen starvation, due to which the plant begins
slow down their growth, leaves lose their green color,
turn yellow, not reaching the right size.

Gooseberry berries with a lack of nitrogen also begin to sprinkle,
and soon there are practically no branches left on them. On the twigs only
continue to hold those fruits that still managed to get their
share of this trace element.

Important! Nitrogen deficiency is particularly susceptible
soils with high acidity and an abundance of weeds.

Lack of nitrogen is undesirable in the spring. Since in this
time comes the laying of the fruits of the next harvest, as well
certain gooseberry leaf mass.

To combat nitrogen deficiency, first of all, it is necessary –
to take measurements of the soil on its content in it. Next, you need
begin to conduct dressings with a high content of this
trace element. It is recommended to apply ash to the soil under the plant.

In addition, you need to regularly weed habitat.
gooseberry from weeds. And, of course, conduct
foliar nutrition by spraying gooseberry solutions,
containing nitrogen-mineral components.

For the gooseberry, as for other plants, the main thing is
proper and caring care, due to which this berry
shrub will delight their harvest gardener for many years.

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