Ginger: growing and care. Is it possibleindependently and successfully grow ginger at home and inopen ground

Ср, 06 янв 2016 Автор: Елизавета Шатунова

Ginger is a perennial herb from India.

Despite his love for heat, “horned root” is grown throughout
many regions of our country.

It matures for quite a long time – it is important that frost not
attacked until the end of September. And if they do not allow climatic
conditions – plant ginger at home.

Plant редко поражают заболевания, а насекомых «отпугивает»
its peculiar smell. Planting care does not take away from the summer resident
a lot of time – even the nonprofessional will consult.

There is only one breeding method for ginger – division.


Ginger cultivars for growing

Семейство Имбирные включает в себя около 140 видов ginger
Plant имеет толстое, плотное корневище с междоузлиями
adventitious roots.

Its elevated part is several upright stalks with whole ones.
long leaves, pointed at the ends.

Withятным открытием для многих садоводов-новичков окажется тот
The fact that ginger can bloom.

Inflorescences – spiciform, collected in the axils of the leaves,
Yellow-orange or red-brown shade.

Growing ginger, you not only make curative stocks for the winter,
but also decorate the site.

Ginger in the first year of life rarely blooms. But if you leave
wintering it in the ground, for the next season you can admire the beautiful

Blooming ginger

For a very long time, ginger has been grown as a garden crop.
Breeders have developed many varieties of plants that vary.
on some grounds:

• according to the color of the rhizome – light green, yellowish, green,
pale yellow with green veins;

• according to the length and shape of the rhizome – elongated, “arm”, “fist”,

• by smell – aroma of grass, notes of lemon;

A common property characteristic of all species is the sharp taste.

All varieties of ginger, based on their method of processing rhizomes, can
divided into 2 types:

Черный (Барбадосский). Plant
characterized by a more pungent taste and harsh aroma.
Rhizomes are not cleaned, but simply treated with boiling water and dried.
in the sun.

Белый (Бенгальский). Rhizomes possess no
so spicy taste. Ginger is thoroughly cleaned (in industrial
conditions – aged in a weak solution of sulfuric acid) and
is drying.

Since the rules for growing and caring for ginger of different varieties
practically no different when choosing planting material
focus on its taste characteristics.

Where to grow ginger?

Ginger loves warmth and sunshine. Try
to please the new resident of the backyard by planting him with
east or west side of the house. Scorching sun will hurt
plantings, and therefore, the beds should be priteny in the daytime.
Strong winds and high humidity will negatively affect development.
roots. The same rule applies to home growing

Plant любит нейтральный или слабокислый, легкий,
nutritious, well-drained soil.
nutrient soil for planting ginger can be used
The following composition – turf ground, leaf humus and sand in
ratio of 1: 2: 1. No time to prepare a special substrate? Then
dig a landing zone well and feed the earth with mineral
fertilizers. If a на участке задерживается вода, предусмотрите
additional drainage by pouring a layer (1 cm) into the planting hole
gravel. Since the edible rhizome grows close to the surface
land, do not dig too deep grooves for planting
material – 15-20 cm will be enough.

Имбирь в домашних условиях выращивают в
shallow flat containers with a hole in the bottom for removal
excessive moisture. Lay a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot.

Preparing ginger for planting

As посадочного материала будем использовать корень
plants. In the wild, ginger is no longer growing – get seeds
nowhere. They can not even get breeders in
industrial breeding. The only thing that remains the summer resident –
buy planting material in the vegetable market. If a желаете получить
�An “exotic” plant variety (for example, one that has a characteristic
smell of turpentine), rhizome will have to look in specialized
nurseries. Ask if they are in your area.

The best time to buy planting material – winter

Quality ginger for planting:

• brilliant,

• smooth

• no rot,

• not dried,

• not frostbitten,

• with shoot buds.

Ginger root with kidney

To keep the kidneys alive, immediately lower the planting.
Ginger roots for a couple of hours in warm water. If a собираетесь
plant out не весь корень, а только его часть, срез обязательно
process the solution of potassium permanganate or powder with ashes.

В дальнейшем вы можете и сами заниматься размножением ginger
Part of the crop can be used for its intended purpose, the rest – to let
on the expansion of the beds. Dig up the rhizome, carefully clean from
land and dry. With a sharp knife, cut the “lintel” of the root,
then processing the sections. Ready planting material can plant out
in the ground or save for disembarking next season. Keep it in
cool – the basement is great, where you keep the potatoes and
other root vegetables.

Growing ginger at home

Высадку корневищ начинайте в феврале-марте.

The plant takes a long time to get stronger –
by the middle of summer, some specimens will be ready for
use. Planting material is placed in the hole “eyes”
up. Сильно его не заглубляйте — почки должны
be covered with a layer of earth 2-4 cm. Water the soil.

Молодые побеги должны появиться уже спустя 2-3
of the week.

