Fuchsia: growing creatures of tender beauty! howto grow fuchsia at home from seeds, cuttings and leaves: usefultips

Чт, 10 дек 2015 BUTвтор: Елизавета Шатунова

Fuchsia fell in love with home growers for its simplicity
in the care and ability to bloom in the first year of planting.

�”Ballerina” – this is what the name got another plant for their
delicate, bizarre inflorescence.

If a на зиму переносить цветок в светлое, прохладное помещение,
next season he will delight you with his views.

Фуксия — настоящий долгожитель. By providing
Plant care is good, it can decorate your home to 20 years.

Fuchsia can be planted with seeds, cuttings and leaves.


ATыбираем сорта фуксии для выращивания

Fuchsia is very “universal.” It is suitable for growing in
open ground, in hanging pots, in boxes and pots – everywhere she
gets accustomed well. The flower is often used by designers for
gardening greenhouses and flower beds – the number of shades and shapes

ATыбирая подходящий сорт, обратите внимание на вид растения —
fuchsia can be bush and ampelous. Ampel view fits
more for vertical gardening – its shoots fall down nicely
way down. For выращивания в домашних условиях, если вы, конечно, не
decided to decorate an open balcony in such a way, better
choose more compact flower shapes.

ATыведено уже много сортов (свыше 20000) фуксии.

Pay attention to the following beautiful varieties of plants:

Deep Purple. Variety with drooping shoots.
Flowers – large, terry, bright blue-violet with white

Marcus Graham. Bush fuchsia with huge
terry inflorescences. Flowers – bright pink with pale pink

Maxima. Shrub form of the plant, famous for
early onset of flowering. Inflorescence – semi-double, black and purple
с темно-розовыми sepals.

Moonraker. Resistant to diseases and
pests fuchsia variety. Grows in the form of a compact bush. Inflorescences
— махровые, нежно-голубые с бело-розовыми sepals.

BUTнабель. A flower with lightly dipping stems.
Inflorescences — полумахровые, белые со светло-розовыми

Checkerboard. Upright plant
suitable for stab growing. Inflorescences — с заостренными
лепестками, красные с белыми sepals.

Bеllа Rozella. A variety designed for
ampel cultivation. Flowers – double, pink color.

Brutus. Spray plant. Inflorescence –
насыщенно-алые со светло-розовыми sepals.

Leonberg. The grade is suitable for shtambovy
cultivation. Flowers – large, pink with coral

Already chose the right kind of fuchsia for growing? Now
We will determine the method of its landing and prepare a place for a new
�”Resident” window sill.

Soil and capacity for growing fuchsia

Fuchsia is not too capricious on soils – lightweight will do
fertile soil with a neutral reaction. To make the soil more
loose, to the earthy mixture, add peat, sand and perlite. BUT
adding a small amount of clay will help keep longer in
Earth nutrients that will increase the flowering time. AT
gardening shop can buy nutrient soil for
perennial flowering plants – it is quite suitable.

For выращивания фуксии подберите светлый керамический горшок —
so its sensitive roots will not overheat. AT дальнейшем
the flower will need to be replanted annually, which will require
The new container is 1-3 cm in diameter larger than the previous one.

Planting fuchsia seeds

Reproduction function seeds did not receive among flower growers
large distribution – largely due to the fact that in stores
presented a small assortment of seeds, to get them problematic.
BUT если вы уже несколько лет успешно выращиваете дома растение,
You can become a breeder for a short time by collecting seeds yourself
для дальнейшего cultivation. But be prepared for the fact that the new
a flower may outwardly differ from its “parent” – and
in shape and in color.

Посадку растения начинайте в феврале. For
home growing can be planted seeds immediately in the pot.
The technology of sowing is as follows:

• Put the soil in the pot, tamp it lightly and moisten it.
(better – solution of potassium permanganate).

• Dip the seeds a little in the soil, not sprinkling them on top.
by land.

• Cover the container from the top with glass or plastic.

Фуксия прорастет при температуре +18…+22 ˚C в
penumbra. Periodically shake the condensate from the cover. With
drying out the soil – moisten it a little. No later than
month you will see the first shoots above the ground – shelter
can shoot. If a вы предварительно делаете рассаду, то ближе к
At first, the saplings first swoop in the stage of 2-4 full-fledged leaves,
and then transferred to a permanent place.

Planting fuchsia cuttings

Planting fuchsia cuttings — наиболее популярный среди цветоводов
breeding method. Pick up at the horticultural market or take from
familiar high-quality fuchsia stalk. Pay attention to the external
type of planting material:

• cutting length – 10-25 cm,

• leaves – without spots and dry tips,

• the top of the central shoot is not pinched and not

• roots – developed, without a trace of disease.

By landing, it is better to take young shoots, because already
lignified cuttings give roots much later.

Fuchsia stalk ready for rooting

Start rooting cuttings in the spring. Summer process can be
hard hot heat – fuchsia does not like it. Well, in the fall
the plant is at rest – you can never wait
the emergence of roots. Plant the shoots either directly into the soil or
in water. When rooting into the water – cut off the lower leaves on the handle,
so that they do not rot in a humid environment and do not infect the whole plant.
If you put an escape into the ground, cover it for the first weeks.
a can.

Rooting fuchsia in water

Sapling will take root in 10-14 days. Very soon your
beautiful flowers bloom magnificently. Treat shoots special
root formers makes no sense – fuchsia is easy
adapt to the new habitat.

In the future, you can take young shoots of plants already
your plant.

