Gloxinia (photo): home care,breeding methods. The main problems in the care of gentlegloxinia at home

Ср, 06 апр 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

This popular indoor plant grows plants from
The Gesneriev family has two names: gloxinia and synningia.

These flowers are quite simple to care and easily multiply.

Breeders deduced many varieties that differ in shape
and flower color (simple, terry, monochrome, calico,
two-color, tigers), sizes of sockets (standard, compact,

In order to bright “gramophone” pleased with their beauty
as long as possible, it is important to observe the “life cycle” of gloxinia:
active growing season and rest period.


Gloxinia: home care – reproduction, period
rest, storage. Typical breeding errors

At home, Gloxinia is propagated in several ways:
seeds, division of the tuber, stepsons, cuttings, peduncles. So
how most gloxinia varieties were obtained by complex
hybridization, then to preserve varietal traits in new plants
during reproduction, vegetative methods are used.

Самый простой и доступный из них — укоренение
. They are cut during the budding of the uterine
plants. Cuttings can be rooted both in boiled water and in
sand substrate (perlite) and peat (4: 1). If the cutting “sat” in
water, then after the appearance of the roots, it is planted in a glass with soil
or into a peat tablet. In both cases, to maintain increased
moisture at which rooting is faster, cuttings put in
greenhouse or covered with a package. After the formation of new leaves and
nodules in the base of the parent leaf remove packets.

If there is only one leaf of the cherished variety gloxinia,
then to reduce the risk of unsuccessful rooting sheet
divide into pieces. A disinfected scalpel or blade make
cuts on the leaf veins, put it on the substrate with its underside,
slightly pressed and put in a hothouse. At a temperature of + 20-25ºС and
high humidity along the edges of the cuts are formed new small

You can get several new ones from one sheet of gloxinia.
of plants

The same method can be carried out somewhat differently: at the leaf
central vein removed, resulting 2 leaf halves
cut into pieces between the lateral veins. Single leaf plate
can be divided into 12-15 such pieces. In the moistened soil from
perlite and peat planted cuttings obtained to a depth of not more than 1
cm, the soil around them is slightly crushed. Tray with cuttings placed
in the greenhouse (under the bank or package). Within 2 weeks occurs
rooting Next, young outlets are seated in separate
cups. Caring for them is the same as for adult plants.

Reproduction fragments of the sheet

So же, как и листовые черенки можно укоренить «макушку»
gloxinia. If you cut the “top” of the plant, then from the remaining sinuses
нижних листьев вырастут боковые побеги — пасынки.
They are cut and rooted in the same way as leaf cuttings.

Размножают глоксинию и цветоносами. After that
as the flower fades, the peduncle is cut, the dried gramophone
removed, the cut is dried and placed in water to a depth of 1 cm. Convenient
To do this, use the bubbles from under the drugs. To prevent
rotting in water dissolve a tablet of activated charcoal. Rooting
occurs on average in 3-4 weeks. Then the spike is planted in
cup with a moistened substrate, cover with a jar or bag.
Further care is carried out as usual.

Деление клубня — наиболее рискованный способ,
as the probability of rotting is great. For this procedure it is important
choose a healthy tuber (elastic and without putrid spots) size
with an average potato (about 6 cm in diameter).

• Cut the tuber into pieces with a disinfected knife
so that each of them has at least one sprout.

• Sections are dried, treated with brilliant green or powdered
pounded charcoal.

• Prepared delenki planted in moist soil. With
subsequent care is important not to fill the tubers: to reduce the hit
moisture on top of them, it is better to water through a pallet or with

• After that как появившиеся корни оплетут весь земляной ком,
plants are transplanted.

Семенной способ самый трудоемкий. Withобрести
seeds can be in specialized stores or collect their own,
pre-pollinating flowers. The sowing process is as follows:

• Prepare the soil of peat and sand or perlite.

• Gloxinium seeds are quite small, so they are mixed with
sand and scatter on the soil surface. Cover them from above is not
need to. (Purchased seeds for convenience already granulated).

• Crops are watered by spraying water from a spray bottle.

• Plants with plantings covered with glass or cling film and
put for germination in a warm (+ 23 ° C) bright place.
Periodically, seedlings air and moisturize.

• Shoots appear after 14-20 days.

• After the growth of these leaves, seedlings dive into
individual pots or plastic cups (they are easy
observe root development).

• Bloom young plants begin after 7-8 months of growing season.
It is better to pinch the first buds so that the plant has enough strength
для развития sockets.

Typical breeding errors глоксиний

A common problem in the reproduction of gloxinia in
home conditions – rotting planting material. It happens
the following reasons:

1. It is impossible to force the stem into the ground when planting. It is better
in the soil make a recess with your finger or stick, insert the handle and
slightly compress the ground around it.

2. Lack of light. Root the plant rearrange in more
bright place or use additional lighting.

3. Overheating. Direct sunlight falling on the greenhouse with
plants, along with high humidity contribute to the rapid

4. With срезе черенков и делении клубня были плохо
the instruments were disinfected and microbes got into the wounds.

5. For rooting were selected old leaves or sick

6. Waterlogging and low air temperature

Rest period

In order for gloxinia to bloom next year, it must be sent to
�”Hibernation” gain strength. For this after the last flowering in
this year, watering is reduced and minimized (the soil should be
only moisturized). Gradually, the ground part will begin to dry out. Her
cut, leaving penechki 2 cm. Prepared in this way
The plant is ready for the rest period.

