Girlish grapes – care for the gorgeousdesign. Methods of breeding and growing girlish grapes

Пн, 06 июн 2016 Автор: Татьяна Коршикова

Girlish grapes, whose homeland is the eastern countries
Asia, the Himalayas, North America, thanks to such a wide geography
cultivated in almost all climatic zones of Russia,
Belarus, Ukraine.

Fairly winter-hardy plant, representing woody
liana, with beautiful leaves and bluish-black berries, girlish
grapes, the photo of which is published below, uses a special
attention of summer residents, owners of country sites.


Girlish grapes – care: features

Popularity with gardeners, despite the lack of beautiful
fragrant flowers, fruit inedibility, girlish grapes, planting
which is quite simple, conquered by luxurious foliage, fast
survival rate, the ability to disguise unsightly objects on

This culture creates shading and protection against
wind and rain in the gazebo, open veranda, on the balcony. Green
the foliage remains until autumn, and then becomes bright orange
and red paints, pleasing the eye and lifting the mood in gray
autumn days.

But not only by its rapid growth, it is interestingly decorative.
plant. Its usefulness is due to such properties as:

• improvement of the surrounding microclimate, due to the suppression
the development of certain pathogens;

• an obstacle to the penetration of dust and gases into the premises;

• protection of the house, other room covered with a dense carpet
greens, from overheating;

• the ability to grow with minimal care;

• resistance to pests, diseases;

• the possibility of planting a bird’s grapes uncomplicated
in ways.

Types and varieties of girlish grapes for planting

Use of girlish grapes mainly for landscaping
fences, walls of buildings, verandas, arbors, pergolas contributes
the ability of creepers to climb to a great height, thanks to the antennae,
which serve as suckers. Many large decorative leaves
create a thick carpet that changes color from green to red,
orange, burgundy shades of autumn.

The most common among gardeners are grown following

• pyatilistochkovy or virginsky grapes with leaves similar
on chestnut foliage reaching fifteen meters high;

• tricuspid or ivy-shaped grapes grown on
vertical surfaces and on the ground.

Each of these species is divided into several varieties.
Virgin or five-leaf grapes in natural conditions
grows in North America. View frost-resistant
grows well even in Western Siberia. For the virgin species the most
popular and valuable is don juan. This variety reaches a length
20 meters. Annually shoots of this plant are extended by 2-2.5

A popular variety of tri-wall species is the Wica grape,
native to southeast Asia. The variety is suitable for planting near
with roads, as it is not afraid of exhaust fumes, smoke. Shoots
этого растения могут вытягиваться за год на 4 meters.

Girlish Grapes – Planting: Choosing a Place

Unpretentious plant, what is the girl’s grapes,
gratefully responds to good care, light, fertile
the soil. If you want to grow a beautiful and strong plant, then
the first thing you need to choose a place for planting maiden
grapes. Although culture will feel great when
shading and lighting, but the color of the leaves will be different.
When the vine grows in a lighted area, the leaves change in autumn
green color on burgundy, red, orange color. If
the plant grows with a lack of light, the leaves will remain green
until winter, depriving the owners of the site of contemplation fiery
coloring the carpet formed by the girl’s grapes. Bushes development
also occurs faster in well-lit areas.

Girlish grapes – planting: planting time and preparation

For a girl’s grape planting can be carried out in the spring
or the autumn season. Usually culture takes root well, as in
September-October and April-May. Opinions on more
a favorable time for planting diverge, which often depends on
type of culture.

Regardless of the time of year for landing it is desirable to prepare
the soil. Any cultivated soil is suitable for planting this vine.
But wanting to get strong plants, before planting should
dig the soil, dig a hole, the depth of which will be about
half a meter or a little deeper. Place a pit in the hole as a drainage
brick, fall asleep about 20 centimeters of sand, and fall asleep from above
soil mixture. The soil mix consists of compost, sheet
land, sand. Each component is taken in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. On
well-fertilized soil the plant will grow fine without
feeding a couple of years.

Girlish grapes: reproduction

Planted and propagated this beautiful vine can be a few
in ways. To meet them worth a look at the girl
grapes in the photo:

Reproduction by layering

Reproduction cuttings

Breeding seeds

Breeding корневыми отпрысками

For planting culture by layering, you must choose the most
long whip with kidneys, dig a groove 5 centimeters deep.
Further, in the groove wavy fit layering. In this part
a layer that will be under the ground, pinned by a clip,
hairpin or a piece of bent wire. After grounding
the future bush is watering. If you take a short cut, he also
fits into a dug shallow groove poured with water, but
tip up to 15 centimeters high remains above the surface

For breeding cuttings maiden grapes before planting
First, the branches are not cut in thickness not exceeding a pencil,
which land in the land prepared in advance. When landing
in this way, on the part of the branch that remains above the ground,
stay two buds. After planting, the cuttings are watered.

Посадка винограда seeds представляется более сложным и
painstaking process. Soil the seeds before planting.
either stratify by placing them in sand or other
wet substrate.

It is convenient to propagate the girlish grapes with root suckers.
Root sprouts are formed in the grown shoots of vines. They are easy
retrieved for planting in a new place where they are pulled out in advance
pits. The distance between the pits should be from half a meter to

Girlish grapes: care

Simplicity of care for girlish grapes attracts many
summer residents who can not always live outside the city. Culture
resistant to water shortage, frost, but responds well to watering
especially with prolonged heat. Watering in the dry season will help
keep the plant its decorative. Also for the plant
it is necessary to establish support, to tie up.

Improving growth will help the simplest care,

• top dressing;

• рыхление soil; weed removal, peat mulching,
sawdust, fallen leaves rotten;

• pruning.

For top dressing, which is recommended to hold twice per season,
fit nitroammofoska in the amount of 50 grams per square meter,
drug “Kemira Universal” in an amount of up to 200 grams.

Pruning is necessary to remove excess as well as dry twigs,
limiting bushes in volume, creating the necessary forms. Onпример,
girl grapes in the photo forms a hedge, decorates

Young plants, especially those planted with cuttings, first year
need protection from frost. For this creepers covered with snow
or any available material. Having survived the first winter, girlish
grapes will increase winter hardiness, and need special shelters
will not be.

Girlish grapes: diseases, pests

Unpretentious plant little susceptible to pest invasion,
diseases. But on pyatilistochkovom grapes may appear
слизни, бороться с которыми можно обработав
plant special chemicals.

On листьях лианы можно встретить тлю,
get rid of which you can eat a strong water plant

Disease or damage to the plant by insects can be determined
on the yellow, red spots on the leaves.

Girlish grapes from ancient times is one of the elements
ландшафтного design. The lianas have long since withered step terraces,
balconies, walls, creating fancy shapes. Ease of growing
This culture allows any owner of a country site,
summer resident to turn their territory into a fabulous garden.

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