Fuchsia: growing from leaf

To grow a fuchsia from a leaf, you need a large leaf, on
which should be a scape and part of the shoot with a kidney. Taking root
planting material in the nutrient substrate – moss, vermiculite,
high peat (2: 3: 1).

The technology is as follows:

• Place the substrate in a seed box or in a separate pot, lightly
moisten it.

• Make a small depression in the mixture and place a piece of paper here,
lightly sprinkle the cuttings on the substrate without crushing it.

• Cover the container with glass or bag.

If the substrate dries out, lightly pour it around the edge. And later
10-20 days leaflet already take root. After that you can transplant
seedling on a permanent place.

Fuchsia: growing and care

Even beginner flower growers cope with fuchsia care. Important
remember the following rules:

Температура. Fuchsia does not like extreme heat –
inflorescences and leaves wither, begin to fall. Optimal
The temperature for growing fuchsia is 18-25 ° C. At higher
flower growth will slow down significantly, the bush will
to dry out.

Освещение. To the direct rays of the sun is not
fell on the plant, pick him a place in the penumbra. If a
grow fuchsia at home, give her a window sill on the window that goes
on the west or east side. When the plant blooms, do not
you need to turn or turn it away from the sun – fuchsia can
throw off all the buds.

Полив. Liberally water the fuchsia when the earth
in the pot will start to dry out. Take the separated liquid that is not
damage the root system. Watering for the winter is reduced to 1-2 times a
month. When it’s warm outside, you can spray leaves and buds
water from the spray (you can several times a day). And before
the beginning of flowering (spring-summer) to provide the necessary fuchsias
humidity level, place a container with water next to the pot.

Подкормка. Growing fuchsia in the open
soil, regularly fertilize it with biological fertilizers. AT
home conditions use ready-made feedings that can
buy at flower shops. Fertilize the plants once a week. AT
winter period (starting from September) feeding fuchsia is no longer
are needed.

Пересадка. Transplant fuchsia every year
picking up a new tank with a larger diameter. When transplanting old
plants can clean the roots and completely change the soil. Young
Fuchsia (up to 3 years) transfer to a new container along with the old
only a little to top
fill the pot.

ATажный момент в уходе за фуксией — формирующая
. Cutting off the “extra” shoots and removing from the bush
faded buds, you not only give the plant a decorative look,
but also improve it – the root system will not spend nutrients
substances. Be sure to cut the fuchsia 2 times a year – in the spring and
of autumn.

ATесенняя обрезка производится в марте — срежьте погибшие побеги,
pinch new. September pruning is needed to
to prepare a flower for wintering. Shorten old branches.
2/3, and the shoots of this year – by 1/3.

ATесенняя обрезка фуксии

ATыращивая фуксию дома, на зиму совсем необязательно создавать
for her special conditions – she will calmly survive the cold and so.
But garden plants must be transferred to cool
the room.

Why does not fuchsia bloom?

Fuchsia does not bloom, only if important rules have been violated
care for her. Cases are rare. Note to novice florist
consider them:

• late nip,

• choosing too hot a place to grow,

• the introduction of a large amount of nitrogen in the form of fertilizing,

• diseases and pests,

• growing in a plastic or too small pot.

When you eliminate negative factors, fuchsia will delight you
lush and long flowering.

Fuchsia: cultivation. Diseases and pests

Even under indoor conditions, fuchsia can be affected by diseases and
pests. Do not rush to throw away the “sick” plant –
surely he can still be cured.

Dangerous insect pests for fuchsia:

Белокрылка. The most common bug,
striking beautiful fuchsia. You will notice it immediately on the white
wings – externally, the whitefly looks like a mole. Whole �”Flocks”
pests (both adults and larvae) accumulate on the inside
side leaflets.

Dangerous insect that depletes the plant, feeding on sap
leaves – flowers become shallow, foliage is yellower and falls off. Also it
tolerates fungal and viral diseases.

Good results in the fight against whitefly show
insecticides for watering plants – the juice of the leaves becomes for
insect “inedible.” If a начали использовать специальные
means, alternate them.

Many growers stick sticky strips near the flower, but
they will not save with a large accumulation of insects on the sheets.

White fly on a leaf

Red spider mite. It is small
reddish insect settling on the inside
fuchsia leaves.

Mite feeds on plant sap and pale leaves appear on the foliage.
specks If a вовремя не принять меры, зеленая масса может
completely yellow and fall off.

Most often, the pest appears on fuchsia, which is often not

Coping with the invasion of tick insecticidal drugs and complete
removal of affected leaves. For prevention, spray more often.
fuchsia with warm water.

Red spider mite

Fuchsia is not often affected by the disease. But many of them threaten
full death of a flower:

Загнивание корней. If a регулярно
rehumidify fuchsia, its roots infect fungus. With this plant
quickly dies. It’s hardly possible to save fuchsia – even cuttings,
taken from her will not take root. ATыбросьте цветок и землю, в которой он
grew up This is especially important when growing fuktsii in open ground –
if you do not remove the carriers of infection, all coming

Leaf Rust. The disease is transferred
mushrooms It is more common in open areas, and in households
conditions rarely affects the flower, only if greatly enhanced
humidity. Settling down on leaflets, spores of the fungus cause strong
damage. In appearance, they look like a brown-orange bloom. If a
noticed “rusty” leaves, then immediately remove them from the plant. For
prophylaxis treat fuchsia with 2% bordeaux solution
fluid. With the fungus that appears, you can handle fungicides.

Leaf Rust

Take care of fuchsia and protect it – no insects and
illnesses she will not be at all terrible!

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