How to store gloxinium tubers

Tubers in the dormant period are stored in several ways:

1. Do not remove the tuber from the pot, cover it with sand,
Store in a cool (+ 10-12 ° C) dark place. Do not water.

2. Pull the tubers out of the pot, clean the soil, put in
shallow containers, fill with calcined sand. Store on the bottom
shelf in the fridge.

3. Leave the pots of tubers in a dark cool place (on
balcony or under the bathroom), 1-2 times a month to moisten a little
the soil.

Gloxinia home care – soil, lighting,
air temperature and humidity, conditions for flowering

The soil

Gloxinia grows well on fertile and loose soils. AT
garden stores sell special soil mixtures such as
�”Violet”, “Saintpaulia”. With самостоятельном изготовлении грунта
mix sheet, turf ground, humus, sand (2: 1: 1: 1). For
prevention of stagnant moisture in the soil in pots drainage is required
(expanded clay, crushed foam).

Air temperature and humidity

Gloxinia thermophilic. Favorable daytime temperatures for her
will be + 20-22ºС, at night- + 18ºС. The hibernation period should occur at
+ 10-14ºС. AT период вегетации глоксинии нужна повышенная влажность
of air. With этом нельзя допускать попадание влаги на листья и
flowers For поддержания воздуха влажным горшки с растениями ставят
in the pallet with wet pebbles or expanded clay.


For глоксиний предпочтителен яркий рассеянный свет. February to
April plants can be placed in direct sunlight. AT другие
Seasons The best place will be the western or eastern windowsills.
If the windows face south, the pots with gloxinia are placed away
from glass or pritenyut paper, gauze, tulle.

Conditions for flowering

With правильном уходе глоксинии цветет с весны до начала осени.
If she “strikes” and refuses to please you with her bright
«граммофончиками», это может быть the following reasons:

• ATозраст растения: чем старше глоксиния, тем меньше она

• Excess or lack of fertilizer;

• ATредители и болезни;

• Improper pot size – in large capacity the plant will
increase tuber to the detriment of flowering;

• Insufficient lighting in dry air;

• No rest period;

• Improper care after flowering.

To stimulate the plant to re-bloom in the season,
the stem after ottsvetaniya cut off, leaving several pairs of lower
leaves. From the sinuses grow stepchildren. Among them, you need to leave only
the most powerful. For наращивания листочков это период надо подкормить
fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. With появления бутонов
increase doses of phosphorus and potassium-containing drugs. Repeat
bloom will be less lush than the first.

Gloxinia home care – feeding and watering


AT период активного роста глоксинию обильно поливают отстоянной
water at room temperature. However, it is important to prevent overflow
Gloxinia does not tolerate excess moisture due to high susceptibility to
fungal diseases and rot. AT период покоя полив сокращают до
minimum or not moisturize at all (depending on the place of storage).


Gloxinia is fed every week, starting from the end
rest period, from April to August. Fertilizers for this use
специальные для цветущих комнатных of plants (серия Bona forte,
Agricola, Good power, Fertika, Mr. Tsvet Saintpaulia, and others) – in them
less nitrogen and an increased dose of phosphorus and potassium. Fertilizers make
only after watering, otherwise burn roots. Transplanted
plants are fed only 1-1.5 months later

Gloxinia at home: why does it die?

With поливе холодной водой или передозировке удобрений на листьях
brown spots are formed.

Grayish bloom on the leaves is characteristic with defeat
мучнистой росой или серой

Powdered by mildew pour gloxinia

These fungal diseases develop with care errors:
избыточной увлажненности почвы, низкой температуре of air. For
fighting them, the affected parts of the plant are removed, and his own
treated with a systemic fungicide (for example, Topaz).

With развитии фитофтороза у глоксинии гниет
root neck, on leaves brown, wet spots are characteristic. The sick
the plant will have to be destroyed.

Gloxinia pests are often affected
cyclamen and spider mites, thrips, mealybug.

If the leaves are thickened, the edges curl down, the pedicels
deformed, buds wither, then this pattern is typical when
паразитировании цикламенового клеща. With больших
colonies on the underside of the leaves, they look like a layer of dust.

AT результате жизнедеятельности паутинных клещей
on the leaves are small yellowish dots, which then
merge into extensive brownish spots. With массовом появлении
pests on the plant, you can see the cobweb. For борьбы с клещами
apply acaricides.

Soже опасны для глоксиний и трипсы. For их
presence are characterized by silvery traces on the upper side of the leaves,
which later turn brown and dry. Fight thrips
but you can. For этого растение и грунт несколько раз
treated with insecticides (Aktellik, Aktara, Fitoverm).

The lack of growth gloxinia says depletion of the soil, low
air temperature during the growing season.

The sharp withering of the leaves – a typical picture when rotting tuber
in the overmoistened ground.

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