Flowers that make imbalances in your home, or how notharm to health

Mon, Aug 11, 2014

Very often, in order to decorate his home a person uses
plants. But not every flower can be placed in the apartment. On this
There are a number of reasons. Some of them can inflict real
harm to health, others are not advised to purchase, on the basis of popular
will accept, and still others do not buy supporters of the teachings of Feng Shui.

There are some plants whose juice can cause significant damage.
human health and pets. From contact with him
you can get burned, and if you get inside you get seriously poisoned. TO
such dangerous neighbors include ficus, begonia, monstera, ivy and
some other members of the family of kutrovyh, euphorbia,
Solanaceae. It often happens that spending the night in one room
with a new flower, a person wakes up with a terrible headache and
malaise. This may be due to lack of oxygen or
резкого запаха, исходящего от plants. Similar troubles can
deliver ferns, hydrangea, lily, orchid. Although, if the data
plants like, you can cope with a similar problem by placing
pots in a room with good ventilation, but in their bedroom is better not
to put. After all, to risk their health to anything.

There are folk signs concerning some plants,
which is not desirable to have at home. So, according to the assurances of our ancestors
cacti cannot be set because of the danger that men
being in the house can be addicted to alcohol, and girls are not
will find a successful husband.

If you have climbing plants in your house, then it threatens to be alone,
and if the husband is, he will not linger for long.

According to national signs, you can not put the donated palm tree at home,
otherwise it can lead to big trouble.

If we consider plants based on Feng Shui philosophy, then
each flower should occupy a certain place in space. TO
the same need to buy flowers according to the sign of the zodiac. After all,
Each of them has a certain plant – the patron.

However, there are flowers that can not be kept at home
under what pretext, based on this teaching. TO ним относятся все
climbing plants, as they can rob their owner
health and family happiness. Monster is not recommended to keep at home,
because she has long been recognized as an energy vampire. If a
put a cactus at home, it will increase the level of aggression and lead to
frequent quarrels. Can cause depression and chronic fatigue


Sergey 10/28/2016 That’s how interesting. I have an article about poisonous
house plants. And according to Feng Shui, they fall into this category and
вьющиеся plants. Wow, did not know. Be sure to add a post about
this I have you from the exchange. Suggested other conditions. And your portal in
bookmarks. Thank.

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