Felt cherry: planting and care (photo). Secretssuccessful cultivation of felted cherries, diseases and pests

Ср, 27 июл 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Felt or Chinese cherry is a distant relative
wild cherry It received its name for the pubescence, similar to
felt and covering young shoots, leaves, pedicels and fruits.
This crop has the following benefits for growing
on the garden plot:

• unpretentious;

• frost-resistant (transfers frosts to – 30-35 ° C);

• earlier and stable fruiting (it ripens earlier than usual
Cherries for 1.5-2 weeks, from one bush you can collect up to 10 kg

• fruits are not showered;

• decorative (it can be used for hedges,
curbs, strengthening the slopes).


Felt cherry: planting (photo)

Place for planting felted cherries must be selected correctly.
It does not fit areas with close groundwater,
flooded as well as shady. On such sites, cherry lags behind.
growth, reduced its hardiness and yield. The best option
for this plant will be fertile well-drained soil with
neutral reaction. It also doesn’t tolerate a conifer neighborhood.
trees (reduced its viability).

To plant 1-2 year old saplings of this crop is better in the spring before
how buds will bloom.

The root system of felt cherries is superficial (located on
0.3-0.35 m from the soil level), so it will not be required
large area of ​​nutrition. Experienced gardeners before planting
It is recommended to cut long roots 20-25 cm to stimulate
development of lateral roots, dip the root system of the seedling in
a mixture of clay, ash and growth stimulant diluted to consistency
sour cream. This procedure is appropriate if the roots have bare roots. AT
If a plant is acquired in a container, such manipulation is not

The landing pit is made 0,5×0,5×0,5m. At the bottom of the pit lay layer
pebble or broken brick drainage, and on top of it
pour a little mound of earth mixed with compost or
rotted manure (at the rate of 3 buckets on 1 planting hole) and
He straighten the root system of the seedling. For the sustainability of the tree
tied to a driven support. After that, the pit is covered with earth,
adding to it 500 g of lime and 100 g of ammonium nitrate and
potassium phosphate fertilizers, compacted and abundantly watered. ATерхний
coat with a layer of sod or mulch. After landing
seedlings cut by 1/3 for better branching.

Felt cherry planting

Also, when planting felt cherries should take into account the fact that not all
varieties are capable of self-pollination. Self-sesame varieties include:
Natalie, Alice, Autumn virovskaya. Самоплодные сорта: ATосточная,
Сказка, Лето, Царевна, Красавица, ATосторг и др. Чтобы не остаться
without harvest, it is better to plant several copies of this crop.
The distance in the row between the trees should be at least 1.5-2 m, and
with multi-row planting – 3 m between the rows.

ATажно! When planting felted cherries do not
It is recommended to deepen the root collar – this is fraught with vypryaniem
bark and death of the plant.

ATойлочная вишня: способы выращивания (фото)

Agrotechnika felt cherries is quite simple. This plant
grown both from seed and vegetatively. First way
most simple and accessible.

ATыращивание войлочной вишни из косточек

Bones for sowing are taken from ripe berries. For better
germination they need a natural stratification of about 3-3.5
months, so it is better to sow them in September-October. On
prepared bed bones close up to a depth of 2-4 cm and
sprinkled with sand on top. ATесной после появления у сеянцев 3
these leaves, they are thinned out, leaving a distance between
plants 10 cm. When young plants reach 0.25-0.3 m in
growth, their tops pinch to stimulate branching.

Seedlings transplanted to a permanent place on the third spring to
start blooming buds. Young seedlings begin to bear fruit on
3-4 year vegetation. However, it is worth remembering that grown from seed
plants do not retain varietal characteristics.

ATыращивание войлочной вишни вегетативно

If you have an adult bush of felted cherries in your garden,
New seedlings can be grown layering. For this young and
a healthy twig is bent to the ground and fixed with metal
hairpin From above, the pinning site is covered with earth and
periodically moisturize. After about 4-5 weeks in this area
Escape roots will appear. A new plant is separated from the parent, but
transplanted to a permanent place next spring.

