George Clooney – biography, career, personal life,interesting facts, news

Mon, 04 Apr 2016

The most recognizable man in the world, a successful actor, screenwriter,
режиссер и продюсер George Клуни родился 6 мая
1961 in the Irish Catholic family. His father – Nick Clooney was
as a TV journalist and worked as a TV host, and mother – Nina was
housewife (in the past bore the title of beauty queen). George
The youngest son in the family, he has an older sister, Adeline.

С раннего детства Georgeа окружали звездные личности, так как он
he spent a lot of time with his father on television,
his favorite aunt is the famous jazz singer Rosemary
Clooney. Already in 5 years, he began to take part in television shows.
George Клуни рос общительным и немного взбалмошным мальчиком, но
learning was easy for him. When Clooney went to high school with him
disaster struck, he manifested a genetic disease that passed
от отца – паралич Белла, в следствии чего у Georgeа парализовало
part of the face.

This was the most terrible time for Clooney, since he, besides
terrible disease, had to endure bullying
сверстников, которые окрестили Georgeа – “Франкенштейном”. because of
this Clooney’s parents decided to move to another city – Augusta.
A year later, Clooney’s health recovered and he fully continued
studying and also quite seriously engaged in basketball and

AT 1997 году George начал себя пробовать в профессиональном
baseball but did not qualify for the Cincinnati Reds team. Then clooney
thought about the legal career. He studied at two universities:
Nortucky and Cincinnati, but none of them have finished. George
Clooney abandoned the idea of ​​becoming a lawyer and decided to engage in acting
career. To a greater extent, this was prompted by successes as
the actor of his older cousin Miguel Ferrer.

Clooney’s parents were quite categorically disposed to have their son
становился актером, но George был не переубедим, в следствии чего у
his relationship with his parents, who refused
support him, both morally and materially. To
отправиться покорять Голливуд Georgeу Клуни сначала пришлось
work on three jobs and when the necessary amount for the trip was
assembled he went to Los Angeles.


George Клуни – начало звездной карьеры

Despite all the ambition, talent and appeal
young Clooney, numerous attempts to pass tests turned around
nothing for him. To a greater extent this was the reason for his
exhausting part-time work in the port at night, then to the castings
he came exhausted. And in order to somehow interrupt himself
was taken for any minor roles. Once he managed to dream in the main
roles along with Charlie Sheen, but the movie has never been released.

Но George Клуни удачлив по жизни и его карьера взлетела в одно
instant. In 1994, Clooney approved for the role of Dr. Doug Ross in
series “Ambulance”. This series has become the most popular in the United States, and
за блестящую игру рискового и темпераментного красавца врача George
Clooney was nominated for America’s top television awards.
It was after this work that Clooney was spoken about as the best young
the actor. AT сериале “Скорая помощь” George Клуни снимался на
throughout 5 years.

George Клуни – обретение популярности

Onстоящем прорывом к звездной вершине Georgeа Клуни стала работа
in the movie hit “From Dusk Till Dawn”. Famous director Robert
Rodriguez “hit 10” when took on the main role of an unprincipled, but
очень очаровательного злодея молодого актера Georgeа Clooney.
A brilliant game is already rising star Clooney raised him to the top
popularity, he suddenly enchanted the youth of the 90s and became the most
recognizable star of hollywood.

After such a resounding success, Clooney no longer went to the castings, but
I chose scripts from a heap of sentences bombarded by his star
personality. George Клуни показал себя как многогранного актера
superbly coping with any characteristic role. All his
subsequent films relate to successful film work and brought
Clooney acclaim and many significant awards.

George Клуни вошел в число самых красивых мужчин мира и его
fees have always been above $ 10 million.

George Клуни – наиболее значимые роли

За свою успешную актерскую карьеру George Клуни снялся в более
50 films and all his works were successful. Among the most significant
работ Georgeа Клуни такие картины, как – “Скорая помощь”
(1994-2000) – “From dusk to dawn” (1996) – “One beautiful
Day “(1996) -” Peacemaker “(1997) -” Out of sight “(1998) –
“Thin Red Line” (1998) – “Three Kings” (1999) – “Explosion”
(2000) – “Children of Spies” (2001-2003) – “Ocean’s Eleven”
(2001-2007) – “Solaris” (2002) – “Love is beyond the rules” (2008) –
“Peerless Fox” (2009) – “American” (2010) – “Descendants”
(2011) – “Gravity” (2012).

George Клуни – личная жизнь

“Sex symbol” of America, gorgeous brunette with an expressive look
актер George Клуни с первого своего появления на большом экране
won the love of viewers around the world and especially the female. AT
the power of great star Clooney his always pursued the paparazzi.
Личная жизнь Georgeа Клуни – это постоянный праздник, он известен,
as a lover of noisy parties, heavy booze, and, of course, Clooney
– is the owner of one of the largest collections of novels with the most
beautiful women. AT числе его пассий были: Мишель Пфайфер, Синди
Crawford, Madonna, Kelly Preston (the greatest love of the actor),
Celine Belitran and many others.

George Клуни был женат на актрисе Талия Балсам, но их брак
lasted only three years and in 1992 they divorced. The actor
There are two daughters: Martina and Joyce. After not very successful marriage
Clooney made a pledge to take the “dignity” of a life-long bachelor. Today
rumors about his novels are constantly emerging, although he is in
relationship with the VJ of the Italian channel of the gorgeous beauty –
Elizabeth Canalis.

George Клуни является близким другом звездного семейства Бред
Pete and Jolie, but do not understand their addiction to large families. On
Clooney, famous Hollywood divas bet on $ 15k per
the subject of the fact that he marries to 40 years, but lost and concluded
the second, where the period of his marriage indicated 50 years, but again lost.
But who knows, maybe there is still a woman in the world who
заставит сердце Georgeа Клуни отказаться от своего зарока – вечного

George Клуни – интересные факты

  • У George Клуни был домашний любимец – боров Макс, который весил
    126 kg. Clooney adored taking it to all parties, but the actor’s favorite
    died at the age of 18 in 2006.
  • Уже более 10 лет George Клуни является рекламным лицом
    brand watch brand “Omega”.
  • Clooney’s hobby is collecting exclusive motorcycles.
    Интересно и то, что George Клуни зарекся оставаться холостяком не
    due to the fact that he does not want to restrict his freedom, and therefore
    that he believes that by his nature he cannot become good
    husband and good father.
  • Кроме актерской деятельности George Клуни является довольно
    successful producer and director.
  • By nature, Clooney is a merry fellow and a joker, and even so
    to more often have fun with friends bought a luxury villa with 8
    the bedrooms.

George Клуни – день сегодняшний

Today самый популярный актер мира George Клуни готовится
direct a large-budget film project based on
the story of the return of the artworks that were stolen
нацистами во время ATторой Мировой ATойны. Also, though sat out,
but still incredibly attractive Clooney is still the same


Gala 08.26.2016 How many education classes does the author (or student) have?
of this article. Ashamed of the many grammatical errors

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