Features of pear cultivation. All about landing andpear care: fertilizing, trimming, treatment (photo)

Ср, 24 авг 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Growing a pear is more difficult than an apple tree, because the tree does not tolerate well
frosts. Many gardeners complain that young trees
freeze, and not beginning to bear fruit. To get rich
harvest a little plant a tree, you need to properly care for him.


We grow a pear according to all the rules

Before you start planting a particular pear variety,
you need to understand that the tree will grow well and bear fruit only
in a stable temperate climate. When summer is hot, and
it is cold in winter, i.e. there are no strong temperature differences. Pear
can not stand the harsh northern climate, such conditions are detrimental
affect the tree.

Professionals advise to start planting a sapling in the fall,
when the first frosts have not come yet. The optimal time will be
September October. You can plant a tree in the spring, not
later April.

Each grade has its own climate

Conventionally, all varieties of pears are divided into three

• Early in ripening, such pears are only suitable for
Chernozem region. These are the varieties: “Yellow Summer”, “Lada”, “Tonkovetka”.

• Mid-season varieties for central Russia: “Bergamot
autumn “,” Bessemyanka. “

• Late varieties for Central Russia, which are good
stored until spring: “Severyanka”, “New Year”, “Venus”.

Absolutely all varieties of pears are demanding on the soil, grow well on
lighted and warm areas, without stagnation of groundwater.

Selection and preparation of pear seedlings for planting

High-quality sapling – the key to a good harvest. For landing
young trees are selected 1-2 years old. Carefully look at the seedling: he
must be whole, without cracks, roots – without rot, good

Before planting, all seedlings should be special.
way prepared:

• If there are leaves on the branches, then it should be removed;

• Plant roots should be soaked well before planting by placing
in a container with water for a day.

Planting pears in the garden (photo)

Planting pear begins with the choice of location. Remember
that the pear prefers the light and does not tolerate the transplant, therefore
you need to immediately find a permanent place.

Under the pear garden is better to take the south side of the site. Between
trees make a long distance because some varieties
grow in width and reach up to 25 meters, the average height
tree – 10-15 meters. Planted pears separately about other fruit

The soil should be loose and nutritious, well pass water.
When planting, add a little sand and clay.

Landing pit

Proper pear planting begins with the preparation of the pit, which
must be larger than the root system. The depth of the pit can be up to 80
see. The landing pit is prepared in advance: in the fall they dig a hole for
spring planting, and for autumn – in two weeks.

When digging a hole, the soil from different layers is deposited separately.
The upper earth is mixed with organic matter, humus, which increases its
friability. Phosphorus and potassium are added to the soil mixture, all is well.
stirred. Pit fall asleep completely, compacting the soil. After landing
seedling, root collar should be 3-5 degrees higher than the ground level

Tip! Do not add fresh manure to the landing pit, it
can damage seedling roots.

Planting seedlings

At the bottom of the pit piled a mound of earth, where the seedling is placed and
straighten the roots. Departing from the center of the landing hole about 25 cm
you need to drive a peg, the height of which reaches the first branch.
Sapling cover with earth. Planting is considered correct if the tree
can not pull out.

A young seedling is tied to a support so that gusts of wind are not
could break it. Around the trunk circle make the hole and
Abundantly watered pear. Recommended to preserve soil moisture
grumble near the stem. To do this, use humus or
mowed grass. During the season a layer of mulch update.

Important! If after the rains the soil settles, then
it is necessary to add it, otherwise the root system will dry out and sapling
will die. Too deep planting of pears leads to

How to care for pear

A young pear requires more thorough care than an apple tree. Her
roots are more likely to suffer from frost, so you need to ensure
plant a good wintering. For this, seedlings are insulated with straw or
paper, sprinkled with snow.

Young trees need frequent weeding, the neighborhood with
weed contributes to the development of various diseases. Pristvolny
the circle of the plant must always be clean. Experienced Gardeners Sow
soil in the garden lupine. When it comes time to plow it into the ground,
It enriches it with essential nutrients.

Watering seedlings

For watering pears use the method of sprinkling, spraying water.
through a special irrigation system. But if there is no such system, then
watered at the root, making a groove around the circle of the trunk.

Water a pear several times a season: in spring and summer. With
too hot weather can be watered more often. Water consumption rate – to
30 liters per tree. After watering the soil must necessarily
loosen to ensure oxygen access to the roots.

Pear fertilizer

Courting for pear, you need to pay great attention to nutrition
ground. If the plant is good fruit, it requires more
amounts of fertilizer. Try not to overfeed the plant. With
preparation of nutrient mixtures should take into account the fertility

Fertilizer for seedlings need to be from the second year of cultivation
in stages. The first time they feed a tree in spring, then in autumn. But
In the summer you can also use nutritional supplements. Top dressing bring in
wet ground. On 1 square. m landings contribute:

• Organic – 3-4 kg;

• ammonium nitrate – 40 g (urea – 15 g);

• superphosphate – 50 gr;

• ash – 3 cups.

Nitrogen fertilizers are used in spring as a growth stimulator.

Crown formation (photo)

Pruning is a mandatory procedure for growing.
плодовых trees.

1. Pruning is carried out twice a season: in spring and autumn.

2. Cut out all the branches growing inside the tree.

3. Remove curves and broken shoots.

4. Shoots are shortened so that all branches are the same length.

5. All wild shoots are removed, as it serves as a source
contamination, reduces crop.

6. The cut is made at right angles with a sharp shears.

7. Place cut cut with garden pitch.

Autumn seedlings pruned in the spring at 50 cm from the ground to
formed a small compact crown. Extra skeletal branches
cut out, leaving only 4 core. They must be located
around the trunk at an angle of 45 degrees. The central escape must be
slightly longer than skeletal branches. Conducting pruning every year, you need
strive to form a pyramidal crown.

Abundant fruiting pear occurs in 5-7 years, with
subject to good tree care. If the tree is more than 10 years old, but
fruiting does not occur, then the reason lies in the wrong
care or landing. One adult tree can give up to 100 kg

Diseases of a pear (photo)

1. Scab – the tree is sick in spring, the affected leaves are covered
brown bloom and die.

2. Fruit rot – a fungal disease, the fruits are covered
putrid spots.

3. Black Mushroom – forms a black coating on young leaves.

4. Mealy dew – infects all parts of the plant, forming a patina and
black dots.

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