For the cultivation of felt cherries from cuttings use
semi-woody healthy twigs 2-3 branching order. Their
cut into pieces with 3-4 buds on each. After this cuttings
soaked in a solution of Heteroauxin or Zircon and put in a greenhouse
in a light substrate (lower layer is fertile soil layer, upper –
sand). At the same time in the greenhouse should be high humidity. AT
In such conditions, the cuttings take root within a month.

Felt cherries can also be propagated by green cuttings. Their
cut to a length of 6-10 cm with 5-7 leaves. 2 lower sheets are removed,
base of the cutting Dipped in the root formers and planted in
greenhouse. Fruiting such plants will begin for 3 years.

Reproduction of felt cherries with green cuttings

During the reproduction of new varieties, the felted cherry is grafted onto the rootstocks.
терносливы, абрикоса, алычи, вишни сорта «ATладимирская».

ATойлочная вишня: уход (фото)

Care for felted cherries consists in weeding,
loosening the soil in pristvolny circles, watering in dry weather,
fertilizer application, pruning, disease control


The first time feeding is made when planting seedlings. AT последующем
mineral fertilizers are carried out every spring in the period
flowering On один куст требуется 70-80 г фосфора, 30-50 г азота,
20-30 potassium. The effectiveness of the drugs will be higher when
soil liming (every 5 years at the rate of 200-300g of lime / m2).
Organic matter (rotted manure or compost) is introduced in the autumn after
trim bushes. On каждое взрослое растения старше 3 лет
4 buckets of such fertilizers are required. After this, the stem is
circles dig or spend deep loosening.


ATойлочная вишня быстро растет и стареет. Therefore for
the formation of its crown and rejuvenation annually pruning.

ATетки молодых кустов (1-2 летние) обрезают на 1/3-1/4, если их
length exceeds 0.6 cm. At the same time, the excess shoots are removed, leaving
10-12 most powerful.

First pruning felted cherry

Onчиная с 6-7 летнего возраста, у войлочной вишни резко
yield decreases (only young shoots bear fruit), therefore
she needs a rejuvenating pruning. The center is thinned out.
crowns. To do this, on the “ring” remove the old branches of the first and second
order AT результате этого рядом со срезом появляются новые
shoots, of which leave the strongest.

Sanitary pruning is carried out annually: only dead and
weak branches. 15-year-old plants are best replaced with new ones.

Diseases and pests of felt cherries

The most dangerous illnesses for felt cherries are
monilial burn and congestion.

Monilial burn or monilioz – wet fruit rot,
caused by pathogenic fungi. Infected plants in spring
flowering time: spores, falling on a flower pistil, germinate in
underlying tissues. To notice the disease is simple: wither flowers,
leaves and branches. They look like burned, hence the name
diseases. Monilioz rapidly develops in rainy weather. With
massive infection bushes felted cherry weakened, after 2-3
years the plants finally die.

Manifestation of moniliasis

With клястероспориозе листья покрываются мелкими бурыми пятнами,
in the place of which later “holes” are formed. Berries are covered
scabs and rot. There is a premature fall of the leaves and
weakening the plant.

Another fungal disease of felt cherries is pockets. With
this of the affected ovaries are formed hollow (boneless)
sacciform fruits with inedible pulp.

To combat these ailments during the “green cone”
(kidney swelling) it is necessary to spray the plants
fungicide preparations: 3% Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate
(0.5%), 0.1% solution of basezol (10g / 10 l of water). Infected branches
cut with the capture of healthy tissue. The treatment is carried out again in
конце flowering

Of the specific pests of felt cherries worth noting
pocket tick. AT результате его деятельности на листьях
galls are formed – growths similar to warts. Getting worse
photosynthesis, plants are weakened and die. To combat
pest before blooming buds bushes felt cherries poured from
watering cans with hot water, and after harvesting they are treated with Malathion,
Aktaroy or Karate.

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