The optimum temperature for this is 18-22 ˚C. If the thermometer
термометра опуститься ниже, имбирь впадет в
— к концу сезона вы точно не увидите урожая
useful roots. Do not overmoisten the plant, only occasionally
sprinkling to prevent drying of the earth.

Growing ginger in an open area

It is recommended to plant ginger root immediately in open ground
only in the warmer regions of the country, where by March
steadily warm weather. But even in temperate climates, landing
it is better to germinate the material first at home or in a greenhouse. rules
Preparing the “seedlings” of ginger are the same as in the case of growing
at home.

Ginger sprouts

When the seedlings are strong, and the street is established consistently high
temperature, you can transplant ginger in the garden. Strong roots not
deepen. With proper care, the plant will begin to actively

Ginger Care

The main requirements for the care of ginger – an abundance of light and
timely watering. Many gardeners do not even feed the plants,
because under favorable weather conditions it is excellent
develops without fertilizers.

There are some rules that will help get in
the end of the season a bountiful harvest of healthy roots:

Полив. Moisturize the soil little by little, but often.
If the soil is dry, the roots will die due to lack of
nutrients. And at home, and in the garden in the hot
weather spray the aboveground parts of the plant. Do it
in the evening, because in the rays of the scorching sun
leaves, can cause burns. One week before harvest watering
stop at all.

Подкормки. Ginger will be much larger and
tastes better if every 10-15 days throughout the vegetative
period fertilize complex feedings. To form
tuber use organics, and from the middle of summer enter also
potash fertilizers.

Освещение. Although ginger is not
can grow without light, direct sunlight is destructive for him.
When growing at home on hot days, carry capacity
with ginger in partial shade. If the balcony is not very hot, the plant
You can sometimes make “breathe.”

Рыхление. Rhizomes will get more
air, if you regularly loosen the soil. Do it после каждого
watering so that no crust forms on the ground. Weeding depth –
1-3 cm. If necessary, remove the weeds.

In warm regions, many gardeners leave ginger to winter in
ground. In order for the plant not to die, the air temperature must be
8-12 ˚C. In this case, the probability of its
bloom next season. If for winter landings you use
greenhouse, then ginger for the cold months can be moved here. With
17-20 C landing will develop further. There is another option –
keep the plant in the winter at home, pre-transplant it in
suitable capacity.

When and how to harvest?

Ginger, depending on the specific variety and climatic
features ripen in August or late September. To the moment
harvesting rhizomes land without watering should have a little
dry out – it stimulates the rhizomes for additional growth.
If you are not going to continue to keep the plant in the garden, you can
dig up the roots.

Ginger dug from the ground

Dig ginger when the stems and leaves turn yellow and
fade away.

Carefully remove the useful roots from the ground. They can immediately
use as intended – add as seasoning in dishes. And that
part of the fruit that will be sent for winter storage,
must be thoroughly cleaned from the ground (rinsing is allowed
water) and dry in a warm, well-ventilated room.
It is better not to use a household oven – there is a risk to overdry

For food purposes, you can use the leaves of the plant.

Ginger roots can be stored in the basement, a dark cupboard in the kitchen or
on the bottom shelf of the fridge. Here the product will lie a few
months without losing its beneficial properties. If collected big
harvest, the rhizomes can be frozen, packaged in separate
packages whole or sliced.

How to protect ginger from diseases and pests?

Ginger has a specific flavor and taste, which protects it.
against diseases and attacks of pests.

Many of the problems associated with growing ginger are associated with
improper care or unsuitable living conditions. Plant
can drop the leaves, which will signal a little gardener
apply the plant from direct sunlight and ensure abundant
watering. If the water will remain in the leaf axils for a long time or
inflorescences this may lead to decay of the aerial parts

Ginger, especially those that grow at home,
может подвергаться нападению паутинного клеща.
The little bug feeds on the sap of the plant – it is not at all
�”Scary” pungent taste of green mass. You will immediately notice the presence
spider mite on the landings – on the lower side of the leaves will appear
white dots, and over time the insect begins to twine around
plants are thin cobwebs. Optimal conditions for the pest –
excessively dry air. To prevent its occurrence can
put a jar of water near the container with ginger
provide additional air humidification.

Rinse the above-ground part of the ginger with water. It will help
wash insects and larvae from foliage. Processing is not
only a plant, but also a window sill on which the pot stood. If a
washing did not help or there is a risk that the tick will strike and
nearby planting, for the treatment of plants use
chemicals. Insecticides during the invasion of spider mites are not
buy – no sense. This will help other means –
insectoacaricides and acaricides. Good drugs the first time.
destroy pests and their larvae.

To have time to take action, regularly inspect the ginger
for the presence of diseases and the presence of insects. If a заболели
other plants, for the prevention can be treated protective
means and beds with ginger.

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